Mark Hayden

The 13th Witch: The Kings Watch: Book 01

by Mark Hayden.

Did you know that the gods can use mobile phones?

They can, and Odin has a message for Conrad…

Conrad Clarke, former RAF pilot and alleged gangster gets a text – and a visit – from The Allfather.

Odin has a challenge for Conrad: sign up to protect England from wild magick and get a commission in the King’s Watch.

All he has to do is find a missing witch. Simple.

Conrad never could resist a challenge. Before you can say “Ragnarok”, he’s plunged into a world of gods, mages, witches, dwarves and one very aggressive giant mole.

But the witch doesn’t want to be found, and powerful mages will kill to keep her hidden. Going back isn’t an option. Going forward looks a lot like death.

Armed with nothing but a sense of humour and a willingness to cheat, Conrad has to find the Witch and save his life.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

5th May 2021

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Number of Pages


Year Read