Halloween Scavenger Hunt

Halloween Internet Scavenger Hunt

This is a Halloween Internet Scavenger Hunt. When you are done you may explore the sites listed below. If something has changed or is unavailable, please let Mrs. Maurus know right away.

Create a new document in Google Drive and title it Halloween Hunt..

Number your answers and write or copy (CTRL+C)/paste (CTRL+V) your answers onto the document.

I don't expect you to finish this in one day, do what you can. There is a lot to explore!

When you are finished, resize the text and images to fit onto as few pages as possible, make sure your name is on your document, print it off and hand it in.

1. Go to: http://www.halloweentreats.com/

Click on recipes and find a recipe to copy and paste into your document.

2. Go to http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/WordSearchSetupForm.asp

Create a Halloween Word Search with a minimum of 15 (appropriate) Halloween words. Print your word search when it’s complete. You will staple this to the back of this assignment.

3. Find at least 5 (appropriate) Halloween pictures/images online. Copy and paste them into your document. To move your clip art images around: Double Click on the image-> Select Layout->Click on In Front of Text-> Click OK

Resize the images to fit onto your document.

4. Go to http://www.pumpkincarving101.com/pumpkin_carving_history.html

Answer the following questions: What did Native Americans call pumpkins?

Are pumpkins a vegetable or fruit?

What did the Celtics originally use as Jack-o- Lanterns?

5. Google search How far is it from Tombstone, AZ to Yellville, AR? Record in your document how many miles away the two cities are from one another and how long it would take to travel there.

6. Print off and complete the following worksheet

(You will need to use the links to conduct the research)


7. Go to: http://www.whitepages.com

Are there GHOSTS in California?

Type in Ghost for the last name. Select California and see what pops up!

List the "Ghosts" that you find.

8. Write at least one paragraph summarizing the history of the Jack-O-Lantern.

Be sure to include the countries of origin.

(in your own words- Don NOT copy and paste information).


9. Scroll down and click on the Link for the “Days of the Dead”.

List at least 5 things you have learned about the Days of the Dead Celebration

(in your own words- Don NOT copy and paste information).


10. Enter Ben & Jerry’s flavor graveyard.

Why are these flavors in the graveyard?

List at least 10 flavors of ice cream from the graveyard that you wish you could try.


I hope you have you learned something new about Halloween J.