
Raymond E. Feist was an author I was aware of, but only for his book called “Faerie Tale” which I had loaned from a library near where I was working in 1991-92. I think I only read about a chapter or two of this book before putting it down. I just couldn’t generate any interest in the story and so returned it to the library.

It was while I was browsing through the latest book club catalogue that my attention was drawn by a three book offer. All the books had very striking covers and the synopsis were just as intriguing. It was only then that I noticed they were written by Raymond E. Feist. I did have a few moments of doubt about if I would like the books, given my previous experience, but since the subject of the novels was totally different I decided to give them ago, which turned out to be a very wise decision. The characters, the worlds, the events are all superbly realised and written in a style that was so easy to read that I raced through the books. I did realise though, when I was part of the way through “Shadow of a Dark Queen” that the events unfolding were set after events from another novel, which caused me some confusion but also delight as I realised there were more books for me to read.

Over the years I have been slowly collecting all the novels in the Midkemia series, of which there are a lot, and I have enjoyed every one. The most recent ones I have read were the books of the Empire Trilogy, which were written in conjunction with Janny Wurts and are set on Kelewan, but tie in with the events taking place during the Riftwar Saga. This was a great series as it explored the culture of the Kelenease and events that were happening on their homeworld while they had armies fighting on Midkemia.

This is definitely a series of books that I would encourage anyone who likes fantasy to read.

Shadow of a Dark Queen: The Serpentwar Saga: Book 01

A nest of vipers is stirring. . .

Ancient powers are readying themselves for a devastating confrontation. A dark queen has raised her standard and is gathering armies of unmatched might.

Into this battleground of good and evil a band of desperate men are forced, whose only hope for survival is to face this ancient power and discover its true nature.

Among them are some unlikely heroes – Erik, a bastard heir denied his birthright, and his friend Roo, an irrepressible scoundrel with a penchant for thievery. They are accompanied by the mysterious Miranda, upon whom all must wager their lives.



Date Acquired

10th July1998

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Rise of a Merchant Prince: The Serpentwar Saga: Book 02

It’s hard to build a business empire in the midst of magic and murder...

After a harrowing brush with the armies of the Emerald Queen Roo Avery is now free to choose his own destiny. His ambition is to become one of the most powerful merchants in Midkemia.

But nothing can prepare him for the dangers of the new life he has chosen, where the repayment of a debt can be as deadly as a knife in the shadows and betrayal is always close at hand.

But the war with the Emerald Queen is far from over and the inevitable confrontation will pose the biggest threat yet to Roo's newfound wealth and power.



Date Acquired

10th July1998

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Rage Of A Demon King: The Serpentwar Saga: Book 03

The ultimate darkness approaches . . .

As the Emerald Queen’s shadow lengthens once more across the land of Midkemia, her forces stand ready to launch a devastating invasion.

Come the battle’s dawn, the magician Pug and his life-long friend Tomas will discover that something far worse than the Queen’s sorcery is afoot. For an insatiable nightmare creature has entered their world, seeking to own and corrupt the source of life itself.

When the final conflict is joined, reptile will stand against man and magician against demon; and those who battle for good must be victorious . . . or all is doomed.



Date Acquired

10th July1998

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Shards of a Broken Crown: The Serpentwar Saga: Book 04

The demon has been defeated and the Kingdom rejoices as the threat to the existence of every living thing on Midkemia has passed, but out of the ashes of war new problems arise.

An ambitious General has picked up the fallen reins of command and seeks to build a personal empire out of the wreckage of the Western Realm. It is up to a handful of committed men and women to oppose him. In the forefront of this conflict stand Jimmy and Dash, grandsons of the legendary Jimmy the Hand, who alongside Erik von Darkmoor and Roo Avery must contest on every hand as rival Empires seek to gain from the Empire's loss.

While war rages on two borders, mysterious agencies of dark powers move behind the scenes, from the mountains to the north to the sewers under the burned-out cities of Krondor. Dark powers move, too, behind the scenes, and Pug the Magician and his allies attempt to engage and defeat them, while the Kingdom struggles to gather together the shattered pieces of the nation and forge a new future.



Date Acquired

21st October 1998

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Magician: The Riftwar Saga: Book 01 & 02

At Crydee, a frontier outpost in the tranquil Kingdom of the Isles, an orphan boy, Pug, is apprenticed to a master magician—and the destinies of two worlds are changed forever.

Suddenly the peace of the Kingdom is destroyed as mysterious alien invaders swarm the land. Pug is swept up into the conflict but for him and his warrior friend, Tomas, an odyssey into the unknown has only just begun.

Tomas will inherit a legacy of savage power from an ancient civilization. Pug’s destiny is to lead him through a rift in the fabric of space and time to the mastery of the unimaginable powers of a strange new magic.



Date Acquired

11th December 1998

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Silverthorn: The Riftwar Saga: Book 03

A poisoned bolt has struck down the Princess Anita on the day of her wedding to Prince Arutha of Krondor.

