A Witch in Wolf Wood

The one thing you are guaranteed with Lindsay Buroker is delightfully engaging characters who are a bit quirky, but lovable, and with Morgen and Amar she has done it again.

These are fast-paced, highly entertaining books, which are set in a small town that is home to both a Witches  Coven and two Werewolf packs, who don't get along with each other, a fact Morgen becomes aware of after inheriting her Grandmother's house and encountering Amar.

Morgen also soon learns that she is a Witch, as was her Grandmother, who also protected Wolf Wood, a Magical area of the forest which is part of her land, and which is now Morgen's.

The books follow Morgen as she starts to learn about her magical inheritance, as well as her interactions with Amar and the local Witches and Werewolves, which tend not to always go the way she would like.

Mind Over Magic: A Witch in Wolf Wood: Book 01

As a bookish, introverted database programmer, Morgen Keller never thought she was a candidate for a midlife crisis. That was before her husband divorced her, her boss let her go, and her grandmother died. Forty wasn’t supposed to look like this.

When Morgen heads up to the small town of Bellrock, Washington, to settle the estate, she looks forward to taking a peaceful break from life and figuring out what she’s going to do next.

But peace isn’t to be had. The old farmhouse is full of witch paraphernalia, a fearsome werewolf has claimed the property, and contrary to what the family was told, Grandma didn’t die of natural causes.

Embroiled in a mystery, and heir to powers she knew nothing about, Morgen must turn to the only person who might be able to help: the werewolf who threatened to rip her throat out for trespassing.

This isn’t the fresh start on life that Morgen had in mind.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

24th September 2021

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Spell Hound: A Witch in Wolf Wood: Book 02

Since Morgen Keller arrived in the small town of Bellrock, she’s learned that magic is real, fought battles with werewolves, and managed to turn the local witches into enemies. As an introverted database programmer, she’s not equipped to handle any of this.

Fortunately, she has an ally: the fearsome werewolf Amar.

Unfortunately, one of the witches branded him and can take control of him whenever she wishes.

To have a chance of freeing her werewolf ally, Morgen must learn to harness the power she inherited from her grandmother. She may also have to find a familiar, confront a powerful witch, and admit that she has feelings for Amar. What could go wrong?


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

27th November 2022

Retail Price


Number of Pages


Year Read


Any Witch Way: A Witch in Wolf Wood: Book 03

Thanks to her grandmother’s legacy, Morgen Keller has spent the summer learning about her witch heritage. She’s also spent the summer falling for the sexy werewolf next door.

As an unemployed divorcée, she never expected to find love again, but the gruff Amar has been her protector since she arrived in Bellrock. He’s fierce, loyal, strong, and he hardly ever rolls his eyes at her vegetarian ways. He’s a keeper.

There’s just one problem:

Witches and werewolves are mortal enemies.

When her mentor turns her back on her, and the coven delivers an ultimatum, Morgen must choose between her heritage and the man—the werewolf—she’s falling in love with.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

4th January 2023

Retail Price


Number of Pages


Year Read


Moment of Tooth: A Witch in Wolf Wood: Book 04

Morgen Keller’s life has been chaotic since she inherited her grandmother’s old house—and her legacy as a witch.

Werewolves regularly attack her, familiars spy on her, and enemies she didn’t ask for keep lighting her property on fire.

Through everything, she’s been fortunate to have one steadfast ally: Amar.

The lone werewolf is a fearsome fighter, a loyal protector, and he’s sexy in nothing but a magical talisman.

Just as Morgen and Amar overcome most of her problems and officially start dating, trouble from his past arrives in town. The powerful enemy who long ago slew his parents has come to finish off the family.

As strong as Amar is, he may not be able to handle his old nemesis alone. But will he let Morgen help? And is it within her fledgling power as a witch to do so?


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

27th November 2022

Retail Price


Number of Pages


Year Read