Brian McCelland

Forsworn: A Powder Mage Novella: Book 0.1

by Brian McCelland.

Erika ja Leora is a powder mage in northern Kez, a place where that particular sorcery is punishable by death. She is only protected by her family name and her position as heir to a duchy.

When she decides to help a young commoner—a powder mage marked for death, fugitive from the law—she puts her life and family reputation at risk and sets off to deliver her new ward to the safety of Adro while playing cat and mouse with the king’s own mage hunters and their captain, Duke Nikslaus.

Occurs 35 years before the events in Promise of Blood.



Date Acquired

19th March 2020

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Servant of the Crown: A Powder Mage Novella: Book 0.2

by Brian McCelland.

Captain Tamas is an ambitious young officer in the Adran army. As a commoner, he is one of very few without noble blood to hold a rank. When he challenges the son of a duke over an insult, the subsequent duel lands him in hot water with the nobility and the royal cabal of Privileged sorcerers. Tamas is soon drawn into a conflict that goes to the very highest office in the land, and his only ally is the most unlikely of people; a young noblewoman named Erika, who needs Tamas to teach her how to wield her powers as a powder mage.

Occurs about 35 years before the events in Promise of Blood.



Date Acquired

19th March 2020

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Murder at the Kinnen Hotel: A Powder Mage Novella: Book 0.3

by Brian McCelland.

Special Detective Constable Adamat may be the most capable young investigator in all of Adopest. He's sharp, thoughtful, and his particular sorcery gives him a flawless memory. A transfer to the First Precinct seems like the perfect opportunity to showcase his abilities and advance his career.

But things work differently in the First Precinct. The murder of a businessman's mistress quickly pulls Adamat into an unexpected world of conspiracy and politics where he's forced to use all his wits to stay one step ahead of unseen enemies and keep his friends—and himself—from the guillotine.

Occurs twenty-two years before the events in Promise of Blood.



Date Acquired

19th March 2020

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Ghosts of the Tristan Basin: A Powder Mage Novella: Book 0.8

by Brian McCelland.

Taniel Two-Shot is a powder mage with the Tristan Ghost Irregulars, a band of volunteers who have made a name for themselves fighting in the Fatrastan Revolution. They range through the swamps of the frontier, cutting off enemy supplies and raiding towns while Taniel hunts the Privileged sorcerers that make the Kez armies so powerful.

When a desperate call for help comes from the nearby city of Planth, the Irregulars aren't the only ones to answer and Taniel must deal with another hero of the revolution: Mad Colonel Styke. But not all is well within the young Fatrastan government, and more hangs on the defence of Planth than Taniel and his companions could possibly know.

Occurs eight months before the events of Promise of Blood.



Date Acquired

19th March 2020

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read