Star Trek

I remember Star Trek first being aired in the UK in the late 60s, taking the Saturday evening slot usually given to Doctor Who. At the time I don't recall being interested in it or watching many of the episodes, however, sometime around the mid-70s, the show started to be reshown, most notably during the Christmas Holiday period when the BBC would air one or two episodes every morning for a couple of weeks. This time around I did find myself enjoying the shows and the characters, especially Mr Spock.

The show was then re-shown quite regularly every few years allowing me to see all of the episodes at one time or another.

The first couple of Star Trek books I bought were from a secondhand bookstall on the local market, I think I paid about 5p for each book. The books were a collection of short stories based on the actual television series episodes.

When the first Star Trek movie came out I can remember seeing it at the cinema and while it was visually stunning, the actual storyline was slow and lacked most of what was interesting about the series, the book on the other hand was a lot more interesting and entertaining.

Book Two, The Wrath of Khan, however, was a different beast altogether. I remember reading the book in a single day and when I saw the film at the cinema, coming out afterwards and saying 'WOW'.

The films have been a bit variable in quality, but the books have always been a delight to read, especially those that are original works.

One of my favourites is "The Return" by William Shatner, which takes place directly after the events of the film 'Generations'. This book weaves threads from past events and creates a compelling story which I thought would have made a good follow up film to 'Generations'.

Star Trek 1

First of a series in which Blish adapted the scripts from the original Star Trek series into novelette format.

Included in this volume: Charlie's Law (Charlie X), Dagger of the Mind, The Unreal McCoy (The Man Trap), Balance of Terror, The Naked Time, Miri, The Conscience of the King.



Date Acquired

15th September 1978

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Year Read


Star Trek 6

The sixth volume in a series of Star Trek:

The Original Series novelizations written by James Blish and published by Bantam Books. Includes six stories: The Savage Curtain, The Lights Of Zetar, The Apple, By Any Other Name, The Cloud Minders, The Mark Of Gideon.



Date Acquired

15th September 1978

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Year Read


Star Trek: The Motion Picture

The original five-year mission of the Starship Enterprise to explore strange new worlds and to seek out new life and new civilizations has ended. Now James T. Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy, and the rest of the crew of the Enterprise have separated to follow their own career paths and different lives. But now, an overwhelming alien threat—one that is ignoring all attempts at communication and annihilating all opposition in its path—is on a collision course with Earth, the very heart of the United Federation of Planets. And the only vessel that Starfleet can send in time to intercept this menace is a refitted Enterprise, with her old crew heeding the call to once again boldly go where no one has gone before….



Date Acquired

25th December 1979

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Year Read


Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan

The Federation starship Reliant is on its surveying mission to find a lifeless planet to serve as the test site for Genesis Project. While surveying Ceti Alpha V they accidentally discover the camp of Khan Noonien Singh, who with his followers, quickly captures the ship.

Khan then seizes space station Regula I where the Genesis Project is being developed. Khan lures his nemesis, Kirk and the Enterprise TM crew to the space station. Kirk and the crew must then prevent Khan from destroying the Enterprise and detonating the Genesis device.



Date Acquired

18th July 1982

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Year Read


Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

No one on the Enterprise can believe that Mr. Spock is gone...

As the crew grieves for Mr. Spock, the awesome Genesis Device, now controlled by the Federation, has transformed an inert nebula into a new planet teeming with life.

But Genesis can also destroy existing worlds.

The creators of the Device want it given freely to the Galaxy. But Starfleet Command fears that it will become a force for evil. And the enemies of the Federation will not rest until they seize it -- as their most powerful weapon in the battle to conquer the Galaxy!



Date Acquired

28th July 1984

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Year Read


Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Admiral James T. Kirk is charged by the Klingon Empire for the commandeering of a Klingon starship. The Federation honours the Klingon demands for extradition, and Kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise are drawn back to Earth.

But their trip is interrupted by the appearance of a mysterious, all-powerful alien space probe. Suddenly, Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the rest of the crew must journey back through time to twentieth-century Earth to solve the mystery of the probe.



Date Acquired

28th April 1987

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Year Read


Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

The planet Nimbus III. A desolate, forbidding world, situated in the heart of the Neutral Zone. Unremarkable, except for one thing: Nimbus III is the site of an unprecedented attempt at cooperation among the galaxy's three major powers. Here, at this "Planet of Galactic Peace", the Klingons, the Romulans, and the Federation have all sent ambassadors, who are working together to develop the planet – an experiment that, if it succeeds, could transform the galactic balance-of-power.

But now terrorists have seized control of Nimbus III. And when Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise attempt a dramatic rescue, they discover a threat unlike any they have ever faced. A threat that will force them to confront the inner demons of their own, secret pasts – and the forbidden secrets that lie at the center of the galaxy itself…



Date Acquired

7th December 1989

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Year Read


Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Internal pressures, enormous military expenditures, and the destruction of their primary energy source have brought the Klingon Empire to the verge of catastrophic collapse.

