TBR List

Below is my TBR list, which is generated by the spreadsheet I use to keep track of the books I have acquired, read and have yet to read.

This list just shows basic information about the book, but if you would like to view the synopsis then click on the links to the TBR pages which will include this information as well as other additional information, and is visually more appealing than the list below. Each of the TBR pages contains fifty books, originally it was just one page but as the list grew it became increasingly slower to load and edit, so I split it up to make life less frustrating

Now in my new home in Thailand, all my books are purchased via the internet in the form of ebooks, mostly from Amazon, in Kindle format, but I have also downloaded several in Mobi and Epub formats, the latter of which I used to convert to Mobi format using the free ebook software, Calibre, so I could upload them to my Amazon account to read them in the Kindle App or on my Kindle. However, since last 2022 Amazon now supports Epub format, so I can just upload those straight away now.

The list is comprised mostly of new books, but there will be times when some of the books are re-reads of those I owned as Paperbacks and Hardbacks when I lived in England, but which I was unable to bring with me when I emigrated to Thailand. These will be either kindle or ebook versions that I acquire when they are on special offer on the various book sites I browse.

One of the nice things I have noticed since starting to read ebooks is that the retail price of the books is generally far cheaper than the physical copies, but also the price you pay can change from week to week. In fact, over the last several years the vast majority of the books I have bought have cost either 99 pence or have been free. The reason for this is threefold, the first being newer or less well-known authors seem to have their books discounted to encourage readers to give them a chance, the second reason is that if established authors bring out a new book which is a continuation of a series, the first book, or books, in the series tend to get discounted to encourage readers to start the series, and finally, you get regular special offers on ebooks, such as the Kindle monthly and daily deals, which can mean they are heavily discounted. All of this is good news for the reader, especially if you are on a budget, or like me just addicted to buying books when you see one you want to read.