Michael R. Miller

The Dragon's Blade Trilogy

  • The Reborn King

  • Veiled Intentions

  • The Last Guardian

Book 01 - 03

by Michael R. Miller.

Arrogant. Scornful. Full of pride. Darnuir, Prince of Dragons, cares nothing for the damage he's doing to the faltering alliance against the Shadow. He thinks himself invincible - right up till a mortal wound forces him to undergo a dangerous rebirthing spell, leaving him a helpless babe in human hands.

Twenty years pass and demonic forces are poised to sweep across the land. With the alliance between humanity, dragons, and fairies fracturing, Darnuir will have to uncover the secrets of his past, seek redemption for his sins, and rally the disparate races if they are to survive.

Only Darnuir can do this. For he's the last member of the royal bloodline and only he can wield the Dragon's Blade.

His second chance is the world's last hope.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

22nd January 2019

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


The Huntress: The Dragon's Blade: Prequel

by Michael R. Miller.

This story was written to form part of a collection themed on ‘lost lore’, the forgotten stories from the participating authors main series worlds.

The events of Elsie’s tale are set about 700 years before the completed series, The Dragon’s Blade. This war between humans and dragons is well remembered by those living in the present day. Dronithir becomes a legend, but not Elsie. Her tale is lost to time but her impact is nevertheless huge. The hunters grow into a major force for humanity and though the two races unite against a new threat, bitter memories from past conflicts remain.



Date Acquired

4th March 2019

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read