Terrance Dicks

Doctor Who and the Revenge of the Cybermen

by Terrance Dicks.

A mysterious plague strikes Space Beacon Nerva, killing its victims within minutes. When the Doctor lands, only four humans remain alive. One of these seems to be in league with the nearby planet of gold, Voga, or is he in fact working for the dreaded Cybermen, who are now determined to finally destroy their old enemies, the Vogans?

The Doctor, Sarah, and Harry find themselves trapped in the midst of a terrifying struggle to the death, between the ruthless, power-hungry Cybermen and the desperate, determined Vogans.



Date Acquired

1st April 1977

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Year Read


Doctor Who and the Giant Robot

by Terrance Dicks.

`Look, Brigadier! It's growing!' screamed Sarah.

The Brigadier stared in amazement as the Robot began to grow ... and grow ... swelling to the size of a giant!

Slowly the metal colossus, casting its enormous shadow upon the surrounding trees and buildings, began to stride towards the Brigadier. A giant metal hand reached down to grasp him ... Can DOCTOR WHO defeat the evil forces controlling the Robot before they execute their plans to blackmail — or destroy — the world?

The first adventure of DOCTOR WHO's 4th incredible incarnation!



Date Acquired

9th April 1977

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion

by Terrance Dicks.

Put on trial by the Time Lords, and found guilty of interfering in the affairs of other worlds, the Doctor is exiled to Earth in the 20th century, his appearance once again changed. His arrival coincides with a meteorite shower. But these are no ordinary meteorites.

The Nestene Consciousness has begun its first attempt to invade Earth using killer Autons and deadly shop window dummies. Only the Doctor and UNIT can stop the attack. But the Doctor is recovering in hospital, and his old friend the Brigadier doesn't even recognise him. Can the Doctor recover and win UNIT's trust before the invasion begins?



Date Acquired

20th April 1977

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Claws of Axos

by Terrance Dicks.

The creatures stood before them, beautiful golden humanoids, offering friendship and their priceless Axonite, in return for - what?

Only Doctor Who remains suspicious.

What is the real reason for the Axons sudden arrival on Earth? And why is the Evil Master a passenger on their spaceship?

He very soon finds out...



Date Acquired

27th April 1977

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks

by Terrance Dicks.

The place: Skaro.

Time: the Birth of the Daleks.

After a 1000 years of futile war against the Thals, Davros has perfected the physical form that will carry his race into eternity - the dreaded Dalek. Without feeling, conscience or pity, the Dalek is programmed to exterminate. At the command of the Time Lords, the Doctor travels back through time in an effort to totally destroy this terrible menace of the future. But even the Doctor cannot always win....



Date Acquired

29th March 1978

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Number of Pages


Year Read


The Second Doctor Who Monster Book

by Terrance Dicks.

Here in the second Doctor Who Monster Book is the story of the new Doctor in his fourth most exciting incarnation.

How and why he changed his form... the story of his companions, adventures and, above all, the fresh array of monstrous enemies he encountered on the way.



Date Acquired

1st April 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Pyramids of Mars

by Terrance Dicks.

For many thousands of years, the Suthekh had waited....trapped in the heart of an Egyptian pyramid. Now at last the time had come - the moment of release, when all the force of his pent-up evil and malice would be unleashed upon the world.

The TARDIS lands on the site of UNIT headquarters in the year 1911, and the Doctor and Sarah emerge to fight a terrifying and deadly battle...against Egyptian mummies, half possessed humans - and the overwhelming evil power of Sutekh!



Date Acquired

1st April 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters

by Terrance Dicks.

The Doctor and Jo land on a cargo ship crossing the Indian Ocean in the year 1926. Or so they think. Far away on a planet called Inter Minor, a travelling showman is setting up his live peepshow, watched by an eager audience of space officials. On board ship, a giant hand suddenly appears, grasps the TARDIS, and withdraws. Without warning, a prehistoric monster rises from the sea to attack. What is happening? Where are they? Only the Doctor realizes, with horror, that they might be trapped.



Date Acquired

1st April 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who: The Three Doctors

by Terrance Dicks.

Time itself is in peril! The three Doctors are united against an old enemy from the distant past of Gallifrey...

Vital cosmic energy is draining into a black hole and the Time Lords are under siege. The Doctor is their only hope but, trapped in the TARDIS, he's powerless. The only way out is to break the First Law of Time to let the Doctor help himself - literally...



Date Acquired

20th May 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Planet of the Daleks

by Terrance Dicks.

