Eric T. Knight

Immortality and Chaos

  • Wreckers Gate

  • Landsend Plateau

  • Guardians Watch

  • Hunger's Reach

  • Oblivion's Grasp

Books 01 - 05

by Eric T. Knight.

Ignoring the warnings of his oldest friend, Wulf Rome removes the ancient, mysterious axe he finds embedded in a wall in a cavern deep underground. The axe’s shocking power wins him the throne, but removing it cracks a prison built millennia ago.

A prison built by the gods to hold Melekath, the one all of them fear.

Now Melekath reaches into the world once again. Unfettered, his three nightmarish Guardians spread havoc across the land. Plagues and monsters appear in their wake.

In the midst of the chaos, an enigmatic stranger appears. He claims to be immortal. He claims that only he can save the world. There is something sinister about him, and the weapons he offers are dangerous and perhaps uncontrollable, but with the apocalypse looming, what other choice does Wulf Rome have?


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

23rd October 2018

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Chaos and Retribution

  • Stone Bound

  • Sky Touched

  • Sea Born

Books 01 - 03

by Eric T. Knight.

The Dragon Queen of Chaos sends her minions to prepare the world for her return...

And all that stands in her way are three children with the powers of Stone, Sea and Sky.

Fen is only a boy when his city is sacked by enemy invaders. His mother is cut down before his eyes. Yet somehow, when the blade is turned on him, he survives without a scratch. But the attack awakens something inside him, something that killed his father years ago.

Karliss was touched by the wind at birth, destined to be the greatest wind shaman his people have ever seen. But he is careless with his power and he ignores the warnings about the madness that afflicts those who don't protect themselves against the spirits in the wind. When a ritual goes wrong and strikes down his mentor, Karliss suddenly has to deal with the true responsibilities of power.

Aislin came from the sea, her origins a mystery. Within her is an innate power over water, as natural as breathing. But she lives in a world of her own, emotionally isolated from everyone else, including Netra, the woman who is raising her. Bullied by the other children, Netra fears that one day Aislin will turn her power on them.

These three can stop the Dragon Queen, but only if they can learn to master, not just their powers, but themselves...


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

23rd May 2020

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read