Final Portfolio Screencast

Screencasting Your Electronic Portfolio


  • Students will be able to create a screencast of their final portfolio using a web based application.

I can create a screencast of my final portfolio, demonstrating what I learned this quarter.


  • CI.2- Create a project using a variety of applications and formats.

  • CC.2-Use digital resources to collaborate with peers, experts, and other audiences.

  • CC.3- Identify effective uses of technology to support communication with peers, family, or school personnel.

  • TC.6-Use accurate technology terminology.

What is Screencasting?

Screencasting is a unique presentation tool that allows you create a presentation or video of everything that is on your screen.

Recommended Screencasting Programs:

  • Screencast-O-Matic- is a free screen recorder that instantly captures your screen for sharing. You can use it right in your web browser without having to install anything.

  • Jing- captured anything you see on your computer screen and turns it into an image or short video. Jing requires you to install the program onto your computer.

For this assignment, you are going to be creating a screencast of your final portfolio. You will use the program Screencast-O-Maticfor this project.


Step 1

1. Log into your Electronic Portfolio

2. Open up a new Google Drive document and title it Final Screencast.

3. You will now create a Script showing off your amazing Electronic Portfolio that you've created in my class. Your screencast should have an introduction, telling me your first name and grade level. You should then explain each page and link on your Electronic Portfolio, telling your audience the name of each site, project, what you did on the project and your thoughts on the program or application you used (see example below).

Step 2: Creating Your Script

Your script should start with something similar to the following:

Hello, my name is Blake (but with your name. Remember NOT to use your last name) and I am in the 7th grade. For my computer and technology class, I was required to create a web-based portfolio of all of the work I did in this class.

This is the home page of my Electronic Portfolio that I created for my computer class and at the sidebar on the left, you will see all of the assignments that I have created for my computer technology class.

You will now finish your script by clicking on each assignment (page and link) that you have created on your sidebar this quarter. When you click on each link, you will tell me what the program/application that you used is called, briefly tell me what you did with this program and explain one thing that you learned about each program.

When you are done with your script, print it off so that you can use it for the next part of this assignment.

Step 3: Creating Your Screencast

1. Go to Screencast-O-Matic and make sure you have a microphone plugged in and ready.

2. Click on Log In and register for a new account (make sure you write down your username and password on your Username and Password Login Sheet

3. Once you have created your account and are ready to record, click on Start Recording.

4. Drag the screencasting box to cover your entire screen so that your Electronic Portfolio is entirely visible.

5. When you’re ready to start recording your script, click on the red, Start Recording button in the upper left corner.

6. Read through your script while clicking on the links on your Electronic Portfolio that corresponds with what you are reading.

7. When you are done recording click on Done.

8. Preview your recording to make sure your voice is clear and that you have covered all parts of your Electronic Portfolio.

9. Once your screencast is exactly how you want it, click on Publish to Video File on the right side of the screen.

10. The Video Type should be MP4. Click on Save Video, title your file Portfolio Screencast and save it to you’re my Documents Folder.

Step 4: Sharing Your Screencast

1. Log into your Gmail and Compose a new email.

2. Attach your Portfolio Screencast to your email and send it to me at