Gordon McGill

The Final Conflict: Omen III

by Gordon McGill.

Around the globe, drought, famine and flood are striking down helpless millions. And everywhere there is trouble.

Damien Thorn's followers can be found--almost before disaster strikes -- ready to offer aid to the pitiful survivors. Damien, the handsome, thirty-two year old head of one of the world's most powerful corporations... and certain to be president of the United States by the time he is forty.

Damien, believed to be the son of Satan, who is relentlessly reaching out to claim the Earth for the forces of darkness... Now is the time of prophecy, the beginnings of the end for mankind. But where is the promised Messiah, to save the world from ultimate evil?



Date Acquired

27th February 1981

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Armageddon 2000: Omen IV

by Gordon McGill.

Damien Thorn, spawn of Satan, was dead, slain by one of the sacred daggers of Armageddon. Even Father De Carlo, his most brilliant opponent, believed the greatest threat the world had ever known was defeated for eternity.

Only the innermost circle of Damien's disciples knew of his unnatural coupling with a beautiful, helpless victim. Only they knew of the Son born of that horrific ravishment.

But now the boy was growing up, and already his powers could be felt... as the globe began to split in savage struggle, and the new emperor of evil mounted to the throne of hell on earth..."



Date Acquired

5th February 1983

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read