Jo peered through the panel and saw — nothing. Yet someone had entered the cabin. She could hear hoarse breathing and stealthy padding footsteps. A beaker rose in the air of its own accord, then dropped to the floor... The Invisible Enemy

After pursuing the Daleks through Space, Doctor Who lands on the Planet of Spiridon, in the midst of a tropical jungle... and finds more than Daleks. Vicious plants spitting deadly poison, invisible Spiridons attacking from all sides and, in hiding, a vast army waits... for the moment to mobilise and conquer.



Date Acquired

5th June 1978

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Number of Pages


Year Read


The Making of Doctor Who

by Terrance Dicks & Malcolm Hulke.

Here it is... the story behind one of television's most successful, longest-running shows. Come with Doctor Who on a trip through time... to the early days of the programme when it all began... meet actors, authors and television staff... see inside a TV studio and watch a production take shape... learn the secrets of the monsters... relive every Doctor Who story since the beginning... follow the Doctor through four incarnations and — perhaps — begin to discover just who is Doctor Who?



Date Acquired

10th June 1978

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Face of Evil

by Terrance Dicks.

Setting the controls for Earth, the Fourth Doctor is surprised when the Tardis lands in a primeval forest. Has the Tracer gone wrong or has some impulse deep in the unconscious mind directed him to this alien planet? In investigating the forest, the Doctor meets and assists Leela, a warrior banished from her tribe, the Sevateem. Through Leela, it gradually becomes apparent that the constant war between the Sevateem and the Tesh has been instigated by the god they both worship, Xoanon.

Xoanon, an all-powerful computer, is possessed by a desperate madness – a madness that is directly related to Doctor Who, that causes Xoanon to assume the voice and form of the Doctor, a madness that is partly caused by the Doctor and that only the Doctor himself can rectify!

The Doctor must not only do battle with Xoanon, but also must escape from the savage practices of the Sevateem, and the technically mind-controlling destructive impulses of the Tesh.



Date Acquired

13th June 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Web of Fear

by Terrance Dicks.

Forty years the Yeti had been quiet. A collector's item in a museum. Then without warning it awoke — and savagely murdered.

At about the same time patches of mist began to appear in Central London. People who lingered anytime in the mist were found dead, their faces smothered in cobwebs. The cobweb seeped down, penetrating the Underground System. Slowly it spread...

Then the Yeti reappeared, roaming the misty streets and cobwebbed tunnels, killing everyone in their path. Central London was gripped tight in a Web of Fear...



Date Acquired

16th June 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Deadly Assassin

by Terrance Dicks.

The Doctor is suddenly summoned to Gallifrey, the home of the Time Lords, where his ghastly hallucination of the President's assassination seems to turn into reality. When the Doctor is arrested for the murder, there is a hideous, dark, cowled figure gleefully watching in the shadows.

Faced with his old enemy, the Master, Doctor Who approaches defeat in a battle of minds in a nightmare world created by the Master's imagination. But the Master's evil intentions go much further — he has a Doomsday Plan. It is up to the Doctor to prevent him from destroying Gallifrey and taking over the Universe!



Date Acquired

24th June 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons

by Terrance Dicks.

The evil Master leered at the Doctor, and triumphantly pointed out of the cabin window. The many-tentacled Nestene monster — spearhead of the second Auton invasion of Earth — crouched beside the radio tower!

Part crab, part spider, part octopus, its single huge eye blazed with alien intelligence and deadly hatred...

Can the Doctor outwit his rival Time Lord, the Master, and save the Earth from the Nestene horror?



Date Acquired

26th June 1978

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Brain of Morbius

by Terrance Dicks.

Why do so many spaceships crash-land on Karn, a bleak, lonely and seemingly deserted planet?

Are they doomed by the mysterious powers of the strange, black-robed Sisterhood, jealously guarding their secret of eternal life? Or does the mad Dr. Solon, for some evil purpose of his own, need the bodies of the victims — and more especially, the body of Doctor Who?



Date Acquired

1st July 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Time Warrior

by Terrance Dicks & Robert Holmes.

His spaceship crippled in an interstellar battle, the Sontaran warrior Linx is forced to crash-land on Earth. He arrives in the Middle Ages, a time too primitive to provide the technology he needs to repair his ship. Allaying himself with the local robber chief, Linx uses his powers to "borrow" scientists and equipment from twentieth-century Earth.

The Doctor tracks down the missing scientists and journeys into the past to save them. But can he defeat the ruthless Linx and his savage human allies before the course of human history is changed forever?