To save his beloved, Arutha sets out in search of the mystic herb called Silverthorn that only grows in the dark and forbidding land of the Spellweavers.

Accompanied by a mercenary, a minstrel, and a clever young thief, he will confront an ancient evil and do battle with the dark powers that threaten the enchanted realm of Midkemia.



Date Acquired

11th December 1998

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A Darkness At Sethanon: The Riftwar Saga: Book 04

An evil wind blows through Midkemia.

Dark legions have risen up to crush the Kingdom of the Isles and enslave it to dire magics.

The final battle between Order and Chaos is about to begin in the ruins of the city called Sethanon.

Now Pug, the master magician sometimes known as Milamber, must undertake an awesome and perilous quest to the dawn of time to grapple with an ancient and terrible Enemy for the fate of a thousand worlds.



Date Acquired

11th December 1998

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Prince of the Blood: Krondors Sons: Book 01

If there were two more impetuous and carefree men in the Kingdom of the Isles, they had yet to be found. Twins Borric and Erland wore that mantle proudly, much to the chagrin of their father, Prince Arutha of Krondor. But their blissful youth has come to an end. Their uncle, the King, has produced no male children. Bypassing himself, Arutha names Borric, the eldest twin by seconds, the Royal Heir. As his brother, Erland will have his own great responsibilities to shoulder. To drive home their future roles, Arutha sends them as ambassadors to Kesh, the most feared nation in the world. Borric and Erland will be presented to the Queen of Kesh—the single most powerful ruler in the known world—at her Seventy-fifth Jubilee Anniversary.

But they have not even left Krondor when an assassination attempt on Borric is thwarted. Aware that he is being provoked into war, Arutha does not rise to the bait. His sons’ journey will not be deterred, for nothing less than peace is riding on it. Yet there is to be no peace for the young princes. When their travelling party is ambushed, Borric disappears and is presumed dead—sending Erland into spirals of rage and grief as he is forced to navigate alone the court intrigues at Kesh. But unbeknownst to anyone, Borric lives and has escaped his captors. In a strange land, with a price on his head, Borric must use all his wits and stamina to find his way back to his brother.

On separate paths, the two men—one a fugitive and one a future king—make their journey toward maturity, honour, and duty. For every step they take could sway the fragile peace of the land, as those who crave war rally against them—and become ever more daring.



Date Acquired

11th December 1998

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Krondor: The Betrayal: The Riftwar Legacy: Book 01

The vile sorcerer Sidi plans to strike the kingdom a fatal blow, setting the murderous pirate Bear upon the high seas in pursuit of the vessel that is transporting Midkemia's most holy object; the Tear of the Gods. From this miraculous stone, all magic power is believed to flow. And if the Tear becomes the mage's trinket, the future will hold only terror, death and unending night.

For Squire James, Lieutenant William, and the able magician Jazhara, the race is on to rescue the remarkable artifact. For all manner of dark creatures are gathering with one unspeakable purpose: to breed the chaos that will hasten the destruction of Squire James and his brave companions . . . and bring about the total corruption of the Tear of the Gods.



Date Acquired

18th December 1998

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Krondor: The Assassins: The Riftwar Legacy: Book 02

Fresh back from the front, another foe defeated, Prince Arutha arrives to find all is not well in Krondor. A series of apparently random murders has brought an eerie quiet to the city. Where normally the streets are bustling with merchants and tricksters, good life and night life, now there seems to be a self-imposed curfew at sun-down.

Mutilated bodies have been turning up in the sewers, the Mockers' demesne. The Thieves' Guild has been decimated - men, women, children, it matters not. The head of the Mockers is missing, presumed dead. Those few who survived the terrible attacks are lying low. Very low.

The Crawler, it seems, is back in town. And he's being helped by others, more ruthless even than he. Can it be the Nighthawks again? The Prince enlists his loyal Squire James to find out. If anyone can unravel what's happening in the bowels of Krondor, he can. He knows the sewers like the back of his hand. After all, as Jimmy the Hand, he grew up there.

Meanwhile, the retinue of the Duke of Olasko has arrived suddenly at the palace, a week ahead of schedule but with not apologies and many demands. They say they are here to hunt. But to hunt what? Pug's won William, on his first posting as a knight-lieutenant, musts escort them into the wilds. It should have been a straightforward mission...



Date Acquired

12th October 1999

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Krondor: Tear of the Gods: The Riftwar Legacy: Book 03

A raid upon the high seas signals an attack of unprecedented magnitude by the forces of darkness.

But the daring assault upon the Temple of Ishap goes dramatically wrong and the prize, the Tear of the Gods, sinks beneath the waves of the Bitter Sea. The most powerful artifact known to the Temples of Midkemia, this colossal gem allows the priests to speak with their gods. Without it they are lost for a decade until another is formed in the distant mountains.

