
The covers of these books are some of the most eye-catching I have come across and are the primary reason I clicked on the link to look at the individual synopsis, which to be fair are just intriguing enough to pique your interest to want to read them.

I acquired all three books at the same time as they were on special offer and added them to my TBR to await their turn to be read, which was about one year later.

I found the books to be a joy to read, they contain wonderful characters, including many from myths and folklore, but not portrayed as is usually the case. I initially found the writing style a little difficult to get to grips with as it seemed a bit choppy, but after a couple of dozen pages, I got used to it and found it actually enhanced the story. Besides having a lot of action, the books also have plenty of rye humour mixed in with family bickering and many poignant, emotional and heartbreaking scenes, the last of which in book two is utterly gut-wrenching.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this trilogy and would recommend it to anyone looking for something out of the ordinary.

Rise of Gods: Paternus: Book 01

Even myths have legends. And not all legends are myth.

When a local hospital is attacked by strange and frightening men, Fiona Patterson and Zeke Prisco save a catatonic old man named Peter—and find themselves running for their lives with creatures beyond imagination hounding their every step.

With nowhere else to turn, they seek out Fi’s enigmatic Uncle Edgar. But the more their questions are answered, the more they discover that nothing is what it seems—not Peter, not Edgar, perhaps not even themselves.

The gods and monsters, heroes and villains of lore—they’re real. And now they’ve come out of hiding to hunt their own. In order to survive, Fi and Zeke must join up with powerful allies against an ancient evil that’s been known by many names and feared by all. The final battle of the world’s oldest war has begun.



Date Acquired

11th July 2021

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Wrath of Gods: Paternus: Book 02

On the run from an ancient evil and his army of terrors straight out of myths from around the world, Fi and Zeke aid Peter in his globe-trotting quest to seek out the remaining Firstborn, uncover the enemy’s plans, and gather the warriors of old for what may become the final battle in the world's oldest war.

Along the way, Fi and Zeke discover they, too, have strengths of their own—though they come at a cost neither may wish to bear.



Date Acquired

11th July 2021

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


War of Gods: Paternus: Book 03

From Africa to Asgard, to an invisible island in the Pacific and the Bone Road of a forgotten realm, Fi and Zeke must come to grips with not only their newfound abilities, but also who and what they are—and accept what they are becoming: wielders of ancient and dangerous powers, warriors, and maybe even heroes. But the end of worlds is coming, and time is short…

Titans will clash. Gods will battle. Monsters will swarm.

Can Peter and the Deva possibly defeat their age-old enemy in the face of overwhelming odds against them? There’s only one way to find out.




Date Acquired

11th July 2021

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read