Dragonriders of Pern

As far as I can remember, I was aware of the Pern books before purchasing my first one, but I hadn't bought any as I was not sure of the order in which to read them. I am sure that was still the case when I bought 'Dragonsdawn', but because of the title and the back cover synopsis, it seemed like this would be the logical place to start.

I have since learnt that if you read the books in the chronological order in which they happen, then 'Dragonsdawn' is the place to start, but if you read them in the published order, it is the ninth book in the series.

You can, in fact, almost read these books in any order, as most are stand-alone novels, except for a few trilogies, and as you will note from my reading order shown below, this has been the case for me.

'Dragonsdawn' is a fascinating application of science fiction to produce a story containing fantasy themes, i.e. Fire Breathing Dragons, and is a wonderful concept to produce a series of engaging stories.

The inhabitants of Pern are descendants of a colony mission from Earth, as detailed in 'Dragonsdawn', but due to 'Thread', which is a biological threat on Pern, have lost most of the technological knowledge of their forebears, so the world they inhabit has regressed to a pre-industrial level, which is the era in which most of the others books are set.

Dragonsdawn: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 09

In the beginning, before Thread, before the Dragons, before the Holds and the Weyrs and the elite Dragonriders of Pern, was just the great ships gliding through space with nearly six thousand colonists prepared to tackle the mighty task of beginning a new world on a strange planet.

It was a jewel of a planet, with rivers and seas and mountains, and breathable air and growing things. Then came the terror. The strange, unidentifiable circles in the grass suddenly revealed a meaning, and every living thing was at risk. Many died -- a horrible and consuming death. All resources, every man, woman and child had to fight the terrible nightmare of Thread.

But a new creature was about to save the planet. From the delicate fire lizards a new life was born -- a new symbiosis between man and beast. 



Date Acquired

28th September 1992

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Dragonsblood: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 18

Never in the dramatic history of Pern has there been a more dire emergency than that which faces the young dragonrider Lorana. A mysterious fatal illness is striking dragons. The epidemic is spreading like wildfire…and the next deadly cycle of Threadfall is only days away. Somehow, Lorana must find a cure before the dragons–including her own beloved Arith–succumb to the sickness, leaving Pern undefended.

The lyrics of an all-but-forgotten song seem to point toward an answer from nearly five hundred years in the past, when Kitti Ping and her daughter Wind Blossom bred the first dragons from their smaller cousins, the fire-lizards. No doubt the first colonists possessed the advanced technology to find the cure for which Lorana seeks, but over the centuries, that knowledge has been lost.Or has it?

For in the distant past, an aged Wind Blossom worries that the germs that affect the fire-lizards may one day turn on larger prey–and unleash a plague that will destroy the dragons, Pern’s only defenders against Thread. But as her people struggle to survive, Wind Blossom has neither the time nor the resources to expend on a future that may never arrive–until suddenly she uncovers evidence that her worst fears will come true.

Now two brave women, separated by hundreds of years but joined by bonds transcending time, will become unknowing allies in a desperate race against sickness and Threadfall, with nothing less than the survival of all life on Pern at stake.



Date Acquired

5th May 2007

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Dragon's Fire: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 20

Pellar is an orphan taken in by Masterharper Zist. Though born mute, Pellar is a gifted tracker, and when Zist sets off to take over as harper for Natalon’s coal-mining camp, Pellar–along with his fire-lizard, Chitter–joins him on a secret mission of his own: to find out if reported thefts of coal are the work of the Shunned, criminals condemned to a life of wandering and hardship.

Halla is one of the children of the Shunned. Though innocent of their parents’ crimes, these children have inherited their cruel punishment. Lack of food, shelter, and clothes is their lot; hope is unknown to them. And what future would they hope for? Without a hold to call their own, there will be no protection for them when the lethal Thread inevitably falls again. Life is even tougher for Halla. Her family gone, she must fend for herself. Yet despite the brutality of her surroundings, Halla is kind and gentle, devoted to those more helpless than she.

