Digital Story

Digital Story Video


You will now take your Interactive Poster to the next level and create a digital story all about you.


Use Animoto to create a fun, digital story about yourself. Include in your digital story the information listed below along with any other information that you would like others to know. Be original and creative!

Step 1: Creating Your Animoto Account

1. Go to Animoto

2. In the upper right corner, click on Sign Up

3. Complete the registration for your Free Trial and then Write your username and password down on your Username and Password Login Sheet

4. Once you have completed the registration form, click Start Trial.

Step 2: Customizing Your Digital Story

1. Once you are logged in, click on Create in the upper right corner.

2. Click on Create underneath Slideshow Video.

3. Click Create underneath Animoto Memories.

4. Select a Video Style that you wish to use

(you can always preview this and/or change this later).

5. Click on Create

6. Once your Slideshow Video Project loads, you now have the opportunity to personalize the music to your Digital Story. To do this, you may choose one of Animoto’s songs OR you may select a song of your choice. To do this, you will locate your song on YouTube (the clean version), copy the video’s URL and then head over to Audio Downloader OR this Audio Converter to convert your YouTube video to an MP3. You will download the MP3 and then upload the song into your Digital Story.

** Click here to use Animoto's recommended converter.

Step 3: Requirements For Your Digital Story

1. Your digital story must have a title slide (i.e. All About Me By: Jamie).

2. Your digital story must have the following image slides along with captions describing each slide (These will look familiar as they were the same requirements as in your Interactive Poster). In order to locate the images, you will do a Google Image search, right click on the images and Save Image As to one of your student folders.

**GIFS, Animations and/orPictures Along With Descriptive Text

of the following are to be Included in Your Video Presentation**

· Title Slide

· The Avatar that you created for your portfolio, a photo of yourself, or something that represents you.

· Your Birthday

· Your Favorite Song

· Your Favorite Movie

· Your Favorite Television Show

· Favorite Food

· Favorite Sport/Activity/Book/Hobby (choose 1, 2, 3, and/orAll :)

· What are some things you like to do in your spare time?

· Your Favorite school subject(s)

· Places you have visited and/or places you would like to visit

· What you want to be when you grow up?

· One goal that you have for this school year/quarter/life.

· Where do you see yourself when you are 30? What do you think you will be doing?

· 6 additional slides with images/text telling me other things about you. (This could be about your pets, your favorite color, your best friends, who’s in your family, etc.)

** You will have a total of at least 20 slides in your Digital Story Video

Sharing Your Digital Story

When your Digital Story Video is complete:

  • Click Preview Video

  • Watch your Digital Story and once you feel that you have met all requirements of this project, select Produce.

  • Give your Digital Story a title and select Finish.

  • Click on Link (on right) and Copy Link to Clipboard

  • Log into your Gmail Account

  • Click on Compose Mail (on the left side)

  • In the To box type in my email address:

  • In the Subject box type Digital Story

  • Paste your Glog's URL into the body of your email (CTRL +V)

  • Click Send

Linking Your Digital Story to Your Electronic Portfolio

  • After you copy the Link to your Digital Story:

  • Log into your Electronic Portfolio.

  • Click on the Honeycomb (More Actions) button (top right) and select Edit Site Layout

  • Click on the word Navigation on your Sidebar on the left side of your website

  • Select Add URL

  • Text to Display: Digital Story URL or Email: Paste the URL to your Glog

  • Click on the box to Open This Link in a New Window.

  • Click OK, OK, Close (upper right corner in Blue Box)