Cruising Through the 6th Grade


Students will be able to create a web based presentation utilizing the animation, word art, shapes and drawing toolbar features within Google Slides.

I can create a web based presentation utilizing the drawing, shapes, word art and animation toolbar features.


CI.2- Create an original project to present information to an audience.

DC.5- Create media rich presentations


    • Log into your Gmail, open up your Google Drive and create a New Google Slide/Presentation.

    • The object of this assignment is for you to create a presentation that consists of 3 slides. Each of the slides must be created using the Animation, Word Art, Lines, and Shape tools in Google Slides.

    • Your first slide should include the text Crusing Through the 6th Grade along with a scene and animated car of some sort.

Each of your 3 slides must contain the following:

    • An animated car driving down a road.

    • A detailed scene of something that you would see if you were cruising down the road.

    • Images and/or graphics created using lines and/or shapes.

    • Some sort of animation.

Example Cruising Through the Sixth Grade

Step 1: Slide 1

Create a Title Page Using Word Art

You are going to make a title page (your 1st slide) for your slide show. The first thing you will create is the title and you will use WordArt to do this.

Find the blue capital A on your Drawing toolbar. If you don't see it, click view on your standard toolbar, select toolbars, then select WordArt. The toolbar looks like this:

    • Click on the WordArt button to open the WordArt Gallery. Select a WordArt style from the given selection by double clicking on the style. Click OK.

    • The Edit WordArt Text dialog box will open.

    • Choose the font style and size that you want for your text.

    • Place your cursor in the Text box and type the title of your slide show "Cruising Through the 6th Grade," then click OK.


Notice that small white boxes appear around the text. You can resize your text by holding down the left mouse button and dragging your text till you get it the size you want.

You can also move the text around the page by moving your cursor around your text until an arrow appears. This lets you know that if you now hold down the left mouse button, it will allow you to move the text instead of resize it. Now you will experiment with formatting the WordArt text. Right click on your text, then choose format WordArt. A box will open with several options to choose from.

Editing WordArt

You may edit your WordArt object, at anytime to change the words from the original. Just double-click the object to reopen the dialog box, place your mouse cursor at the point in the text that has to be changed.

When finished click on the OK button.

Reposition the object attractively on your document if necessary. When you click on the WordArt, you are selecting it. When you select the WordArt, the WordArt toolbar will appear:

The Shape button on the WordArt toolbar says ABC on the face of the icon. When you click on it, a grid of 40 different shapes appears.

You can select a different shape for your WordArt object by clicking on the shape you wish to change your WordArt to. Click the WordArt object to make it active and then click the icon with the paint can and brush. See that the first tab is selected that says Colors and Lines.

The next step is to drop down the arrow next to the color box in the Fill portion of the dialog box. Select Fill Effects. As you can easily see, this format box controls just about everything you would want to do with this object.

Choose a Preset color arrangement from the Gradient tab of the dialog box. Experiment with several until you find one that suits you.

Choose the Texture tab. Choose a texture from the list. There are 24 different textures for you to try.

The Patterns tab of the Fill Effects dialog box allows you to play not only with color for the foreground and background, but pattern lines as well. The last dialog box is for Pictures to be used as fills. You can change the Shadow shape, color and line color very easily. On the Drawing toolbar you'll see on the far right end two icons that deal with Shadow

and 3-D . Select your WordArt object then choose the shadow icon. The pop-up menu (below), will appear for you to select a shadow type to suit your need.

If you select the Shadow Settings... button at the bottom you will be given more choices to use and a lot more control. There may be times when your shadow color would be more appropriate if it matched the color used in the background instead of the silver color that is defaulted. More Shadow Colors... gives you more colors to work with than you'll ever be able to use!

Choose More Shadow Colors... to pick a different shade if you choose.

The 3-D feature will change the look of your work and allows you to be a little more creative. Be sure to select the WordArt object then click on the 3-D button

on the Drawing toolbar. Next choose the direction and amount of extrusion desired for

your object.

You may wish to experiment with the lighting (angle of direct light to create the 3-D effect) by clicking on the blue lamp icon from the 3-D Settings toolbar.

There are 8 angles to choose from, each will be demonstrated on the center cube. You may also choose Bright, Normal or Dim lighting. (The ways to tweak this puppy are almost endless; so don't get too carried away.) You may choose a color for your extruded portion as well as the face of the object, more fun for you!