As depraved as Halla is good, Tenim is in league with Tarik, a crooked miner from Camp Natalon, who helps him steal coal in exchange for a cut of the profit. But Tenim soon realizes there is a lot more to be made from firestone, the volatile mineral that enables the dragons of Pern to burn Thread out of the sky. Tenim doesn’t care what he has to do, or whom he has to kill, in order to corner the market.

Cristov is Tarik’s son. Dishonoured by his father’s greed and treachery, the boy must make amends somehow, even if it means risking his life by mining the volatile firestone, which detonates on contact with the slightest drop of moisture.

When the last remaining firestone mine explodes in flames, a desperate race begins to find a new deposit of the deadly but essential mineral, for without it there can be no defence against Thread. But Tenim has a murderous plan to turn tragedy to his own advantage, and only Pellar, Halla, and Cristov can stop him–and ensure that there will be a future for all on the world of the Dragonriders.



Date Acquired

13th March 2010

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Year Read


The White Dragon: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 05

Never in the history of Pern has there been a dragon like Ruth. 

Mocked by other dragons for his small size and pure white color, Ruth is smart, brave, and loyal—qualities that he shares with his rider, the young Lord Jaxom. Unfortunately, Jaxom is also looked down upon by his fellow lords, and by other riders as well. His dreams of joining the dragonriders in defending Pern are dismissed. 

What else can Jaxom and Ruth do but strike out on their own, pursuing in secret all they are denied? But in doing so, the two friends will find themselves facing a desperate choice—one that will push their bond to the breaking point . . . and threaten the future of Pern itself.



Date Acquired

2nd August 2014

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Year Read


Dragonflight: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 01


To the nobles who live in Benden Weyr, Lessa is nothing but a ragged kitchen girl. For most of her life, she has survived by serving those who betrayed her father and took over his lands. Now the time has come for Lessa to shed her disguise and take back her stolen birthright.

But everything changes when she meets a Queen dragon. The bond they share will be deep and last forever. It will protect them when, for the first time in centuries, Lessa's world is threatened by Thread, an evil substance that falls like rain and destroys everything it touches. Dragons and their Riders once protected the planet from Thread and the blood-red star, but there are very few of them left these days. Only the gigantic, golden Queen can breed new dragons. And the Queen is fading . . . dying . . .

Now brave Lessa must risk her life, and the life of her beloved dragon, to save her beautiful world. . . .



Date Acquired

5th May 2018

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Year Read


Dragonquest: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 02


Another Turn and the deadly silver Threads begins falling again. So the bold Dragonriders take to the skies and their magnificent dragon's swirl and swoop in space, belching flames that destroy the shimmering strands before they reached the ground.

But F'lar knows he has to find a better way to protect the peoples and lands of Pern, and he has to find it before the rebellious Oldtimers can breed any more dissent...before his brother F'nor will be foolhardy enough to launch another suicide mission...and before the mercurial fire lizards can cause even more trouble...



Date Acquired

13th May 2018

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Number of Pages


Year Read


The White Dragon: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 05


Never had there been as close a bonding as the one that existed between the young Lord Jaxom and his extraordinary white dragon, Ruth.

Pure white and incredibly agile, Ruth possessed remarkable qualities. Not only could he communicate with the iridescent, fluttering fire lizards, but he could fly. Back in time to any WHEN with unfailing accuracy.

Nearly everyone else on Pern thought Ruth was a runt who would never amount to anything, but Jaxom knew his dragon was special. In secret, they trained to fight against the burning threads from the Red Planet, to fly Back in time as well as Between, and finally their close and special union was to result in the most startling and breathtaking discovery of all...



Date Acquired

23rd May 2018

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Dragonsong: Pern: Book 03


Every two hundred years or so, shimmering Threads fall from space, raining death and black ruin on Pern. The great dragons of Pern hurl themselves through the beleaguered skies, flaming tongues of fire to destroy deadly Thread and save the Planet.