To avert disaster, Gorkon, Chancellor of the Klingon High Council, proposes negotiations between the Federation and Klingon Empire, negotiations that will put an end to the years of hostility between the two powers, and herald a new era of peace and cooperation. Captain James T. Kirk and the U.S.S. Enterprise are dispatched to escort the Chancellor safely into Federation space.

But a treacherous assassination brings negotiations to a sudden halt and places Kirk and Dr. McCoy in the hands of the Federation's greatest enemy. With time running out, Spock and the Enterprise crew work to uncover the deadly secret that threatens to propel the galaxy into the most destructive conflict it has ever known.



Date Acquired

11th April 1992

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Year Read


Star Trek: Generations

The story begins with the launching of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B and the mysterious disappearance of Captain James T. Kirk. Then, seventy-eight years later, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D receives a distress call from a remote scientific observatory.

Picard learns that a newly developed superweapon has been stolen by a desperate scientist with an insane plot. Facing the most difficult task of his career, Captain Picard must seek out the one person with the power to help him, a person long thought dead: Captain James T. Kirk.

Together, the two captains are tested as they've never been before. And both men are forced to make the greatest sacrifices of their careers to save countless millions from a madman with a plan for mass destruction.



Date Acquired

12th June 1995

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Year Read


Star Trek: Crossover

Ambassador Spock continues his mission to unify the Romulan and Vulcan peoples, but is captured by a Romulan spy.

Starfleet dispatches its best ship, the "U.S.S. Enterprise" TM 1701-D, and its most respected captain, Jean-Luc Picard, to secure the release of the ambassador.

Ambassador McCoy, now over 140 years old, is also sent to assist in the negotiations. But the situation becomes further complicated when another of Spock's former shipmates, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott confiscates an out-of-service starship and affects his own daring rescue of his friend.



Date Acquired

17th February 1996

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Year Read


Star Trek: The Return

Veridian lll: A world has been saved, the U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-D lies in ruins, and one of the galaxy's greatest heroes rest beneath a simple cairn of rocks on a lonely hillside.

But as a legendary Vulcan ambassador comes at last to the grave of his best and dearest friend, the adventure is only beginning. For the Borg and renegades from the Romulan Empire have joined forces in an unholy alliance against the United Federation of Planets, and their ultimate weapon is none other than James T. Kirk, resurrected by mysterious alien science to destroy the Borg's most formidable enemy: Jean-Luc Picard.

From Deep Space Nine to the Borg Homeworld itself, the battle is joined in the ultimate confrontation between the old generation and the new. Old friends are reunited and ancient secrets revealed, as Riker, Spock, Data, and all of the Federation's best and brightest find themselves enmeshed in a cosmic saga that will test their strengths and loyalties to the very limit.



Date Acquired

15th April 1996

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Year Read


Star Trek: Invasion: First Strike: Book 01

"Across time and space comes a Fury!"

Long ago, before the days of myth and legend, our worlds belonged to them. Now they want them back....

Captain Kirk is stunned when the Federation receives an urgent plea for help -- from the Klingon Empire. A mysterious starship has invaded Klingon space and resisted all their efforts to destroy it. Establishing contact with the stranger's ship, Kirk discovers that it is only the vanguard of a vast alien fleet obsessed with conquering the Klingons, the Federation, the Romulans, and all who dwell in the space that was once their own.

The Invasion has begun....



Date Acquired

7th September 1996

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Year Read


Star Trek: Invasion: The Soldiers of Fear: Book 02

Long ago, before the dawn of civilization, they were banished to the realm of nightmares. Now the terrors are real . . .

A generation ago, another Starship Enterprise fought off a ship of exiled aliens intent on conquering all of the Alpha Quadrant. Starfleet thought the foe had been repelled forever -- until now.

The Furies have returned in might warships even more powerful than before. But their weapons are more than merely physical, for these aliens are the origins of all the demons and monsters of ancient myth, and they have found a way to project fear directly into the minds of their enemies. To defeat the Furies, and save the Federation, Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise must first conquer the darkest terrors of their unconscious minds.



Date Acquired

7th September 1996

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Year Read


Star Trek: Invasion: Time's Enemy: Book 03

Millenia ago, an apocalyptic battle was fought in the Alpha Quadrant. The losers were banished, but what became of the victors?

The Federation is threatened by this ancient mystery when a battered and broken version of the Defiant is found, frozen for five thousand years, in an icy cloud of cometary debris. Captain Sisko and the crew of Deep Space Nine are summoned to answer the most baffling question of their lives: how and when will their ship be catapulted back through time to its destruction? And does its ancient death mean that one of the combatants in a primordial battle is poised now to storm the Alpha Quadrant?