Date Acquired

21st July 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth

by Terrance Dicks.

The TARDIS lands in a London of future times - a city of fear, devastation and holocaust ... a city now ruled by Daleks.

The Doctor and his companions meet a team of underground resistance workers, among the few survivors, but after an unsuccessful attack on the Dalek spaceship, they are all forced to flee the capital.

A perilous journey through England finally brings them to the secret centre of Dalek operations ... and the mysterious reason for the Dalek invasion of Earth!



Date Acquired

22nd July 1978

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Talons of Weng-Chiang

by Terrance Dicks.

Stepping out of the Tardis into Victorian London, Leela and the Doctor are confronted by menacing, diabolical horrors shrouded within the swirling London fog – a man's death cry, an attack by Chinese Tong hatchet men, giant rats roaming the sewers, young women mysteriously disappearing...

The hideously deformed Magnus Greel, conducting a desperate search for the lost Time Cabinet, is the instigator of all this evil. Posing as the Chinese god, Weng-Chiang, Greel uses the crafty Li H'sen Chang, and the midget Manikin, Mr Sin, to achieve his terrifying objectives.

The Doctor must use all his skill, energy and intelligence to escape the talons of Weng-Chiang.



Date Acquired

22nd July 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Horror of Fang Rock

by Terrance Dicks.

On a remote rocky island a few miles off the Channel coast stands the Fang Rock lighthouse. There have always been tales of the beast of Fang Rock, but when the Tardis lands here with Leela and the Doctor, the force they must deal with is more sinister and deadly than the mythical beast of the past.

It is the early 1900s, electricity is just coming into common usage, and the formless, gelatinous mass from the future must use the lighthouse generators to recharge its system. Nothing can stop this Rutan scout in its search and its experimentation on humans...



Date Acquired

24th July 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Planet of Evil

by Terrance Dicks.

A survey team of eight men from the mighty Morestran Empire lands on Zeta Minor, a remote planet on the fringes of the universe. Before their expedition is over, seven of the men are mysteriously and horrifically murdered.

A distress signal brings the Doctor to the planet- but his good intentions are not appreciated. The commander of a Morestran rescue party, sent to investigate the disappearance of the survey team, is convinced the Doctor is the killer. And while the Doctor is kept prisoner and powerless to act, the merciless hell-planet claims even more victims....



Date Acquired

28th July 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Mutants

by Terrance Dicks.

The Time Lords send the Doctor and Jo on a mysterious mission to Skybase One in the late 30th century, from where the Earth Empire governs affairs on the primitive planet Solos.

Yet on the eve of their independence, something is happening to the Solonians: their hands are becoming claws, and their skin is changing to scales. Why are they gradually turning into monsters?

The Doctor and Jo soon discover that the natural order on Solos is threatened by the ruthless Marshal and his scientist Jaeger. Their dangerous quest has only just begun....



Date Acquired

7th August 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who: Death to the Daleks

by Terrance Dicks.

A mysterious power loss strands the TARDIS on Exxilon, a sinister fog-shrouded alien planet.

The Doctor meets the survivors of a beleaguered expedition from Earth, while Sarah finds a mysterious super-city and becomes a captive of the savage Exxilons. Worst of all, the Doctor's greatest enemies, the Daleks, arrive on a secret mission of their own.

The Doctor and Sarah must risk their lives time and again in a desperate attempt to foil the Daleks and save millions of humans from a horrific plague.



Date Acquired

25th August 1978

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks

by Terrance Dicks.

UNIT is called in when an important diplomat is attacked in his own home - by a man who then vanishes into thin air. The Doctor and Jo spend a night in the 'haunted' house and meet the attackers - who have time-jumped back from the 22nd century in the hope of changing history.

Travelling forward in time, the Doctor and Jo find themselves trapped in a future world where humans are slaves and the Daleks have already invaded. Using their ape-like servants to Ogrons to maintain order, the Daleks are now the masters of Earth.

As the Doctor desperately works to discover what has happened to put history off-track, the Daleks plan a time-jump attack on the 20th century.



Date Acquired

20th September 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Abominable Snowmen

by Terrance Dicks.

The Doctor has been to Det-Sen Monastery before, and expects the welcome of a lifetime. But the monastery is a very different place from when the Doctor last came. Fearing an attack at any moment by the legendary Yeti, the monks are prepared to defend themselves, and see the Doctor as a threat.