But it was not Threadfall that made young Menolly unhappy. It was her father who betrayed her ambition to be a Harper, who thwarted her love of music. Menolly had no choice but to run away.

When, suddenly, she came upon a group of fire lizards, wild and smaller relatives of the fire-breathing dragons, she let her music swirl around them and taught nine of them to sing.

Suddenly Menolly was no longer alone -- she was Mistress of Music and Ward of the dazzling fire dragons.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

29th April 2021

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Dragonsinger: Pern: Book 04


When Menolly, daughter of Yanus Sea Holder, arrived at the Harper Craft Hall, she came in style, aboard a huge bronze dragon, followed by her nine fire lizards.

The Masterharper of Pern, aware of her unique skills, had chosen her as his only girl apprentice.

But the holdless girl had first to overcome many heartaches in this strange new life.

Two things sustained her - her devoted lizards, a subject on which she was fitted to instruct her Masters - and the music... music of compelling beauty, music-making where at last she was accepted.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

24th May 2021

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Number of Pages


Year Read


All the Weyrs of Pern: Pern: Book 11

When AIVAS -- the Artificial Intelligence Voice Address System -- was first discovered at Landing, the entire planet of Pern was awed at the knowledge it divulged.

All the history of the people of Pern was there. Dragonholders, Lord Holders and Craftmasters crowded into the tiny inner room to learn the secrets of their beginnings. Ana AIVAS had other gifts to offer -- stored information of old crafts that had been forgotten, of medicine, music and technology.

But the greatest promise AIVAS offered was the chance to rid Pern of Thread forever. All the great ones of Pern began the long and arduous task of learning just how to operate the incredible plan.

This was a plan of such daring and epic proportions that both dragons and riders would be put at risk...


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

14th August 2021

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Dragondrums: Pern: Book 06


Of all the young singers at the Harperhall of Pern, Piemur was the one chosen for the leading role at Lord Groghe's Gather...and then his voice broke.

Suddenly his whole future at Harperhall became uncertain. But Masterharper Robinton, Menolly and Sebell had other plans for Piemur. They were sure that his quick wits and discretion could be used to keep a check on the troublesome Oldtimers and their strange traffic in fire lizards.

So, whilst serving as a messanger-drum apprentice, Piemur carried out special errands for the three. And it was on one such errand that he realized his wildest dreams...


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

3rd September 2021

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Moreta - Dragonlady Of Pern: Pern: Book 07


Some fourteen hundred turns after men first came to Pern rode Moreta, on her great golden dragon, Orlith.

It was towards the end of the Pass of the Red Star - a time when every living creature on Pern was threatened by Threadfall - when the courage and daring of dragons and their riders was all that kept the planet from extinction. And then, at the height of the battle against Thread, came a new and terrible evil.

Moreta, in one last superhuman endeavour, was to save her people, and become the greatest legend of dragonlore until the end of time.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

3rd September 2021

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


The Skies Of Pern: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 16

A new age is dawning on Pern, for since the dragons have changed the orbit of the Red Star, the horrors of Threadfall will soon be a thing of the past.

Yet nothing in Pern stays stable for long. Further dangers are beginning to emerge, however, as those calling themselves the Abominators plot together to destroy all the learning that has been discovered from the records of the Old Ones.

And, on top of this, now comes a fresh and terrible catastrophe - a large cometary fragment is hurtling towards Pern and cannot be deflected. Everyone - dragons, riders, holders and craftsmen - must stand by to perform a giant rescue operation.

As F'lessan, son of Lessa and F'lar, plays his heroic part in the events that follow, he is helped by Tai, his new weyrmate.

Will they be the ones to protect Pern or will it be the dragons who provide the solution to the dangers of the skies?


