Battlestar Galactica

As with the majority of my reading matter during the first several years of my being a reader, the books I read were novelisations or either TV series or films that I had enjoyed watching, so Battlestar Galactica was a natural choice of book to go for. The series, that's the original series from the 1970s, was a fast-paced action-adventure set in outer space, with suitable menacing aliens in the form of the Cylons, with good special effects, for the time.

The first book was the novelisation of the pilot episode, but with more details and the second was a new exciting story.

Battlestar Galactica

The Greatest Space Epic ever from ABC-TV and Universal. At the end of a bloody thousand-year war against an invincible enemy, an uneasy peace has finally been achieved between humans and the dreaded cyborg warriors of the Cylon Empire. 

But peace soon turns to bloodshed when the Cylons launch an unexpected attack against humanity's twelve Colonial worlds, wiping out most of the inhabitants.



Date Acquired

23th June 1979

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Battlestar Galactica 2: The Cylon Death Machine

Starbuck and Apollo battle a planet of lost clones, mind-slaves of the Cylon warrior Vulpa, who are aiming the ultimate weapon at the embattled starfleet of humankind!



Date Acquired

21st July 1979

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read