The Doctor and his friends join forces with Travers, an English explorer out to prove the existence of the elusive abominable snowmen. But they soon discover that these Yeti are not the timid animals that Travers seeks. They are the unstoppable servants of an alien Intelligence.



Date Acquired

22nd September 1978

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Invisible Enemy

by Terrance Dicks.

A mysterious cloud drifts menacingly through space, and the Doctor becomes infected with the Nucleus of a malignant Virus that threatens to destroy his mind. Meanwhile, on Titan, human slaves prepare the Hive from which the Virus will swarm out and infect the universe. In search of a cure, Leela takes the Doctor to the Bi-Al Foundation, where they make an incredible journey into the Doctor’s brain in an attempt to destroy the Nucleus.

Can the Doctor free himself from the Nucleus in time to reach Titan and destroy the Hive? Luckily he has help - in the strangely dog-like shape of a mobile computer called K9....



Date Acquired

31st March 1979

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Loch Ness Monster

by Terrance Dicks.

Centuries ago, a Zygon spaceship crash landed in Loch Ness. Now, with their home planet destroyed, the alien creatures plan to take over Earth. Their most powerful weapon is a huge armoured dinosaur-like creature of terrifying power that they brought to earth as an embryo - the Loch Ness Monster.

The Doctor, Sarah and Harry soon discover that the Zygons have another weapon. They can assume the identity of any human they capture. Who knows which of their friends might really be a Zygon?

UNIT faces one of its toughest battles as Broton, Warlord of the Zygons, puts his plan into action and the Loch Ness Monster attacks



Date Acquired

10th July 1979

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Planet of the Spiders

by Terrance Dicks.

‘It’s happening, Brigadier ! It’s happening !’ Sarah cried out.

The Brigadier watched, fascinated, as the lifeless body of his old friend and companion, Dr Who, suddenly began to glow with an eerie golden light . . . The features were blurring, changing . . .

‘Well, bless my soul,’ said the Brigadier.

‘WHO will he be next ?’

Read the last exciting adventure of DR WHO’



Date Acquired

25th October 1979

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Image of the Fendahl

by Terrance Dicks.

"The Fendahl is death," said the Doctor. "How do you kill death itself?"

In present day England, a group of scientists are intent on analysing an impossibly ancient skull. But when the ultra-modern technology of their Time Scanner combines with the ancient evil of Fetch Wood, it brings to life a terror that has lain hidden for 12 million years.

Arriving in the TARDIS, the Doctor and Leela must fight to destroy the Fendahl, a recreated menace that threatens to devour all life in the galaxy.



Date Acquired

15th January 1980

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Invasion of Time

by Terrance Dicks.

A traitor to the Time Lords?

Can the Doctor really be in league with the evil Vardans, spearheading a treacherous invasion of his home planet, Gallifrey?

Or is he playing a deadly double game, saving the Time Lords by appearing to betray them?

But the Vardans themselves are only pawns in the game, and the Doctor faces an old and deadly enemy, as he battles to foil the Invasion of Time.



Date Acquired

10th May 1980

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Underworld

by Terrance Dicks.

Exploring the very edge of the known universe, the Fourth Doctor, Leela and K9 discover a group of astronaunts searching for the lost gene bank of the Minyan race.

During the perilous voyage, the astronauts' craft plunges into the heart of a recently formed planet, wherein an awesome secret is hidden.

How will the Minyan quest end? What must the Doctor wrest from the Heart of the Oracle?



Date Acquired

10th May 1980

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Stones of Blood

by Terrance Dicks.

Chanting, hooded figures gather inside a ring of ancient stones, using rituals of blood sacrifice to awaken the sleeping evil of the Ogri.

The Doctor and Romana go from the countryside Of Present Day England to a deep space cruiser trapped in hyperspace in their attempt to track down an alien criminal, and unravel the mystery of The Stones Of Blood.

Luckily they have the help of the faithful K9.



Date Acquired

10th May 1980

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Armageddon Factor

by Terrance Dicks.

Some time ago the White Guardian, one of the most powerful beings in the Cosmos, set the Doctor an urgent task to find and reassemble the six segments of the Key to Time.

Having successfully retrieved five of the segments, the Doctor and Romana arrive on the planet Atrios in the middle of an atomic war. There they must search for the last, most vital piece of the Key.

However, sinister dangers await them in this final stage of their quest. The actions of the Marshal of Atrios, operating under a mysterious influence, look certain to bring about Armageddon for them all.



Date Acquired

13th August 1980

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Androids of Tara

by Terrance Dicks.

