Sword and Sorcery

The first book in this series I bought on the spur of the moment having read the synopsis and found myself being intrigued by it, I did, however, have some reservations that it may not be as interesting as I thought, which was mainly due to the book title and the author's name, both of which seemed a bit contrived and attention-grabbing.

How wrong I was, this novel turned out to be one of those hidden gems you occasionally stumble across, which was great fun to read, though it is one of the more gory ones. The main characters of the series, Theron, Ken, and Aldous are all unique personalities from vastly differing backgrounds, who are flung together in a torturers dungeon, and subsequentially become a close-knit group of friends dedicated to fighting Monsters. 

The boxed set was in an Amazon monthly deal which allowed me to refresh my memory on book one before continuing with the series. Book two is quite different to the first, in that it is a short story which is set several hundred years in the future, but does link back to the story in book one, as well as to book three and no doubt the books beyond that. The third book I didn't find as enjoyable as the first, even though it reverts back to following Theron, Ken and Aldus, though this is partly due to how I was feeling at the time, which meant I wasn't able to give it the attention it deserved, so I may reread it before advancing any further in the series.

At first, the plot seemed quite light-hearted, but the further you progress the darker it becomes, so while being an engaging and interesting read, it , may not be to everyone's taste.

Fire and Sword: Sword and Sorcery: Book 01

A broken nation in need of a savior.

Ravaged by plague, decimated by dark magic, infiltrated by a foreign evil seeking to dominate from within, Brynth is on the eve of its dissolution. When all the good men are dead and gone, who is to answer the call and defy what is wicked for what is right?

A Twisted Tale of Three Unlikely Heroes.

Heretic monk turned Sorcerer, Aldous Weaver. Infamous crusader turned fugitive, Kendrick the Cold. Aristocrat, rogue, monster hunter, and legend in his own mind, Theron Ward.

Three men condemned to die for their crimes find in each other both the will and the means to survive. A dark brotherhood with Sword and Sorcery is forged, and all monsters meek and mighty do fear the three.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

18th February 2021

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Sword and Sorcery Box Set 1: Sword and Sorcery: Books 01-03


A broken nation in need of a savior.

Ravaged by plague, decimated by dark magic, infiltrated by a foreign evil seeking to dominate from within, Brynth is on the eve of its dissolution. When all the good men are dead and gone, who is to answer the call and defy what is wicked for what is right?

A Twisted Tale of Three Unlikely Heroes.

Heretic monk turned Sorcerer, Aldous Weaver. Infamous crusader turned fugitive, Kendrick the Cold. Aristocrat, rogue, monster hunter, and legend in his own mind, Theron Ward. Three men condemned to die for their crimes find in each other both the will and the means to survive. A dark brotherhood with Sword and Sorcery is forged, and all monsters meek and mighty do fear the three.


It’s going to be a long and bloody night.

The clock is ticking and Dr. De’Brouillard has a date. Dinner is at the Graves and a contract to cure one of the cursed is sitting on the plate. But when an old and dear friend reaches out from murky shadow for a helping hand, will the Doctor take it, risking all if he ends up being late?

New heroes join the fray. Are they friend or foe?

Dr. Gaige De’Brouillard believes science, not magic, conquers all. Even death is just an equation to be solved. Malory “Butcher” Dahmer knows that life is but a dream, no wickedness, no sorcery too strange or obscene. An Academic and a Gangster make for an interesting team.


Monsters. Magic. Epic Battles.

The mountains and valleys of Romaria echo with the calamitous sounds of civil war. A New Order challenges old gods and on the festival night of the Pyres, the tides of destruction are fully unleashed. When the great white city of Brasov turns black with ash, when the sky goes red and the moon hangs like a dark void above, who will stand against the darkness? Heretic monk turned Sorcerer, Aldous Weaver. Infamous crusader turned fugitive, Kendrick the Cold. Aristocrat, rogue, monster hunter, and legend in his own mind, Theron Ward.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

13th June 2022

Retail Price


Number of Pages


Year Read