Only the wormhole holds the answer -- and the future of the Federation itself may depend on the secrets it conceals.



Date Acquired

7th September 1996

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Invasion: The Final Fury: Book 04

For ages they have sought to claim our worlds. Now, at last, we take the battle to them. . . .

Far from the Federation's desperate war against the invading Furies, the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager encounters something they never expected to hear again: a Starfleet distress call. The signal leads them to a vast assemblage of non-humanoid races engaged in a monumental project of incredible magnitude. Here is the source of the terrible invasion threatening the entire Alpha Quadrant -- and, for the Starship Voyager, a possible route home.

But soon there may not be any home to return to . . .



Date Acquired

7th September 1996

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Year Read


Star Trek: First Contact

From the deepest, darkest reaches of space came the greatest threat the Federation had ever faced: the Borg. Half organic/half mechanical, the Borg were relentless and bent on conquering and "assimilating" all intelligent life; a single Borg vessel destroyed 39 Federation starships, decimating Starfleet. Stronger and more dangerous than ever, they are ready to launch a new attack against the Federation, one that threatens its past... it's present... and it's future.

Only the courage and determination of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew can prevent the Borg from striking at the heart of the Federation and Earth.



Date Acquired

4th January 1997

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Year Read


Star Trek: Vulcan's Forge

Just over a year ago, Captain James T. Kirk was lost to the Nexus while saving the U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-B from destruction. Aboard the science ship Intrepid II, Captain Spock, commanding some of his old crewmates, must face the loss of his closest friend. But while still in mourning for one friend, he must come to the aid of another.

Decades ago, Spock had teamed up with David Rabin, the young son of a Starfleet Captain, to fight an attempted coup on Vulcan that would have turned the planet's people away from the path of logic. Now a Starfleet officer, Captain David Rabin has been assigned to a harsh desert world much like Vulcan, where the Federation is determined to protect the lives of the inhabitants. But Rabin's efforts are being sabotaged and he has asked for Spock's help against the unknown forces that may well destroy the society he had come to save.

While reflecting on his youthful adventure with David Rabin, Spock joins with Rabin to face an enemy out of their past and confront deadly Romulan treachery. In the process, Spock will decide if the path of his life now leads back toward the family traditions he had once sought to escape.



Date Acquired

1st September 1997

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Year Read


Star Trek: Avenger

A lethal virus, inimical to all conventional forms of plant life, threatens the entire Federation with starvation and dissolution. With the Federation already on the brink of overpopulation, Starfleet's resources are stretched to their limit. Whole worlds and complete star systems are placed under quarantine, causing interstellar food supplies to run dangerously low, and hostile alien empires to eye the weakened Federation with malevolence. But now, in this moment of Starfleet's greatest need, Captain James T. Kirk, long believed dead, embarks on a desperate quest to find the true source of the mysterious virus.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, Ambassador Spock, his diplomatic efforts stalled by the spread of famine and chaos, returns to his native world of Vulcan to confront a mystery of a deeply personal nature. Did Sarek, his legendary father, die of natural causes--or was he murdered? Determined to learn the truth, Spock begins a highly logical investigation that soon leads him to a reunion with a long-lost friend he never expected to see again.

Kirk and Spock together again, must join forces to save a new generation from an awesome menace unleashed by a ruthless interplanetary conspiracy. Pursued by hidden assassins and aided by old lovers and unlikely new allies, the two heroes risk everything, only to find themselves confronted by the one man who might be able to stop them: Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise NCC-1701-E.



Date Acquired

25th December 1997

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Ship of the Line

The Starship "Enterprise 1701-D" has been destroyed, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard finds himself without a command. While waiting for his new ship, Captain Picard has gone with Lieutenant Worf on a delicate diplomatic mission to the Cardassian Empire. As Picard conducts high-level negotiations for the return of Federation prisoners of war, the Starship "Enterprise 1701-E" is being constructed under the supervision of Captain Morgan Bateson, a veteran of the twenty-third century who spent nearly ninety years in a pocket universe. Commanding this new "Enterprise" on what was supposed to be a short shakedown cruise, Captain Bateson has an idea of his own. In defiance of Starfleet Command, he will take Starfleet's newest, strongest starship and strike at the heart of the newly aggressive Klingon Empire.

Captain Picard's negotiations proceed smoothly -- until he discovers that a hate-crazed Klingon commander -- Captain Bateson's archenemy from ninety years ago -- has taken the "Enterprise" from Bateson and launched a vicious attack on Cardassia Prime. To save the ship and preserve intergalactic peace, Picard must ally himself with his former Cardassian torturer, rely on the legendary skills of one Montgomery Scott, and draw new strength and inspiration from the memory of James T. Kirk...



