Location 3

An agent was transported blindfolded to this special top secret location at night. It is a famous museum located at a religious spot somewhere in Europe. We received the message asking for help, quoted below. We have just received this photo of our agent on location with the information we have included, but then lost contact with her.

Message received: "We need your very help. We have uncovered a plot which will happen at an upcoming ceremony outside of our museum. We have learned that some persons plan to remove some of the statues from the top of the roof and replace them with fakes. We need you to take photos of them and show that these have not been stolen or replaced. We will be adding additional security, but cannot do it for two weeks from now. Please have an agent come and take photos so we have preserved what the original statuary looks like.


Head of the Swiss Guards"

Your tasks for this mission:

1. Identify this museum, where is it? Country and City. We will send additional help as soon as we hear back from you.

2. We retrieved the photos located below. Add your own Incognito photo to any of them and save it as proof of what the original statue(s) look like so we can store it in our files for the future.

3. See if you can locate our agent, has something been done to her? Perhaps you will spot her in one of the photos we received.

4. Using Fotoflexer add your Avatar image to the one above so we have evidence you made it there safely (the same way that you did with your ID and Avatar).

5. Post the answers to all of the above questions and your embedded image to your Blog.