Creating Your Electronic Portfolio

Creating Your Electronic Portfolio (and Your Web Presence)


Just as you can be a different person to different people (sibling, child, cousin, student, friend, etc), you can be deliberate about developing different areas of your web presence. Even at your age, it is important to begin thinking about creating a more formal or “professional” web presence.  You will have the option to one of three options to create your web presence.  Are you prepared to create yours? 

For this activity, you will be creating an electronic portfolio using Google Sites. With this portfolio you will be posting all work that you complete in my class. Not only will this be a useful tool in my class, but I am hoping that you continue to utilize your electronic portfolio throughout the remainder of your middle school career and beyond.



 STWBAT create a web based, electronic portfolio (website) using Google Sites.

I can create a web based portfolio using Google Sites. 



RI.1- Use a variety of digital resources to locate information.

CC.1- Use digital resources to collaborate with peers, experts, and other audiences.

CI.2- Create an original project using a variety of media.

CC.3- Identify effective uses of technology to support communication with family, peers, or school personnel.



1. Go to and log into your Gmail account

2. On the top, right side of the page, click on the Google Applications icon (as shown in the image below).

3. Once you click on the Google App's icon, locate and select Sites.

5. Click on Create New Site

6. Select Student Profile template and then follow the directions below:

 Name your Site: Please give this site your first name and the word Portfolio (i.e. Blake's Portfolio. Do not ever share your last name on anything that you post online. 

 Header: Your header should say, Welcome to My Electronic Portfolio. Feel free to change the header background and format the text style & color. 

About Me: Edit and modify the About Me section on your homepage so that it's actually about YOU. This should be at least one paragraph and please make sure your spelling and grammar are correct.