John Walker

Rise of Mankind: The Complete Series

  • Behemoth

  • Warfare

  • Raid

  • Conflict

  • Pursuit

  • Artifact

  • Rebellion

  • Extinction

  • Offensive

  • Showdown

Books 01 - 10

by John Walker.

On the eve of Humanity’s first great journey beyond our solar system, tragedy strikes. Hostile ships arrive, attacking the fledgling fleet and decimating it with ease. Only the intervention of strangers, benevolent aliens prevent the total annihilation of not only the starships but the planet itself.

Offering the means to defend themselves in the form of shared technology and a liaison, humanity prepares to fight back. They refit the Behemoth, the only surviving ship from the initial attack and embark on a quest to join their saviours. A war is brewing against a zealous enemy, one with a single-minded notion to destroy every colony, every world, all civilizations.

As humanity works to prove themselves to their highly advanced allies, they travel to the far reaches of the galaxy. Every test pushes them toward their ultimate confrontation, a final match with those who attacked them in the very beginning. But will their preparation be enough to defeat a culture literally designed for war?


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

9th September 2019

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Reach for the Stars: Rise of Mankind: Prequel

by John Walker.

Humanity has always looked to the heavens, curiosity urging them to take flight. After a failed mission to go beyond the borders of Earth’s solar system, a new fleet has been built ready to tackle any threat they may discover. But sometimes danger seeks out victims and just as they are preparing to depart, two ships arrive on the edge of their space.

Unsure if these invaders are friendly or hostile, the Behemoth, the flagship of the fleet and only real military vessel, prepares for battle. When one of their space stations is destroyed, they must come to terms with the possibility that they may be outmatched and outgunned for these intruders seem intent on violence. After no answers to requests to talk and seemingly no offer for quarter, humanity must face the very real possibility of extinction.



Date Acquired

23rd December 2019

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


War Torn: Ether War: Prequel

by John Walker.

Lieutenant Noah Markel believed the war was over.

In the war torn streets of a major city, he receives a final assignment, one that partners him with an unusual ally on the hunt for a delicate package.



Date Acquired

23rd December 2019

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read