John Lydecker

Doctor Who and Warriors' Gate

by John Lydecker.

The Doctor and his companions are trapped in E-Space, struggling to find their way back into their own universe. Arriving at an intersection, the TARDIS is invaded by a refugee of the enslaved Tharil race.

With K9 damaged by the Time Winds, the Doctor, Romana and Adric explore the strange white eternity of the Gateway, where past, present and future cross over.

They also meet the crew of the Privateer, led by the embattled Rorvic. As all parties strive to find a way out, the Doctor realises that Rorvic’s ship holds the terrible secret of the Tharils’ history and the means of their liberation.



Date Acquired

24th July 1982

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who: Terminus

by John Lydecker & Stephen Gallagher.

When the TARDIS is sabotaged and becomes dimensionally unstable, its internal fabric begins to dissolve, and Nyssa is drawn into a junction with a strangely deserted spacecraft.

The Doctor, Tegan and Turlough follow in pursuit, and discover the shocking purpose of Terminus. The Doctor forms an uneasy alliance with two space pirates, whilst Tegan and Turlough become frighteningly enmeshed in the spaceship's infrastructure.

For Nyssa, meanwhile, the nature of a sudden illness which engulfs her will have life changing consequences.



Date Acquired

25th December 1983

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read