In search of a segment of the Key of Time, the Doctor, Romana, and K9 arrive on the planet Tara, whose population has long mastered the art of android engineering.

Romana is apprehended by the ambitious Count Grendel, who seeks to overthrow the king in waiting, and the Doctor is coerced into helping those loyal to the crown. With Reynart locked away in Grendel's dungeons, the Doctor must perfect an android that can be crowned in his place. Yet Reynart is not the only one of Grendel's prisoners to have a double: the captive Princess Strella is Romana's doppelganger.

A deadly game of cat and mouse ensues as Grendel seeks to destroy the Doctor in his race to the Taran throne.



Date Acquired

13th August 1980

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Hand of Fear

by Terrance Dicks.

The TARDIS lands in England and Sarah, the Doctor's companion, looks forward to going home. A freak accident in a quarry leaves the unconscious Sarah clutching an enormous stone hand. The only surviving remnant of Eldrad - an alien super-being expelled from his planet, Kastria - it has the power to control the human mind.

Using Sarah as its instrument, the hand goes in search of the atomic energy it needs to regenerate Eldrad's body. Eldrad is determined to return to Kastria and punish his enemies and the Doctor and Sarah are caught up in the terrifying conclusion of a drama of betrayal and revenge that began millions of years ago.



Date Acquired

13th August 1980

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Robots of Death

by Terrance Dicks.

On a desert planet the giant sandminer crawls through the howling sandstorms, harvesting the valuable minerals in the sand.

Inside, the humans relax in luxury, while most of the work is done by the robots who serve them.

Then the Fourth Doctor and Leela arrive – and the mysterious deaths begin. First suspects, then hunted victims, Leela and the Doctor must find the hidden killer – or join the other victims of the Robots of Death.



Date Acquired

5th March 1981

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Android Invasion

by Terrance Dicks.

The Doctor and Sarah believe that they are back on Earth when the TARDIS lands near what seems to be a peaceful English village. But why is the local pub deserted?

Who are the spacesuit-wearing figures with guns for fingers? And what does the mysterious return of formerly missing astronaut Guy Craven have to do with it?

All is revealed when the Doctor discovers that the entire village is an elaborate dress rehearsal for an invasion of the Earth by the alien Kraals. This was the last story to feature the Doctor's companions Harry Sullivan and Sergeant Benton.



Date Acquired

5th March 1981

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Armageddon Factor

by Terrance Dicks.

Some time ago the White Guardian, one of the most powerful beings in the Cosmos, set the Doctor an urgent task to find and reassemble the six segments of the Key to Time.

Having successfully retrieved five of the segments, the Doctor and Romana arrive on the planet Atrios in the middle of an atomic war. There they must search for the last, most vital piece of the Key.

However, sinister dangers await them in this final stage of their quest. The actions of the Marshal of Atrios, operating under a mysterious influence, look certain to bring about Armageddon for them all.



Date Acquired

25th December 1981

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Destiny of the Daleks

by Terrance Dicks.

On Skaro, the home world of the Daleks, the Doctor encounters the militaristic Movellans - who have come to Skaro on a secret mission - whilst his companion Romana falls into the hands of the Daleks themselves.

It soon becomes apparent that the Daleks have returned to their abandoned home city with a crucial objective, one which they hope will give them the advantage in a strategic war.

When the Doctor realises what the Daleks are up to, he is compelled to intervene. But he has not bargained for the Movellans having a few secrets of their own, and soon he, Romana and the human refugee Tyssan are wondering who exactly they can trust. Moreover, will they be able to avert the Daleks from their self-proclaimed destiny?



Date Acquired

25th December 1981

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Nightmare of Eden

by Terrance Dicks.

A freak accident locks two ships together in space - and a distress call brings the Doctor, Romana and the faithful K9 onto the scene. There, they discover traces of the highly addictive drug Vraxoin and the presence of the ferocious Mandrels.

As the Doctor attempts to separate the two spaceships, he and Romana are pulled into a web of intrigue involving treacherous drug smugglers, undercover spies, and a savagely dangerous planet called Eden.



Date Acquired

25th December 1981

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Horns of Nimon

by Terrance Dicks.

In the great maze of the Power Complex dwells the dreaded Nimon, a fearsome monster with immense scientific powers.

The Nimon has promised to restore the Skonnan Empire to its former glory. But first it demands sacrifice - youths and maidens from the peaceful planet Aneth.