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

8th November 2021

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Number of Pages


Year Read


The Dolphins of Pern: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 13

As a small boy, Readis Lilcamp is rescued by the 'shipfish' when he and his uncle Alemi are caught in a sudden squall beyond Paradise River Hold. AIVAS confirms that the big fish are called dolphins, part of the original settlers of Pern.

On Earth they had been partnered with men, having learned to speak intelligible words. Readis, his Uncle Alemi and bronze Gadareth's rider, T'lion of Eastern Hold, are determined to restore the 'doll fins' to their rightful place in the ecology of Pern...and the partnership of men.

Meanwhile, the fight to rid Pern of the terrible nightmare of Thread is still all consuming. While Lord Jaxom, F'lar and his Dragonriders struggle to implement AIVAS' instructions, other challenges are issued and answered, including one which threatens young T'lion in the shape of his older brother, a brown rider, who harbours a deep grudge.

And, of course, Readis must win his parents' consent to his association with the 'sea dragons of Pern' - the bottlenose dolphins - for they could be vital to the survival of Pern...


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

2nd December 2021

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


The Masterharper Of Pern: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 15

MasterSinger Merelan and Harper Petiron were a brilliant and devoted couple. Merelan was the most outstanding soprano ever heard on Pern and was often the only one who could master Petiron's technically accomplished compositions. When, after a long and difficult birth, Robinton was born to them, it should have been the culmination of a unique partnership.

But Petiron, almost from the first day, had no time for his son, refusing to see the incredible talent the boy possessed, ignoring his achievements and maintaining a strict and disapproving vigilance over him at all times.

Carefully, secretly, the Harper Hall took over, training the greatest talent Pern had ever seen - a talent that was more than just musical - for Robinton was able to talk to the dragons of Pern.

As constant sadness beset his personal life, so a startling career sent him like a meteor through the Holds and Weyrs of Pern until, as MasterHarper, he became part of the great plan to rescue Lessa from the brutal rule of Holder Fax - Lessa, who was to be the saviour of the dragons of Pern.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

3rd January 2022

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Nerilka's Story & The Coelura: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 08

Nerilka's Story

We meet Lady Nerilka of Fort Hold in Moreta's time -- a time of legend, of heroic valour, of terrible Threadfall and the Great Plague that devastates both Holders and Dragonfolk. For Lady Nerilka, the tragedy is twofold, for with the death of her mother and her sister, her father's mistress takes possession of the Hold. Angry and betrayed, Nerilka decides to escape and, as Pern seethes in turmoil, she begins her perilous journey to Ruatha, Lord Alessan and an unknown destiny...

The Coelura

When the Lady Caissa is told by her father to enter into an heir-contract with Cavernus Gustin, she is appalled. For although Gustin is genetically sound he is vain, pompous and intellectually inept. But Caissa's father is determined there should be a union - and Caissa cannot work out what his plans in this respect are. Then, on a private flight over the forbidden areas of the North, she discovers a stranger who says his name is Murell -- a man surrounded by coelura, the incredible rainbow creatures whose very brilliance threatens their extinction. She learns her father's plans somehow relate to these beasts...and Murell is determined to save them.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

1st February 2022

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


The Renegades Of Pern: Dragonriders of Pern: Book 10

They were misfits, the outcasts, the murderers without Hold or Crafthall. Some were resentful, some sought vengeance, but it was not until Thella, Lady Holder of Telgar, began to weld them together into a terrifying and brilliantly evil clan that they became the Renegades of Pern.

It was a time of great turmoil on the planet. The pass of the Red Star had brought a new terrible reign of Threadfall, and in the southern Hold, Toric was carving out an enormous empire for himself from lands as yet uncharted. And as the times of trouble grew, so did the ravages of Thella and her band, turning from theft to murder to vicious and insane revenge.

Jayge Lilcamp, the young and roving trader, was one of the first to fall foul of the renegades. As he saw what Thella had done to his family and his wagon train he began to seek his own revenge - a revenge which grew into a determination to destroy the most evil woman on Pern.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

1st March 2022

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Number of Pages


Year Read