Date Acquired

25th December 1997

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Spectre: The Mirror Universe Trilogy: Book 01

Retired and happily in love, Kirk believes his adventuring days are over. But as he returns to Earth for the first time since his apparent "death" upon the Enterprise-B, events elsewhere in the galaxy set in motion a mystery that may provide Kirk with his greatest challenge yet. The Enterprise-E, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, is exploring an unstable region of space on a scientific mission of vital concern to Starfleet when they discover the last thing they ever expected to find: a lonely, battle-scarred vessel that is instantly recognizable to every member of Picard's crew. Five years after being lost with all hands in the Delta Quadrant, the Starship Voyager has come home!

The commander of Voyager, one Tom Paris, explains that Captain Kathryn Janeway and half of the original crew is dead, but if that is true, who is the mysterious woman who has kidnapped Kirk back on Earth, pleading with him to assist her against a threat to the entire Federation?

All is not as it seems, and soon Kirk is forced to confront the hideous consequences of actions taken more than a hundred years prior, as well as his own inner doubts. After years of quiet and isolation, does he still have what it takes to put things right-and join with Captain Picard to save the lives of everyone aboard a brand-new Enterprise?



Date Acquired

20th June 1998

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: The Ashes of Eden: Odyssey: Book 01

The time: six months prior to the launch of the U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-B and the tragic loss of Captain James T. Kirk in deep space.

The place: Earth, where the galaxy's most renowned hero must now face the spectre of retirement and a life devoid of challenge and excitement.

But in the apparent twilight of his career, Kirk's path takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious young woman offers him an irresistible adventure-- a perilous voyage to an uncharted planet where he will confront the ultimate threat to the fragile peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, and the ultimate temptation-- a chance to recapture his youth.



Date Acquired

25th September 1998

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Insurrection

On an unnamed planet in a distant sector, Starfleet, in an uneasy alliance with a mysterious new alien species of unknown origin, has discovered a secret with astounding implications that could transform the future of the entire Federation. But this secret has a price that may be more than some are willing to pay.

The secret first turns Data against Starfleet then draws Jean-Luc Picard and the Starship Enterprise into a tense and dangerous situation that has unexpected effects on every member of the crew - and presents them with an agonizing moral dilemma.

Faced with orders he cannot obey and a crisis he cannot ignore, Picard finds himself torn between his conscience and his uniform.



Date Acquired

14th February 1999

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Dark Victory: The Mirror Universe Trilogy: Book 02

From the nightmarish landscape of the Mirror Universe Earth to the joys of impending parenthood and marriage to the woman he loves, the incomparable Teilani of Chal, Kirk is propelled into his most personal and dangerous mission yet as he fights to uncover the secret of Tiberius' return and learn the terrible truth behind the madman's real plans for the Federation.

With Spock, McCoy, and Scotty at his side, and reteamed with Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the "Enterprise-"E, Kirk discovers an unexpected enemy within Starfleet itself -- a mysterious group still guarding frightening secrets from Kirk's own time. And as Kirk fights to expose those secrets, his epic search becomes a deadly obsession that threatens all he holds dear, drawing him inexorably to a stunning conclusion that will forever change his life and his understanding of the universe.



Date Acquired

23rd June 1999

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Vulcan's Heart

2329: Now a diplomat for the United Federation of Planets, Spock agrees to a bonding with Commander Saavik. More than a betrothal, less than a wedding, the sacred Vulcan rite is attended by both Spock’s father, Sarek, and a nervous young Starfleet lieutenant named Jean-Luc Picard.

2344: Ambassador Spock receives a top-secret communication from the heart of the Romulan Empire. Decades before, Spock had met and betrayed an honourable Romulan commander during the so-called “Enterprise incident.” Now she needs his help to prevent a catastrophe that could threaten the peace of the entire quadrant. Spock risks everything by travelling incognito to Romulus itself, but his covert mission becomes even more perilous when both Saavik and Picard cross the Neutral Zone in search of him.

Enmeshed in the treacherous political intrigues of the Romulan capital, undone by a fire that grows ever hotter within his blood, Spock must use all his logic and experience to survive a crisis that will ultimately determine the fate of empires.



Date Acquired

12th October 1999

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Q-Space: The Q Continuum: Book 01

The unpredictable cosmic entity known only as Q has plagued Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise since their very first voyage together. But little is known of Q's mysterious past or that of the unearthly realm from which he hails. Now Picard must learn Q's secrets -- or all of reality may perish!

Ever since its discovery, the great galactic barrier has impeded humanity's exploration of the universe beyond the Milky Way. Now a brilliant Federation scientist may have found a way to breach the barrier, and the Enterprise is going to put it to the test. The last thing Picard needs is a return visit from an omnipotent troublemaker so, naturally, Q appears.

But Q has more in mind than his usual pranks, and while the Enterprise struggles to defeat a powerful inhuman foe, Captain Picard must embark on a fantastic odyssey into the history of the Q Continuum itself, with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance.



