
I purchased the first book in this trilogy in 2005, and then the two remaining books in the trilogy in 2007, but because of my increasing involvement in the sport of Archery as a judge, at higher and higher levels, I didn’t get around to reading book one until 2011 and the final two until 2013.

In 2005 I was a Regional judge working my way towards National status, which is the highest grade you can achieve in the UK. However, with the Olympics being held in London in 2012 a number of relatively younger judges were selected for special training in the hopes they would be selected to take part in the archery event. I was one of those lucky few, but this meant I had to put in a lot of work, both at attending tournaments to gain as much experience as I could, but also to constantly read and reread all the rule books, guides, bylaws, interpretations and any other relevant information I could put my hands on to increase my knowledge. This eventually paid off as I not only achieved National status but went on to gain Continental status before attending the London Olympics in the role of a scorer, after which I went on to qualify for international status later that year.

With regards to the Troy books, on buying the last book in the series I was surprised to see that Stella Gemmell’s name appeared as an author too. I initially thought David Gemmell was following David Edding’s example of including his wife as a co-author to give her credit for all the help given in the production of each book. Unfortunately, this was not the case, as I found out several months later when I learnt that David Gemmell had tragically died in 2006 from a heart attack. This was quite a shock as David was, and continues to be, my favourite author.

When I finally got around to reading the Troy novels, especially the final one it was with a heavy heart, however, the trilogy turned out to be probably his greatest work and as such is a fitting epitaph to a great author.

Lord of the Silver Bow: Troy: Book 01

He is a man of many names. Some call him the Golden One; others, the Lord of the Silver Bow. To the Dardanians, he is Prince Aeneas. But to his friends, he is Helikaon. Strong, fast, quick of mind, he is a bold warrior, hated by his enemies, feared even by his Trojan allies. For there is a darkness at the heart of the Golden One, a savagery that, once awakened, can be appeased only with blood.

Argurios the Mykene is a peerless fighter, a man of unbending principles and unbreakable will. Like all of the Mykene warriors, he lives to conquer and to kill. Dispatched by King Agamemnon to scout the defences of the golden city of Troy, he is Helikaon's sworn enemy.

Andromache is a priestess of Thera betrothed against her will to Hektor, prince of Troy. Scornful of tradition, skilled in the arts of war, and passionate in the ways of her order, Andromache vows to love whom she pleases and to live as she desires.

Now fate is about to thrust these three together; and, from the sparks of passionate love and hate, ignite a fire that will engulf the world.



Date Acquired

25th December 2005

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Shield of Thunder: Troy: Book 02

The war of Troy is looming, and all the kings of the Great Green are gathering, friends and enemies, each with their own dark plans of conquest and plunder.

Into this maelstrom of treachery and deceit come three travellers; Piria, a runaway priestess nursing a terrible secret, Kalliades, a warrior with a legendary sword, and Banokles who will carve his own legend in the battles to come.



Date Acquired

22nd August 2007

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Fall of Kings: Troy: Book 03

Darkness falls on the Great Green and the Ancient World is fiercely divided.

On the killing fields outside the golden city of Troy, forces loyal to the Mykene King Agamemnon mass.

Among them is Odysseus, fabled storyteller and reluctant ally to the Mykene. He knows that Agamemnon will stop at nothing to secure the treasure that lies within the city walls, and he must soon face his former friends in deadly combat.

Ailing and bitter, the Trojan king waits. His hope is pinned on two heroes: his favourite son, Hektor, the mightiest warrior of his age, and the dread Helikaon, who will wreak terrible vengeance for the death of his wife at Mykene hands.

War has been declared.

As enemies, who are also kinsmen, are filled with bloodlust, they know that some of them - men and women - will become heroes: heroes who will live forever in a story that will echo down the centuries.



Date Acquired

22nd August 2007

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Lord of the Silver Bow: Troy: Book 01

Three lives will change the destiny of nations.

Helikaon, the young prince of Dardania, haunted by a scarred and traumatic childhood. The priestess Andromache, whose fiery spirit and fierce independence threatens the might of kings. And the legendary warrior Argurios, cloaked in loneliness and driven only by thoughts of revenge.

In Troy, they find a city torn apart by destructive rivalries - a maelstrom of jealousy, deceit and murderous treachery. And beyond its fabled walls, blood-hungry enemies eye its riches and plot its downfall.

It is a time of bravery and betrayal; a time of bloodshed and fear. A time for heroes.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

6th November 2020

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Shield of Thunder: Troy: Book 02

The war of Troy is looming, and all the kings of the Great Green are gathering, friends and enemies, each with their own dark plans of conquest and plunder.

Into this maelstrom of treachery and deceit come three travellers; Piria, a runaway priestess nursing a terrible secret, Kalliades, a warrior with a legendary sword, and Banokles who will carve his own legend in the battles to come.

Troy: Shield of Thunder takes the reader back into the glories and tragedies of Bronze Age Greece, reuniting the characters from Troy: Lord of the Silver Bow; the dread Helikaon and his great love, the fiery Andromache, the mighty Hektor and the fabled storyteller, Odysseus.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

6th November 2020

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Fall of Kings: Troy: Book 03

Darkness falls on the Great Green, and the Ancient World is fiercely divided.

On the killing fields outside the golden city of Troy, forces loyal to the Mykene King mass. Among them is Odysseus, fabled storyteller and reluctant ally to the Mykene, who knows that he must soon face his former friends in deadly combat.

Within the city, the Trojan king waits. Ailing and bitter, his hope is pinned on two heroes: his favourite son Hektor, and the dread Helikaon who will wreak terrible vengeance for the death of his wife at Mykene hands.

War has been declared.

As enemies, who are also kinsmen, are filled with bloodlust, they know that many of them will die and that some will become heroes: heroes who will live forever in a story that will echo down the centuries.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

6th November 2020

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read