
In my family, we have always written Christmas lists, whether that was to be sent to Father Christmas when we were younger or as a guide to members of the family as we got older, to give them an idea of what we would like as presents.

The first novel I ever included on these lists was "Jaws", which if you have read the introduction on the home page you will know I was originally introduced to by my English teacher at the time, Mr Beesley. The movie had not been released at that time in England, in fact, it premiered on Boxing day, 26th December, and I recall some of my cousins telling me they had seen it when I saw them later during the Christmas holidays.

Needless to say, I later saw the film, which I thoroughly enjoyed and jumped like everyone else at the tooth retrieval scene, however, I did learn then that a film is not a mirror interpretation of a book, bits can be missed out or changed to suit the different medium.

Unlike a lot of people at the time, it did not stop me from enjoying going into the water, though I will admit it has left me with a healthy respect for what might be swimming below me.

The second book was just as enjoyable and terrifying as the first, but the third was not as interesting, though it did have its moments it was a bit nonsensical.


It was just another day in the life of a small Atlantic resort until the terror from the deep came to prey on unwary holiday makers. The first sign of trouble – a warning of what was to come – took the form of a young woman's body, or what was left of it, washed up on the long, white stretch of beach . . .

A summer of terror has begun . . .



Date Acquired

25th December 1975

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Jaws 2

It's four years since the Long Island resort of Amity was terrorized by the monster killer shark... the nightmare story that thrilled the world as JAWS.

Out in the deep water there's a new and even more terrible predator from the ocean depths... — The female of the Great White Shark is even larger than the male.

Ravenously hungry, the death-dealing monster slices through the blue water towards the beaches of Amity...



Date Acquired

13th October 1978

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Jaws The Revenge

The long suffering wife of Chief Brody decides she's had enough of Amity and heads off to the Caribbean to join her son, daughter-in-law and grandchild.

However, the shark with an attitude just won't leave her alone... did it follow her ?, is it the same shark ?



Date Acquired

1st August 1987

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read