Date Acquired

25th December 1999

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Q-Zone: The Q Continuum: Book 02

The puckish super-being called Q has bedevilled Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise since their first encounter at Farpoint Station. But little was known of Q's enigmatic past or that of the transcendent plane where he sometimes dwells.

Now Picard must discover Q's secrets -- for the sake of all that exists.

While the Enterprise struggles to survive an alien onslaught, Captain Picard has been kidnapped by Q and taken on an astounding journey back through time to that immeasurably distant moment when the Continuum faced its greatest threat. But far more is at stake than simply the mysteries of the past, for an ancient menace is stirring once more, endangering the future of the galaxy, and neither Q nor Starfleet may be able to stop it!



Date Acquired

25th December 1999

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Q-Strike: The Q Continuum: Book 03

The mischievous creature who calls himself Q has subjected Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise to many of their strangest experiences. But little had been known of Q's curious existence or that of the advanced dimension from which he comes. But now Picard knows more than he ever dreamed about an ancient conflict whose consequences might spell the doom of the entire galaxy.

The galactic barrier has fallen and Q's oldest enemy is free once more. Captain Picard and his crew find themselves in the middle of a cosmic war between vastly powerful entities. The future of the Federation may be at stake, but how can mere mortals turn the tide in such a superhuman battle? Picard has to find a way, or neither the Q Continuum nor the galaxy will survive.



Date Acquired

25th December 1999

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Behind Enemy Lines: The Dominion War: Book 01

From the Gamma quadrant they came -- hordes of fierce Jem'Hadar warriors commanded by the mysterious Changelings, who will stop at nothing to achieve victory over both the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. Now that the Dominion has entered into an unholy alliance with the Cardassian military regime and seized control of Deep Space Nine Starfleet finds itself fighting a losing war against unbeatable odds. As mighty fleets clash in the deadly battleground of space, the fate of the entire Alpha Quadrant hangs in the balance.

The Enterprise-E is patrolling the Cardassian border, bracing for the joint Dominion-Cardassian offensive that Starfleet knows will come soon, when Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew are reunited with a former crewmate, friend, and enemy: Ro Laren. The onetime officer, who defected from Starfleet to join the rebel Maquis, brings disturbing news. Deep behind enemy lines, the Dominion is attempting to build an artificial wormhole that will allow them to bypass the mined Bajoran wormhole and bring fresh reinforcements into the Alpha Quadrant, altering the balance of power irrevocably. If Captain Picard cannot stop the project, the new wormhole will guarantee the ultimate victory of the Dominion!



Date Acquired

25th December 1999

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Call to Arms: The Dominion War: Book 02

The Federation must withdraw on all fronts. Time and again, large Starfleet fleet units are ambushed by the Dominion and its allies.

Apparently, the JemHadar fleet is well informed of the Federation's operations. Paranoia is spreading at Starfleet headquarters. Have shapeshifters infiltrated the Admiralty?

Captain Sisko discovers that the Dominion has installed an extensive network of sensors that can monitor most of Federation space. He is given a top-secret assignment to invade Dominion-occupied territory with a captured JemHadar ship.

Ben Sisko and his crew manage to destroy a Dominion base, but then it comes to a catastrophe ...



Date Acquired

25th December 1999

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Tunnel Through the Stars: The Dominion War: Book 03

From the Gamma Quadrant they came, hordes of merciless Jem'Hadar soldiers commanded by the shape-changing Founders, who seek to conquer both the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. Now that the Dominion has joined forces with the Cardassians, and claimed Deep Space Nine as their prize, Starfleet is running out of time. As a secret military project nears completion, the destiny of the entire Alpha Quadrant depends on the courage of a few.

In the Federation's time of greatest peril, as the Starship Enterprise readies itself for battle, Captain Jean-Luc Picard leads a desperate mission of espionage deep into the heart of the hostile Cardassian Empire. Unless they can prevent the Dominion from creating an artificial wormhole, hordes of fresh Jem'Hadar warriors and Changelings will pour into the Alpha Quadrant, dooming the Federation to unconditional surrender. But there may be a traitor along on the mission and Picard finds he cannot trust even his closest allies.



Date Acquired

25th December 1999

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Sacrifice of Angels: The Dominion War: Book 04

The war continues between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, on one side, and the Dominion and the Cardassians on the other. The Deep Space Nine space station has now passed into the hands of the enemy, under the command of Gul Dukat. Kira, Odo and Rom remained on board to try to secretly help the Federation and to prevent the mines from being deactivated that block the arrival of Dominion reinforcements from the Bajoran wormhole.

Captain Sisko and the crew of the Defiant must find a way to carry out a very dangerous mission: to destroy a gigantic sensor system that allows the Dominion to track the moves of Starfleet ships. If the mission is successful, the counterattack can start to try to recapture Deep Space Nine.