The Tardis collides with the spaceship delivering the victims, and the captured Romana is condemned to be sacrificed to the Nimon. Aided by the faithful K9, the Doctor goes to the rescue. In the heart of the maze he confronts the Nimon and uncovers a terrifying plot to enslave the galaxy.



Date Acquired

25th December 1981

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Monster of Peladon

by Terrance Dicks.

Fifty years after his first visit to Peladon, the Doctor returns to find that Queen Thalira has inherited a troubled kingdom from her father.

Membership of the Galactic Federation was expected to bring peace and prosperity to the planet, but the spirit of the sacred monster Aggedor is once more spreading terror and death.

The Doctor uncovers a treacherous plot to steal the mineral wealth of Peladon and is again confronted by his old enemies - the Ice Warriors.



Date Acquired

18th January 1982

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Power of Kroll

by Terrance Dicks.

The huge, octopus-like Kroll lives deep in the swamps of the humid, steamy planet Delta Three. To the native swamp-warriors, Kroll is an angry mythical god. To the money-grabbing alien technicians, it is a threat to their profit-making scheme.

When the Doctor and Romana arrive, in search of another segment of the Key to Time, they have to face the suspicion of the lagoon dwellers, the stupidity of the technicians and, finally, the power of Kroll itself....



Date Acquired

18th January 1982

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the State of Decay

by Terrance Dicks.

The Doctor, Romana and K9 - and a young stowaway called Adric - are trapped in the alternative universe of E-Space. Seeking help, they land on an unknown planet. There they find a nightmare world where oppressed peasants toil for the Lords who live in the Tower and where all learning is forbidden: a society in a state of decay.

What is the terrifying secret of the Three Who Rule? What monstrous creature stirs beneath the Tower, waking from its thousand-year sleep? The Doctor discovers that the oldest and deadliest enemy of the Time Lords is about to spring into horrifying action.



Date Acquired

18th January 1982

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Keeper of Traken

by Terrance Dicks.

For ages past, the Union of Traken has lived in peace and harmony thanks to the power of the Source, controlled by generations of Keepers.

But the current Keeper, his powers waning, senses some all-pervading evil about to invade his world. He summons the Fourth Doctor to his aid.

To save Traken the Doctor fights the terrifying Melkur – only to find that this new enemy conceals an older and even deadlier foe – one the Doctor has encountered before ...



Date Acquired

24th July 1982

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who and the Sunmakers

by Terrance Dicks.

Everyone knows that Pluto is a barren, airless rock. So naturally the Doctor is surprised when he discovers artificial suns and an ultramodern industrial city.

What’s more, a group of colonists is being worked ― and taxed ― to death in this inhospitable and supposedly undeveloped part of the Universe.

With the help of his companion Leela, and the faithful K9, the Doctor teams up with the rebels who inhabit the city’s underbelly. Together they take on the mysterious and powerful Company, a ruthless exploiter of planets and their people.



Date Acquired

25th December 1982

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday

by Terrance Dicks.

When the Tardis happens to materialize on an alien space craft the commander of the ship, the reptilian Monarch, invites the Doctor and his companions to continue their journey to Earth in his company.

Monarch's hospitality even extends to a generous offer to liberate the time travelers from the shortcomings of their bodies and replicate them as androids - so much more practical.

Although Adric finds this proposal extremely attractive, the Doctor has a good reason to be suspicious of Monarch's motives...



Date Acquired

26th July 1983

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who: Arc of Infinity

by Terrance Dicks.

When the Doctor returns to Gallifrey, he learns that his bio data extract has been stolen from the Time Lords' master computer, known as the Matrix.

The extract is a detailed description of the Doctor's molecular structure which, in the wrong hands, could be exploited with disastrous effect.

The Gallifreyan High Council believe that anti-matter will be infiltrated into the universe as a result of the theft. To avoid this, they decide the Doctor must die. But an old enemy is waiting in the wings....



Date Acquired

25th December 1983

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Doctor Who: The Five Doctors

by Terrance Dicks.

  • Why are all five Doctors being removed from their separate time-streams?

  • Who is the enemy they will have to unite against?

  • What will become of the Doctors when the battle is over?

Each one has been removed from his time-stream and - with one unfortunate exception - brought to the Death Zone on Gallifrey. There, they - along with an array of their loyal former companions - encounter numerous deadly obstacles including Daleks, Cybermen, Yeti, the Master and a fiendish set of puzzles.

Who is the ultimate enemy they must all unite to defeat?



Date Acquired

25th December 1983

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read