The Shadowleague

I bought the first book in this series as part of a special purchase bundle from the book club that included the complete “Artefacts of Power” series of four books, which were discounted, along with the first book of the new series, which was also nicely discounted, making it a very tempting and attractive offer.

I don’t recall having heard or seen any books by Maggie Furey before, so I was purely relying on the synopsis of the stories to guide me, and to be honest, I was a little worried I had made a mistake in purchasing this bundle as I was slightly disappointed with the “The Heart of Myrial”.

However, on starting to read the first book of “Artefacts of Power” series I was immediately enthralled by it and the subsequent books. This convinced me to purchase the following books in “The Shadowleague” series, which I am glad I did as I found myself enjoying each passing book more and more.

The Heart of Myrial: The Shadowleague: Book 01

The world of Myrial is racing toward apocalypse. For aeons, its mysterious Curtain Walls have functioned to separate realm from realm, and race from race, so that each cordoned area remains a sanctuary for its species. But now the miraculous walls that have provided order for so long are disintegrating with disastrous results.

Mingling climates are causing unrelenting rains or deadly droughts, while warlike races are preying mercilessly on the helpless and meek. And the carnage will only grow worse unless a seasoned woman-warrior, a brazen firedrake, and a venerable Dragon with amazing telepathic powers—all trusted members of the Shadowleague—succeed where everyone else has failed. For they must first locate the heart of Myrial, where the secret for undoing this disaster resides. In order to reach their goal, however, they must overcome treachery, intrigue, and evil—and a mysterious figure from the past whose actions threaten to tear the Shadowleague apart.



Date Acquired

27th August 1999

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Spirit Of The Stone: The Shadowleague: Book 02

On the world of Myrial, the mysterious Curtain Walls have begun to fall and the realms and races that have been carefully separated from the beginning of time are now confronting each other, with terrible consequences. Hideous winged creatures have attacked the city of Tiarond, turning its streets and public squares into a killing ground. As bewildered groups of survivors flee the city in all directions, others make the treacherous journey to the sacred Temple, where the ancient power that can save the world lies hidden.

Meanwhile, two women warriors and a brazen firedrake journey to the realm of the Shadowleague, taking with them a Dragon Seer’s telepathic knowledge that might be used to repair the Curtain Walls. Yet not even that will be enough. For before the Shadowleague can act to save a rapidly unravelling reality, it must decide if it will trust a ruthless exile with a bloody past who can bring order to Myrial—or hasten its harrowing descent into annihilation.



Date Acquired

19th January 2002

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


The Eye Of Eternity: The Shadowleague: Book 03

The Curtain Walls safeguarding the kingdoms of Myrial tremble on the point of collapse. If they fall, the world will fall with them. Its fate lies in the hands of the Shadowleague, but they have been shaken to the core by the return of the renegade Amaurn.

Claiming what he believes to be his rightful place - at the head of the Shadowleague - the man who long ago betrayed the Loremasters must first persuade them to follow him. He has already deposed the Achimandrite, but now a greater challenge awaits - and his sinister past is far from forgotten.

In the kingdom of Callisiora, in the mountain city of Tiarond, those who managed to survive the vicious attach of the winged Ak'Zahar remain trapped in the Temple. The new Hierarch, Gilarra, knows that time is fast running out for her and her people. Unaware of the great catastrophe that threatens to tear Myrial apart, only a miracle can save them.



Date Acquired

25th December 2003

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read