Malcolm Hulke

Doctor Who And The Doomsday Weapon

by Malcolm Hulke.

The evil Master has stolen the Time Lords’ file on the horrifying Doomsday Weapon with which, when he finds it, he can blast whole planets out of existence and make himself ruler of the Galaxy!

The Time Lords direct Doctor Who and Jo Grant in their TARDIS to a bleak planet in the year 2471, where they find colonists from Earth under threat from mysterious, savage, monster lizards with frightful claws! And hidden upon the planet is the Doomsday Weapon, for which the Master is intently searching.



Date Acquired

1st April 1977

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Year Read


Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils

by Malcolm Hulke.

Visiting the Master in his high-security prison just off the south coast of England, the Doctor's and Jo Grant's curiosity is piqued by a recent spate of disappearing ships. Investigating a nearby sea fort, they encounter a ferocious amphibian creature - the cousin of a reptile race the Doctor met once before.

These "Sea Devils" have been revived from hibernation by the Master, whose scheme is being aided by the Prison Governor. Realising that the Master wants to create havoc on Earth, and to see humanity subjugated by the Sea Devils, the Doctor once again attempts to broker peace between the two races.



Date Acquired

27th April 1977

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Cave-Monsters

by Malcolm Hulke.

UNIT is called in to investigate security at a secret research centre buried under Wenley Moor. Unknown to the Doctor and his colleagues, the work at the centre has woken a group of Silurians - intelligent reptiles that used to be the dominant life form on Earth in prehistoric times.

Now they have woken, the Silurians are appalled to find 'their' planet populated by upstart apes. The Doctor hopes to negotiate a peace deal, but there are those on both sides who cannot bear the thought of humans and Silurians living together. As UNIT soldiers enter the cave systems, and the Silurians unleash a deadly plague that could wipe out the human race, the battle for planet Earth begins.



Date Acquired

20th March 1978

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Green Death

by Malcolm Hulke.

The Green Death begins slowly. In a small Welsh mining village, a man emerges from the disused colliery covered in a green fungus. Minutes later, he is dead. UNIT, Jo Grant, and Doctor Who in tow arrive on the scene to investigate, but strangely reluctant to assist their inquiries is Dr. Stevens, director of the local refinery, Panorama Chemicals.

Are they in time to destroy the mysterious power which threatens them all before the whole village, and even the world, is wiped out by a deadly swarm of green maggots?



Date Acquired

23rd March 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Space War

by Malcolm Hulke.

The year is 2540, and two powers loom large in the Galaxy - Earth and Draconia. After years of peace, their spaceships are now being mysteriously attacked and cargoes rifled. Each suspects the other and full-scale war seems unavoidable. The Doctor, accused of being a Draconian spy, is thrown into prison. And only when the MASTER appears on the scene do things really begin to move....



Date Acquired

1st April 1978

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Number of Pages


Year Read


The Making of Doctor Who

by Terrance Dicks & Malcolm Hulke.

Here it is... the story behind one of television's most successful, longest-running shows. Come with Doctor Who on a trip through time... to the early days of the programme when it all began... meet actors, authors and television staff... see inside a TV studio and watch a production take shape... learn the secrets of the monsters... relive every Doctor Who story since the beginning... follow the Doctor through four incarnations and — perhaps — begin to discover just who is Doctor Who?



Date Acquired

10th June 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Invasion of the Dinosaurs

by Malcolm Hulke.

The Doctor and Sarah arrive in London to find it deserted. The city has been evacuated as prehistoric monsters appear in the streets. While the Doctor works to discover who or what is bringing the dinosaurs to London, Sarah finds herself trapped on a spaceship that left Earth months ago travelling to a new world…

Against the odds, the Doctor manages to trace the source of the dinosaurs. But will he and the Brigadier be in time to unmask the villains before Operation Golden Age changes the history of planet Earth and wipes out the whole of human civilisation?



Date Acquired

20th September 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the War Games

by Malcolm Hulke.

Mud, barbed wire, the smell of death.... The year is 1917 and the TARDIS has materialised on the Western Front during the First World War. Or has it? For very soon, the Doctor finds himself pursued by the soldiers of Ancient Rome; and then he and his companions are reliving the American Civil War of 1863. And is this really Earth, or just a mock-up created by the War Lords?

As Doctor Who solves the mystery, he has to admit he is faced with an evil of such magnitude that he cannot combat it on his own - he has to call for the help of his own people, the Time Lords. So, for the first time, it is revealed who is Doctor Who - a maverick Time Lord who 'borrowed' the TARDIS without permission. By appealing to the Time Lords he gives away his position in Time and Space. Thus comes about the Trial of Doctor Who....



Date Acquired

7th March 1980

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read