About Me

Hello!!! My name is Jamie Maurus and I am the Computer Technology and Video Production teacher at O.W. Best Middle School. Teaching and technology are my passions! I am a graduate of Eastern Michigan University in 2003 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with minors in Science and Language Arts. I am also a graduate of Marygrove College with a Master’s Degree in Education and a graduate of Michigan State University with a second Master’s Degree in Educational Media & Technology.

I was extremely fortunate to receive my first contracted teaching position as soon as I graduated in 2003 as a third grade teacher for Taylor Public Schools. The following year I received a job opportunity within Monroe Public Schools as a middle school, Language Arts and Computer teacher. This is where my love for technology began to blossom. The following year my position was cut, but I still remained in Monroe as a seventh grade Language Arts teacher. I taught Language Arts for two more years and was then moved to teaching fifth grade at the elementary school level.

In 2008, the drive to Monroe became too much for me so I began searching for a new position in a district that was closer to my home. In 2008 I was offered an amazing opportunity and was hired as an Elementary Media Specialist for Dearborn Heights School District #7. I now teach computers and technology at the middle school level at O.W. Best Middle School in Dearborn Heights. I am very fortunate and blessed to have had so many opportunities with regards to my career in education.

I have three gorgeous, smart and amazing children, Blake, Emmersyn, & Avery and the four of us live in Canton. My son just recently graduated from Michigan State University and will begin attending Medical School next fall. In my spare time I love to spend time with my family and friends. I also enjoy traveling, shopping, playing softball, going to the beach, bike riding, running, riding my Peloton, being outdoors, photography, and listening to music (I even like to sing in my spare time, though I am far from good at it).

Technology is a huge part of my life and I hope to continue learning about the newest technology tools, programs and applications that are available, as technology is always advancing and changing. I absolutely love teaching technology to my students and colleagues!