Experiment with the fill colors and fill effects choice to see how it effects your text. Also experiment with the size and position options to see how your text changes.

Inserting Text Boxes

Now you will insert a text boxe that will display the words "by" and "your name."

    • Select the text button

      • on the drawing toolbar to open the text box which will hold these words. If you don't see this button, click view on your standard toolbar, then select toolbars, then drawing from your selection list.

    • After clicking the text button, click on the page to open the text box.

    • In the text box type the words"by" and "your name."

    • Position them on your page where you get the best effect.

Adding A Background To Your Slide

The next thing you will do is add a background to your title slide.

    • Use the Rectangle shape on the Drawing Toolbar to create your background. You can change the color by double clicking on the rectangle

    • If your background covers one of your images or your Word Art: Right Click on the shape ---->Click on Order -----> Send to Back

The Drawing Toolbar

You will now become aquatinted with your drawing toolbar. To make sure it is open, click view, and if a check appears by drawing toolbar, it is open in your program. The drawing toolbar is usually located at the bottom of your screen. This is what you should see:

You will first create a road like the image below:

    • First, click the rectangle on your drawing toolbar, then drag the rectangle to fit across you slide.

    • Click the arrow by the fill button to choose the color of your road, then click in the rectangle to fill it with color OR double click on the object you are wanting to fill with color and modify the color this way.

    • Now you will create small rectangles to represent the lines in the road. Fill these lines with a yellow color. When you have the road the way you want it, you will group them together so the road becomes one.

  • Next, find a car graphic and insert it on your page. You don't have to have an animated car because you can apply the transition of having the car move across the page.

How to Locate and Save Graphics and/or Images

You Find Online

You will save all graphics and pictures that you find to your student folder (right click on image, chose save as, then type in the name you assign to the graphic and save each graphic to your My Pictures Folder).

You want to choose things that you would see while cruising in a car (corn fields, rabbits, lakes, cities, cars, etc.) You will also need a picture of a car. Some useful web sites are:

Animated Gif Finder

Ricks Tropical Gifs

Pics For Learning

You can also do a search for your graphics by name (car graphics, palm tree animated gifs, etc.) by going to Google Images or Bing Images and typing your search word in the search box.

Inserting Pictures and Graphics Into Your Presentation

  • Select Insert-> Picture-> From File

  • Locate a picture and click on Insert


  • Copy and Paste your Image

  • When you have your car graphic in place, continue applying graphics that represents the surroundings in Michigan.

Animating Your Car (or any picture/graphic)

  • Click on the picture you would like to make move (animate)

  • Click on Slide Show

  • Select Custom Animation

  • Click on Add Effect-> Motion Paths -> Draw Custom Path, choose the path you would like to use and draw the path that you would like your vehicle to move in.

After you animate your car, be sure you have your car Start After Previous

Inserting a New Slide

You will now select Insert-> new slide


Select the slide you want the new slide to appear after and hit Enter

Insert 3 new slides (your slide show will consist of 4 total slides)

Step 2: Slides 2-4

The next 3 slides of your presentation will contain the road and animated car that you created for slide one. It will also include drawings (using the Drawing Toolbar), animations and pictures that represent scenery that you would see if you were Cruising in your car.

For each slide, you will need to copy (CTRL + C) and paste (CTRL + V) the animated car and road that you created in Slide 1.

On each slide your car will be cruising down the street in front of each scene you create.

For example, one slide could be a scene of your car cruising down the road in front of some boats on a lake.

Another slide could be of your car cruising down the street in Downtown Detroit or maybe a campground where you would use boats, fishing, etc. to represent activities that take place there.

Use the different features on the drawing, picture, and word art toolbars to add your own art work to the page (there are a ton of options in Auto Shapes) Every student will have a different slide show, representing different scenes.

Plese refer to Fancy Things Up for some extra help if needed.

Adding Transitions

You will now add transitions to your slide show to give your

presentation a more professional look.

    • Click on Slide Show

    • Select Slide Transition

  • Choose a transition of your choice. Please note: You may have to change the speed of your transition.

  • Select Apply to All.

Grading Rubric

      • Cruising Through the 6th Grade

  • Student Name: ________________________________________

Total Points: _____________