Fast Food Fun


    • Students will be able to create a spreadsheet and use formulas to solve problems.


CI.2- Create an original project using a variety of media to present content information to an audience.

CT.1- Use Spreadsheets to make predictions, develop strategies, and evaluate decisions to assist with problem solving.

RI.1- Use a variety of resources to locate information.


Step One:

Decide which 3 fast food restaurants you are going to visit. Click on that restaurant's web site below.



Other Restaurants: (This site allows you to search many fast food restaurant sites.)

    • Once there, plan a meal with a sandwich, salad or other main dish, a side dish (french fries, etc), a drink, and a dessert. For each item on your menu, record the total grams of fat, calories and the calories from fat.

Entering Data and Formulas:

  • Create your spreadsheet similar to the one above. You will enter the grams of fat in column B, the calories in column C, the fat calories in column D, and the percentage of fat in column E.

  • Be sure to bold your titles and headings.

  • Also, Make sure you Merge your main title (the title of your restaurant)

  • To figure out total fat, calories, total calories from fat, and percentage from fat, you can use the AutoSum button

    • To figure out the total percentage of fat, divide total calories by total fat calories. HINT: =(D3/AC3)

  • To figure out the percentage of calories from fat, divide fat calories by calories. Format the cells in column E for percentage. (HINT: =C2/B2)

  • Be sure to format your cells so that it's nice and neat looking. You will need to increase the size of your cells and merge your restaurant title. Don't forget to Bold all of your headings.

Creating Charts:

You will now create three charts for each of the 3 fast food restaurants that you research.

Sample Charts

You'll be making a chart to go along with each spreadsheet. Save it as part of your spreadsheet.

Create this column chart by selecting the data in columns A, B, and C. I didn't include the total calories for my meal, but you can if you want. Don't forget to give it a title and to label your axes.

To Make Your Life Easier...

- Do NOT total Percentage of Fat

-To create your chart you will highlight EVERYTHING except the restaurant title.

- Click on Chart Wizard

-Click on the Series tab

-Remove all of the headings except for Fat and Calories From Fat

-The title is the restaurant name

-X Axis: Food

-Y Axis: Calories

Grading Rubric:

Fast Food Fun





Manipulate a spreadsheet: enter and format data and use formulas and functions.

Entered most data correctly, some incorrect formatting, attempted to use formulas and functions

Entered all data correctly, was able to format data, attempted to use formulas and functions

Entered all data correctly, completed required formatting, used formulas and functions correctly

Entered all data correctly, completed required formatting, used formulas and functions correctly, used advanced formatting techniques to design spreadsheet

Create a bar graph to analyze data

Created minimal charts lacking correct chart elements; incorrect data displayed

Created minimal charts lacking correct chart elements; correct data displayed

Created required charts with correct elements including title, names of axes, legend, and data labels; correct data displayed

Spreadsheet is not formatted very neatly. Many of the following is missing: Headings are bold and all information is centered. Titles are evident and spelled correctly

Created required charts with correct elements including title, names of axes, legend, and data labels; correct data displayed; used advanced charting techniques to design charts beyond requirements

Spreadsheet is not at all formatted neatly. None of the following is evident: Headings are bold and all information is centered. Titles are evident and spelled correctly


Formatting of Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet is neatly formatted. Headings are bold and all information is centered. Titles are evident and spelled correctly

Spreadsheet is mostly formatted neatly. One of the following is missing: Headings are bold and all information is centered. Titles are evident and spelled correctly