Date Acquired

25th December 1999

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: The Genesis Wave: Book 01

Intended to create life from nothingness, the Genesis Device became instead a weapon of awe-inspiring destructiveness, capable of rearranging matter and life energy on a planetary scale. After the cataclysmic death of the Genesis Planet, Starfleet wisely decided to destroy all data and records on Project Genesis, hoping to bury its deadly secret forever.

Now, nearly a century later, all that remains of Genesis is the knowledge stored in the mind of an elderly, almost forgotten scientist named Dr Carol Marcus. But Dr Marcus has gone missing, and a mysterious wave of energy is sweeping across the Alpha Quadrant at terrifying speed, wiping out the populations of entire planets, rearranging matter on a molecular level to create bizarre new landscapes and lifeforms.

The USS Enterprise, commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, is the first Starfleet vessel to discover the threat, but they are not the only ones in danger. Trillions of souls and hundreds of inhabited planets lie in the path of the mutagenic wave, which is expanding outwards as it traverses the cosmos, and Earth itself faces total obliteration!



Date Acquired

25th December 2001

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: The Genesis Wave: Book 02

Like an unstoppable cosmic storm, the dreaded Genesis Wave sweeps across the Alpha Quadrant, transforming planets on a molecular level and threatening entire civilizations with extinction.

To combat the rushing terror of the wave, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise have been forced into a tense alliance with the Klingon and Romulan Empires, both of which crave the forbidden secrets of the Genesis technology for themselves.

Now the finest minds of three civilizations must race against time to find some way to halt the deadly wave before yet another world is transformed into something alien and unrecognizable....



Date Acquired

25th December 2001

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: Preserver: The Mirror Universe Trilogy: Book 03

"Two men and two universes collide."

The deadly and tyrannical Emperor Tiberius, former captain of the "I.S.S. Enterprise," has always been rankled by his failure to seize the tantalizing advances of the ancient First Generation. In the peaceful universe of the United Federation of Planets, Tiberius seeks a new ally -- the honourable, idealistic Starfleet Captain James T. Kirk.

Kirk is many things Tiberius is not. But he is also a man deeply in love with his wife -- and Teilani is dying. To save her life, Kirk will compromise his ideals and enter into his most dangerous alliance yet. Kirk guides Tiberius to a long-abandoned First Federation base. There, he expects to find a source of power so great it will enable Tiberius to destroy Captain Jean-Luc Picard's U.S.S. Enterprise, and conquer the mirror universe -- as well as our own. At the heart of their quest, something else is waiting: an object from a technologically advanced civilization revealed to Kirk by mysterious aliens who have influenced life within the galaxy over eons of time -- a message from the Preservers.



Date Acquired

2nd February 2002

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Year Read


Star Trek: I, Q

The Maelstrom, a metaphysical whirlpool of apocalyptic proportions, is pulling all of reality into its maw, devouring the totality of time and space while bringing together people and places from throughout the universe.

The Q Continuum pronounces that the end of everything has come, but Q refuses to meekly accept the complete termination of all he has known. Defying the judgment of the Continuum, he sets out to derail doomsday at whatever the cost. Q is joined in his quest by his young son, little q, as well as by two displaced Starfleet officers. Snatched from the U.S.S. Enterprise by the inexorable pull of the Maelstrom, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data have no choice but to accompany Q on a hazardous journey into the very heart of the vortex, where they will encounter wonders and dangers enough to render Q himself speechless. Almost.



Date Acquired

2nd February 2002

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Star Trek: The Genesis Wave: Book 03

Sweeping across the Alpha Quadrant at a terrifying speed, a wave of Genesis energy has wiped out whole populations of entire planets, rearranging matter on a molecular level to create bizarre new landscapes and life-forms.

The U.S.S. Enterprise, commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, managed to counter the threat, halting the wave in its tracks and stopping the alien race that had sent the wave crashing through the galaxy. In the process, the crew saved trillions of souls and hundreds of inhabited planets from the mutagenic wave. Earth itself, as well as the Romulan Empire, was saved from obliteration.

Now nothing is left to do but clean up the mess the Genesis Wave left behind. Or so it seems.

Unknown to Picard and his crew, the use of the Genesis Wave on a galactic scale had weakened the walls between our dimension and one right next door, one that harbours a deadly threat to not only the survival of civilization throughout the galaxy but the survival of reality itself.



Date Acquired

25th December 2002

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Star Trek: The Last Roundup

Capt. James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise have finally gone their separate ways. Spock, McCoy, Sulu, and the others are spread out across the galaxy, pursuing their individual destinies -- until an interstellar crisis touches all their lives.

Bored with retirement and ill-suited to teaching at Starfleet Academy, Kirk jumps at the chance to help his nephews colonize an uninhabited planet in a distant corner of the Alpha Quadrant. He even manages to persuade Scotty and Chekhov to come along for the ride.

