Interactive Crossword Puzzle

Creating an Interactive Crossword in Google Sheets


  • Students will be able to create an interactive crossword puzzle using Microsoft Excel that is based on researched information.


  • CI.2- Create a project using a variety of applications and formats

  • RI.1- Use a variety of digital resources to locate information.

Step 1

Coming Up With the Clues For Your Crossword

First you must come up with 20 clues and 20 answers. The clues for your Crossword Puzzle will be facts about 20 states and the answers will be the actual state. You will use the 20 states site below to find your 15 clues.

Fun State Facts

Your clues and answers MUST be typed in Google Docs like this:


Step 2

Creating Your Crossword "Skeleton"

Once you have your 15 words and clues typed out in Google Docs, go to Puzzle Maker to format your puzzle.

Follow the directions for creating your crossword. Make sure you include your name in step 1, as the title. This will distinguish your crossword from the other student's crossword when they are printed out.

Print out your crossword.

Once you print out your crossword puzzle, you will need to actually complete it with a pencil. This should be very simple as you already have all of the clues and answers typed out in Word. Your crossword will be the skeleton of how you will format your actual Interactive Crossword Puzzle.

Step 3

Creating Your Crossword Puzzle in

Google Sheets

Open up a new Google Sheets spreadsheet in Google Drive and name it Interactive Crossword Puzzle.

You will now enter all 15 of your words into your spreadsheet. You want a blank column to appear on both the left and right side of your crossword as well as a blank row above and below your crossword.

You will type in one letter for each state in each cell, recreating the exact crossword puzzle you just printed off from Puzzle Maker.

Entering Words in Your Excel Worksheet How to Video

Step 4

Formatting Your Crossword Puzzle in Google Sheets

Place all borders around all your words in the puzzle and center align text in cells both vertically and horizontally. Do not add borders to any of the blank cells. Click on Borders tab on the Formatting toolbar.

Vertically and Horizontally align your text in the cells. Select the cells with the text and click the vertical and horizontal alignment buttons on the Home tab.

Add Borders and Vertically and Center Align Text How to Video

Change the size of the cells.

Select all the cells in your worksheet by clicking the box above the number 1 and to the left of the A column.

Shrink each column and widen each row so that they are perfect squares, like your Puzzlemaker Crossword. To do this, right click on the top of one of the selected columns, select Resize Column, Enter New Column Width 25.

Do the same thing with the row size and set the New Row Width to 20.

Add a Solid Color to Fill the Empty Cells That Do Not Contain Text

Select the empty cells by holding down the left mouse and dragging over them. Click on the fill paint can and select a color. The fill color will then be applied to the empty cells. You will have to do this in sections so that you don't select the cells that contain text.

Adding Clues By Inserting Comments To Your Puzzle.

  • Make sure you have your Google Document open. Copy each clue, then Right click on the first letter of the word of one of your words, right click and select Insert Comment. **Make sure you include Across and Down in your comment box and then paste (CTRL+V) your clue.Feel free to change the font color or fill color of your comment.

  • Add all 15 clues to your interactive crossword. The How to Video demonstrates how to insert one comment but you will add all 15 comments to your puzzle.

  • Format each comment using the buttons on the formatting toolbar.

Adding Comments and Formatting How to Video

Step 5

Adding Conditional Formatting

The next step is to add conditional formatting to the cell so that when the correct letters are placed in the cell the cell will turn green and green text will appear in the cell. If the text is incorrect the letter will appear red.

Pick one letter, hold down the CTRL key and select each of the same letters on your spreadsheet (i.e. if you click on and select the letter A, hold down the CTRL key and select all of the letter A's).

Click in one of the letters in the puzzle. Click Format -> Conditional Formatting and click on the "Add Another Rule" to Add New Rule. Select from the drop down menu, Text that Contains. In the Value or Formula box type in the letter that you have selected (Using my my example above, you would type the letter A). Underneath Formatting Style select Text Color and choose the color Green (any green works) and click Done. All of the selected letters should now be colored green.

Now, we need to add the incorrect response conditional formatting, turning the text red if it is incorrect to the same text cell. Click on the "Add Another Rule" to Add New Rule. Select from the drop down menu, Text Does Not Contain. In the Value or Formula box type in the letter that you have selected (Using my my example above, you would type the letter A). Underneath Formatting Style select Text Color and choose the color Red (any color red) and click Done.

Add Conditional Formatting to Puzzle How To Video

Step 6

Duplicating Worksheet 1 and Renaming Tabs

Now you will need to create an Answer Key as well as a Blank Crossword. First you will need to duplicate Worksheet 1. To do this, right click on the Worksheet One tab on the bottom of the screen and select Duplicate. Double click on Sheet 1 and name it Crossword then double click on Copy of Sheet 1 and name it Answer Key.

How to Duplicate and Rename Worksheets Video

Delete Empty Sheets:

Sheet 3 and Sheet 4 you don't need so you will delete them. Right click on both sheets and choose delete.

How to Delete Unused Sheets Video

Delete all Letters in Crossword:

Select all cells by clicking on the gray box above row 1 and to the left of column A. With the Home tab selected in the edit section on your ribbon click the clear icon then select Clear Contents.

All the letters in your puzzle should now be cleared.

How to Clear All Contents From Your Crossword Puzzle Video

Step 7

Inserting WordArt

Using Cool Text Maker type "Fun State Facts" in the dialog box and drag and drop your Cool Text into your Interactive Crossword Puzzle.

Step 8

Adding an Image(s)

Locate a clip art image or find an image online: Search for states and select a U.S.A. graphic and Insert it into your Interactive Crossword Puzzle

(Right Click on image->Save Image As).

Step 9

Adding Your Crossword Puzzle to Your Electronic Portfolio

  • Open up your Electronic Portfolio and select create New Page.

  • Title your page Interactive Crossword Puzzle

  • Click on Insert->Drive->Spreadsheet and select your Interactive Crossword Puzzle Spreadsheet. Click Select.

  • Format your spreadsheet (Center Allign, Modify the Size, Etc.)

Adding the Link to Your Crossword Puzzle

to Your Sidebar

Adding Your Mystery Database to the

Sidebar on Your Electronic Portfolio

Follow the directions below to do this:

  • Click Save (top right of your page)

  • Click on the Settings (Honeycomb) button (top right) and select Edit Site Layout

  • Click My Links on your Sidebar on the left side of your website.

  • Select Add Page

  • Locate your Interactive Crossword Puzzle page and select it.

  • Click OK, OK, Close