

    • Open up a new Microsoft Word Document

    • Go to View-> Header & Footer and type your name in the Header box.

    • Click Close

Complete the following questions and/ or activities:

v Is Stanley the “loser” he thinks he is? Why or why not?

v Is Phil the “tough guy” he thinks he is? Why or why not?

v Erica realizes what she could have done differently to change the outcome. Will she be able to behave differently in the future? Is it hard or easy to stand up to a bully? Why or why not?

v Write 10 “Rules of Respect”

v In Microsoft Word, create a poem or rap that breaks down stereotyping and promotes respect.

v Brainstorm more ways to make your school a bully-free zone

v Be mindful of your words. Avoid stereotypical and hurtful remarks. Challenge those made by others. Silence sends a message that you are in agreement. It is not enough to refuse to laugh.

Reach out to someone you know who is the victim of bullying or

harassment. You just might find a new, true friend.

v Please take the following pledge:

“I pledge to think more about the words I use.

I will try to be aware of how my words can hurt people—even myself

I will try to replace words that hurt with words that encourage.

I will not become discouraged when I am unable to choose words perfectly because making the world a better place is hard work. And I am pledging to do that, one word at a time.”

Hand your work in when you are done