But Kirk soon discovers that the hardy human colonists are not alone on the planet they call Sanctuary. An alien race, of whom little is known, has also established an outpost on Sanctuary for its own mysterious reasons. Suspicious, Kirk investigates, only to discover a terrifying threat that strikes at the security of the entire Federation.

Light-years from Starfleet Command, without a ship or a crew to call his own, Kirk thinks he faces the menace alone. yet the bonds of loyalty transcend even the awesome distances of space, bringing together a legendary crew for one final, fantastic adventure.



Date Acquired

25th December 2002

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Star Trek: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh: The Eugenics Wars: Book 01

Even centuries later, the final decades of the twentieth century are still regarded -- by those who know the truth of what really happened -- as one of the darkest and most perilous chapters in the history of humanity. Now, as an ancient and forbidden technology tempts mankind once more, Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise must probe deep into the secrets of the past, to discover the true origins of the dreaded Eugenics Wars -- and of perhaps the greatest foe he has ever faced.

1974 A.D. An international consortium of the world's top scientists have conspired to create the Chrysalis Project, a top-secret experiment in human genetic engineering. The project's goal is nothing less than the creation of a new, artificially improved breed of men and women: smarter, faster, stronger than ordinary human beings, a super-race to take command of the entire planet.

Gary Seven, an undercover operative for an advanced alien species, is alarmed by the project's objectives; he knows too well the apocalyptic consequences of genetic manipulation. With his trusted agents, Roberta Lincoln and the mysterious Isis, he will risk life and limb to uncover Chrysalis' insidious designs and neutralize the awesome threat that the Project poses to the future.

But he may already be too late. One generation of super-humans has already been conceived. As the years go by, Seven watches with growing concern as the children of Chrysalis -- in particular, a brilliant youth named Khan Noonien Singh -- grow to adulthood. Can Khan's dark destiny be averted -- or is Earth doomed to fight a global battle for supremacy?



Date Acquired

25th December 2003

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Star Trek: Intellivore

The Great Rift lies between the Sagittarius and Orion arms of the galaxy. Stars are scarce there, beyond the authority of the Federation, and legends abound of lost civilizations and of ancient monsters that prey on those who dare to venture into the vast darkness between the stars.

When several ships and colonies mysteriously disappear into the Rift, the U.S.S. Enterprise leads an expedition to investigate various disturbing reports. Accompanied by two other Federation starships, Picard and his fellow captains discover a bizarre menace of unimaginable power. And the only way to trap this destructive entity is to use the Enterprise as bait.



Date Acquired

10th January 2004

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Star Trek: Broken Bow

It Is the twenty-second century...and the dawn of mankind's boldest adventure. Thanks to the amazing breakthroughs in warp technology, an era of true Interstellar exploration is about to begin, and a whole new universe, full of astounding wonders and unparalleled dangers, has just opened up for humanity.

Someone has to lead the way, and that someone is Capt. Jonathan Archer of the first Starship Enterprise, NX-01. Archer and his crew, including Vulcan SubCommander T'Pol and the enigmatic Dr. Phlox, will face challenges previously unimagined as they truly go where no man has gone before.

But they must also survive first contact with a fearsome extraterrestrial race known only as the Klingons.



Date Acquired

23rd July 2005

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Star Trek: Captain's Blood: Totality: Book 02

Following the explosive events of Star Trek: Nemesis, the Romulan Star Empire is in disarray, and Ambassador Spock attempts to render aid by launching a last-ditch effort to reunify the Romulans with their distant forebears, the Vulcans. But when Spock is publicly assassinated at a Romulan peace rally, Starfleet and the Federation are unable to search for the criminals responsible without triggering an intergalactic war.

Thus, it falls to James T. Kirk, now retired, to investigate his beloved friend's murder. Given clandestine assistance by Captain Will Riker of the Starship Titan, and accompanied by his good friend Jean-Luc Picard, Kirk travels to Romulus as a civilian, along with his five-year-old child, Joseph, the cantankerous Doctor Leonard McCoy, retired Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, as well as several members of Picard's crew, still waiting to return to duty on the badly damaged U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E. But on Romulus' sister world, Remus, Kirk unexpectedly encounters an alluring enemy from his past as Picard and he discover that Spock's apparent murder hides an even deeper mystery, literally reaching beyond the limits of the galaxy.

Trapped on a deadly, alien world on the eve of a Romulan civil war that could plunge the galaxy into a civilization-ending conflict, Kirk's investigation, at last, brings him to the heart of a staggering conspiracy. Now, he discovers the true threat facing the Romulans and is forced into the heartrending realization that for peace to prevail, he must sacrifice the freedom of his son, whose very blood holds the secret to his startling destiny.



Date Acquired

25th December 2005

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Star Trek: Captain's Glory: Totality: Book 03

With the civil war on Romulus averted, Kirk is finally free to seek out the truth behind the death of his oldest and closest friend. Was Spock killed by the shadowy organisation known as the Totality?

