Dragon Blood

At the time of purchasing the omnibus edition of the first three books of the Dragon Blood series, I had just read all the books that completed a number of series I had been reading over the past several years, plus I had read all the individual books I had been interested in reading too, so I was at a point where I was wondering what to read next.

I don’t know if it’s how most readers feel, but I am always a bit wary of buying books by authors I have never read before, or who have not been recommended to me, but this was the position I found myself in now.

It was while I was browsing through the kindle site, having done a search for Dragon’s, a favorite subject of mine, that I came across the omnibus edition of the Dragon Blood series by an author I was unaware of at this point. The Kindle edition of the book was on offer for free, which at the time I thought was too good to be true, unless the book was so bad that was the only way they could get people to purchase it. I read the synopsis, which I found very intriguing, I looked at the star rating, which was about four point five from around five hundred ratings, if I remember correctly, and I also read several of the reviews, the overwhelming majority of which were very positive, so I finally decided to give it a go and clicked the purchase button.

Well, that click opened up a whole new world for me, the books were a delight with a writing style that I found very reminiscent of David Eddings when he was at his prime. By the end of the book I was hooked, both on the series and the author, Lindsay Buroker, whose books I now buy on a regular basis and to date have not read a bad one.

The Dragon Blood Collection

  • Balanced on the Blade’s Edge

  • Deathmaker

  • Blood Charged

Books 01 - 03

A thousand years have passed since a dragon has been seen in the world. Science and technology have replaced magic, which has dwindled until it has become little more than an element of myth and legend.

There are those who still have dragon blood flowing through their veins, distant descendants of the mighty creatures of old. These rare humans have the power to cast magic, the power to heal, and the power to craft alchemical weapons capable of starting wars… or ending them. But they are feared for those powers, and in recent centuries, they have been hunted nearly to extinction.

The few remaining survivors must find a way to change how humanity perceives them or be lost to the world forever.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

3rd May 2018

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read