David Whitaker

Doctor Who and the Crusaders

by David Whitaker.

The first Doctor meets Richard the Lionheart in the Third Crusade. When Barbara is captured by the Saracens and later kidnapped by the monstrous El Akir, Ian appeals to Richard for help, but despite having achieved a splendid victory over Saladin at Arauf the English King has his own troubles and cannot assist. So Ian sets out to rescue Barbara alone while the Doctor becomes involves in the intrigues of the English court.



Date Acquired

1st April 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Daleks

by David Whitaker.

This is Doctor Who's first exciting adventure with the Daleks! Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright travel with the mysterious Doctor Who and his granddaughter, Susan, to the planet of Skaro in the space-time machine, the TARDIS. There they strive to save the peace-loving Thals from the evil intentions of the hideous Daleks. Can they succeed? And, what is more important, will they ever see their native Earth again?



Date Acquired

13th April 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read