A generous offer from Starfleet provides him with the starship he needs in order to reach his goal. Their only proviso: that they can call on his help if they need him. But what happened to Spock is not Kirk's only worry: Joseph, his son, is rebelling wildly against the restrictions placed on him as the price of Romulan peace.

Is the Totality somehow also linked to Joseph's rage? But before he can find the answers to either troubling question, Kirk receives a call from Admiral Janeway, telling him she needs him to save the Federation. Torn between his mission and his duty, the cause of the Federation must claim him one more time before he can turn his attention either to his friend or to his son.



Date Acquired

25th December 2007

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Star Trek: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh: The Eugenics Wars: Book 02

Many unanswered questions remain about the terrible Eugenics Wars that raged on Earth during the 1990s, an apocalyptic conflict that brought civilization to the brink of a new dark age. Centuries later, as Capt. James T. Kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise are forced to defend a colony of genetically enhanced humans against Klingon aggression and sabotage, Kirk must probe deeper into the past -- and into the glory days of one of the greatest adversaries he has ever faced.

1992. Almost twenty years ago, Gary Seven and Robeta Lincoln, undercover operatives for an unknown alien civilization, failed to prevent the Chrysalis Project from creating an entire generation of supermen and women. Now, the children of Chrysallis are adults and rapidly demonstrating that superior abilities spawn superior ambition.

Perhaps the most formidable of this new breed of supermen is the charismatic Khan Noonien Singh. Head of a vast global conspiracy, Khan's power stretches across a quarter of the planet. Khan dreams of leading his fellow superhumans to complete and total domination of the world. But several of his gene-engineered brothers and sisters have equally grandiose visions for the future, visions that recognize no one but themselves as supreme ruler. Gary Seven and Roberta watch in horror as the children of Chrysalis wage a covert war against one another, threatening the safety of millions and the future of the entire world!



Date Acquired

9th February 2008

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Star Trek: To Reign in Hell - The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh: The Eugenics Wars: Book 03

What truly transpired during Khan's long years of exile on the forbidding world of Ceti Alpha V, before the tyrant escaped to embark on a murderous campaign of vengeance against Admiral James T. Kirk? What horrific trials spawned Khan's insane lust for revenge?

Haunted by the memory of Khan's bitter accusations, Kirk now revisits Ceti Alpha V to discover for himself what ultimately drove Khan to madness. There, buried beneath the desolate surface of a dying planet, Kirk and his allies find the untold story of their greatest foe -- and of the woman who loved him: Lieutenant Marla McIvers of Starfleet?.

Along with Khan's genetically engineered followers from the twentieth century, Khan and Marla are left on Ceti Alpha V with the hopes of building a new life together. Although the planet is savage and untamed, full of deadly predators and unexpected hazards, Khan dreams of carving out an empire even greater than the one he once ruled on Earth.

But when catastrophe strikes, laying waste to the entire world, Khan and the others find themselves trapped in a desperate struggle for survival. Now Khan must use every ounce of his superhuman strength and intellect to wage a fearsome battle against the planet, his people...and the growing darkness in his own soul.



Date Acquired

9th July 2008

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Star Trek: The Autobiography of James T. Kirk

The Autobiography of James T. Kirk chronicles the greatest Starfleet captain's life (2233-2371), in his own words.

From his youth spent on Tarsus IV, his time in the Starfleet Academy, his meteoric rise through the ranks of Starfleet, and his illustrious career at the helm of the Enterprise, this in-world memoir uncovers Captain Kirk in a way Star Trek fans have never seen.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

15th April 2019

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Star Trek: Captain's Peril: Totality: Book 01

The Dominion War is over. The Federation is at peace. What better time for two legendary starship captains to set aside the demands of duty and simply take some well-deserved time off.

But when James T. Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard arrive on Bajor to dive among the ruins of an ancient sunken city, they find themselves in far from relaxing circumstances. The small group of scientists the captains have joined suddenly discover their equipment sabotaged -- isolating them from Deep Space Nine and from any hope of rescue -- as a murderer stalks them, one by one. Cut off from the people and the technology on which they have always depended, Kirk and Picard must rely more than ever on their own skills and resources -- as well as on their growing friendship -- to solve the mysterious killings and, at the same time, save one of Bajor's greatest living treasures.

With time running out and Picard missing after a diving disaster, Kirk must search his memories of the past for the solution, plunging him into a harrowing personal journey that reveals the beginning of his path from young Starfleet officer to legendary galactic hero. From the shores of Bajor's Inland Sea to the welcoming arms of a seductive and deadly alien commander intent on making Kirk her own, The Captain's Peril is Captain Kirk's most personal, and his most extreme, adventure yet.



Date Acquired

22nd May 2021

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