
The Road to My Masters Degree in Educational Technology

By Jamie L. Maurus

My teaching career started in 2003 when I received the opportunity to teach in a third grade public school classroom within the Taylor Public School District. This classroom was unique in the fact that the only form of technology that it possessed was an over head projector. This was a very good thing because prior to this, while perusing my undergraduate degree, I had only been required to take two technology courses. Due to the lack of technology training that I had, I didn’t think twice about my technology inept classroom.

The following year I was hired as a middle school computer teacher within Monroe Public Schools. I had NO CLUE what to do and how in the world I was even qualified for this position, but I was. Over the summer, before I was to start teaching my computer courses, I did a great deal of research and independent learning so that I would know a little something when I walked into my new classroom in the fall.

When I did walk into my classroom, I was overwhelmed! My classroom had thirty-one computers in it! I went from a classroom with zero computers to one with more than I thought I could handle. Being the confident person that I am, I truly embraced my position as a computer teacher and I grew to love what I was doing. Not only did I love my job, but my students were actually learning some pretty amazing things from me. I was impressed and started gaining a thirst for learning about technology.

My days of a computer teacher were short lived. The following school year my position was dissolved and I received the opportunity to teach seventh grade language arts. At the time, this was an area I felt pretty confident in. I began to wonder though, could I take what I learned about computers and technology over the past year and some how tie it into my language arts curriculum? This is something I learned that I could do and something that I did do. Not only did it make my job a bit easier, it also made my students learning experience a lot more fun. We spent a lot of time in the library media center and I continued to learn about new technology trends on my own.

During this time I decided to begin a Masters Degree program with some of my colleagues. Perusing a new degree was something new to me so I took it upon myself to get my Masters Degree in Education. I figured that I was highly qualified and certified to teach elementary school, middle school language arts, and middle school science and, at the time, that was plenty for me. I received my Masters Degree in the area of education in 2006.

I continued teaching seventh grade language arts for another year and then spent my last year working for Monroe Public Schools teaching the fifth grade. I say, “my last year” because during the summer of 2008, I received the opportunity to be an Elementary School Media Specialist within Dearborn Heights School District 7.

This was a huge opportunity for me and my love for technology truly heightened during the beginning of this career opportunity. The first training session that I attended in District 7 was all about Web 2.0. I had never heard of Web 2.0 and walking out of that in-service, I wanted to learn so much more about it.

My first year as a Media Specialist was amazing. I learned so much through the lessons that I taught my students and in-services that I received the opportunity to attend. I felt as if I was more successful in this position than I had been in the past, but I still wanted more and my hunger was growing to learn more.

In 2009, I began a journey that would change what I knew about technology and its uses in the classroom forever. I knew that I wanted to go back to school, but I was newly married with a ten year old son and plans to soon have another child. There was no time for me to go to actual classes to complete a program or degree. After a great deal of research I discovered the Masters in Educational Technology (MAET) program through Michigan Stare University. This was a program that was taught solely online and gave me the opportunity to earn another Masters Degree, an educational technology certificate, and an endorsement and additional certification in Educational Technology. This program was exactly what I was looking for.

When I enrolled into the MAET program, I decided to break it up into three parts/goals for myself so that it would seem to go by faster and so that I wouldn’t get too overwhelmed with things.

Certificate in Educational Technology

To earn my certificate in Educational Technology I was required to take three courses. Through these courses I was introduced and exposed to technologies that I never knew existed and learned ways to use and integrate these technologies into my classroom. Some of the technologies that I was introduced to were RSS Feeds and Readers, Social Book Marking, Blogging, Advanced Power Points, Web 2.0 Technologies, Podcasting, Internet Safety, Web Design and WebQuests. On top of this we were further educated on Microsoft Word, Excel, and Internet Safety.

Needless to say, I was beyond impressed with my first three courses in the MAET program. Through these courses I built a web page (from scratch) using Dream Weaver. This Web Page I use daily in my classroom. I post links, games, resources and daily assignments for my students to utilize both at school and at home. I feel as if I am now a pro at web design, however when I was first introduced to web design I never thought I would feel as comfortable as I do today. As I look back now I remember how frustrated I was as I could not get my web page to post to my AFS space. My frustration caused me to accidentally send an email seeking help to everyone who is enrolled in the MAET program at Michigan State. I received oodles of responses. Most of which had zero clue what I was talking about…whoops! I learned that with a little bit of time and patience anything is possible and I now have an amazing web page that my colleagues and students are able to utilize and learn from and that makes everyone’s lives a little bit easier.

Educational Technology (NP) Endorsement

The next goal that I set for myself was to earn my Educational Technology (NP) Endorsement. This is an additional certification that is added to my teaching certificate that makes me “highly qualified” in the area of Educational Technology. The three certification courses were part of the requirements to receive the endorsement. On top of the three certification courses, four more courses (twenty-one graduate credits) were required. These additional courses focused on technology education leadership, composing an action research project, psychology in the classroom, and creating an online class/unit.

I absolutely loved creating an online unit! To do this I used Moodle. Moodle is a free course management system in which you are able to use to create online courses, units and lessons. When I first created my course in Moodle, I thought that I could download Moodle, create my course and be done with it. Little did I know that Moodle could not be downloaded onto my computer because it didn’t have a server big enough to house it. My instructor however was able to give us access to Michigan State’s server in order for me to create my online unit. I chose to create a fifth grade Mystery Unit and implemented things that the classroom teacher and I both taught into it. Hosting an online unit so impressive to me that I wanted to actually utilize it in my own class. Thankfully, my school district was able to house my unit on their server and my unit was a HUGE hit with the fifth grade students and teachers. Students didn’t look at the lessons as work. Because everything was done using the computer they thought of it as fun. It makes me feel successful as a teacher when my students can learn while having fun.

Masters Degree in Educational Technology

I can’t believe how fast the time has flown and how quickly I reached the light at the end of my tunnel. Once I reached this point, after receiving my certificate and endorsement, I found out that I only had to take one last class, my capstone portfolio course, in order to graduate. It turns out that one class that I took at Marygrove College during my first graduate program counted as credit towards my Educational Technology Masters Degree.

My capstone portfolio course is one that has truly proven to be beneficial for me. Through this course I learned how to create a portfolio online (through the use of Google Sites) and publish information to it that students, parents, and colleagues to use and explore. My portfolio web page is something that I take a great deal of pride in and will continue to use and update on a regular basis even when I complete the Educational Technology program.

The End of My Journey… Or Just the Beginning

As I come to the end of this journey, I realize that this is really just the beginning of another one. Looking back a year and a half ago I cannot believe how I have learned in such a short time. I never thought in a million years that I would have acquired so many new skills to apply and utilize in my classroom. I believe that through this program many new and exciting doors will open for me and I am excited to see what opportunities arise.

Everything I have learned I have and/or will try (in some way) to implement into my classroom. The new technologies I have introduced to my students thus far are ones that have really stood out and that others have noticed and complimented me on. These technologies have also created excitement within my students to learn and has made the learning process so much more fun.

Technology is one area that teachers really need to stay on top of. It seems as soon as you learn about something a new and more advanced technology is introduced shortly after. This is one reason I love working in the field of technology, it changes daily and this keeps me on my toes.

I look forward to continuing to learn about and expose myself to new technologies. I feel much more confident in myself as a teacher, a leader, and a learner through the MAET program and am very excited to see what lies ahead.