Squire James, William, and Jazhara must seek out the location of the gem, with Brother Solon, a warrior priest of Ishap, and Kendaric, the sole member of the Wreckers' Guild with the power to raise the ship. But they are opposed by the minions of the Dark God, who seeks to possess the Tear for his own ends.

A breathless race for a priceless treasure, against time, myriad sinister and competing evil forces, and ultimately against the fundamentals of nature, which in Midkemia can be as formidable as the Gods themselves...



Date Acquired

25th December 2001

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Honoured Enemy: Legends of the Riftwar: Book 01

As the Riftwar tears Midkemia apart, enemies trapped in the frozen Northlands must trust each other to stay alive. . . .

In the sprawling, embattled land of Midkemia, fate can form strange alliances. Nine years into the bloody and ongoing Riftwar, Dennis Hartraft's Marauders are cold, hungry, and exhausted. Having only just survived a disastrous encounter with their sworn enemy, the Tsurani, the soldiers are headed for a frontier garrison, where they will be able to rest and recover. But Hartraft's company arrives at the same time as a Tsurani patrol, and both sides discover the stronghold overrun by a migrating horde of dark elves called Moredhel, a foe so deadly and vicious the bitter enemies must band together and fight as one.

But can their hatred for their mutual enemy overcome their distrust of each other? As the two groups, bound to each other by their common foe, make their way across the unknown Northlands to freedom, they have to struggle with not only the elements and the enemy, but also their consciences. For, with both sides carrying painful scars from past wars, each man must ask himself what is more important: one's life or one's honour?



Date Acquired

25th December 2001

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Murder in LaMut: Legends of the Riftwar: Book 02

In Midkemia, there are no easy roads, for twenty years the mercenaries Durine, Kethol, and Pirojil have fought other people's battles.

Having already defeated the Tsurani, the Bugs, and the goblins, it seems there are no more enemies for them to vanquish-—even as the Riftwar rages on in the west. What lies ahead for the able trio are a few welcomed months of restful garrison duty. When ordered to accompany the promiscuous Lady Mondegreen, her ageing husband, and her current lover to a summit in the city of LaMut, the Three Swords willingly comply, expecting an uncomplicated and undemanding assignment.

But nothing is straightforward in this land of violence and treachery. And when the fury of a winter's storm traps them inside a castle teeming with ambitious, plotting lords and ladies, the mercenaries suddenly find themselves with a series of cold-blooded murders to solve ... and the political future of Midkemia resting in their hands.



Date Acquired

25th December 2002

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Talon Of The Silver Hawk: Conclave of Shadows: Book 01

Among the Orosini tribe, every boy must undergo the traditional manhood ritual in order to understand his place in the universe and discover his manhood name. Kielianapuna must survive on the remote mountain peak of Shatana Higo until the gods grant him his vision. But Kieli has already waited for four days and nights, and now he is cold, lonely, despairing, and very, very tired...

When he is woken by the terrifying sensation of sharp claws piercing his skin and finds a rare silver hawk upon his arm, it is such a disorientating moment that he is not sure whether it has even happened or whether it is a vision.

Returning to his home, nameless and still a child, Kieli stumbles upon devastation. His village is being burned, his people slaughtered. Although it means certain death, Kieli throws himself into the battle.... Against all the odds, he survives--the only Orosini, who have been cut down where they stand: every last man, woman, and child.

A distant voice echoes in his mind: Rise up and be a talon for your people...The visitation of the bird on Shatana Higo was indeed his naming vision. He is a boy called Kielianapuna no more. Now he is Talon of the Silver Hawk, a man who must avenge the murder of his people, whatever that may take.



Date Acquired

25th December 2002

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The King's Buccaneer: Krondors Sons: Book 02

Long recovered from the ravages of the Riftwar, the land and people of the kingdom of the Isles thrive.

Nicholas, the youngest son of Prince Arutha, is intelligent and gifted but vastly inexperienced. In hopes of hardening him, his father sends him and his irreverent squire, Harry, to live at Rustic Castle Crydee to learn of life beyond the halls of privilege. But within weeks of Nicholas and Harry's arrival, Crydee is viciously attacked by unknown assailants, resulting in murder, massive destruction, and the abduction of two young noblewomen.

The raiders have come from a pirate haven and are no ordinary foe ... but an enemy connected to dark magical forces that threaten the lands Nicholas will someday rule -- if he survives.



Date Acquired

25th December 2004

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King of Foxes: Conclave of Shadows: Book 02

Rescued, recruited, and trained by the mysterious Conclave of Shadows, Tal Hawkins, hero of Talon of the Silver Hawk has become one of their most effective operatives. But to destroy the nemesis who annihilated his people, the evil Duke of Olasko, Tad must sell his soul. Masquerading as a noble from the far western territory of the Kingdom of the Isles, he must insinuate himself into the duke’s confidence and carry out his most heinous and dangerous commands—even though it means betraying his own moral code.

Driven to the brink, Tal eventually defies the duke—and is imprisoned and left to die in the Fortress of Despair. But the determined young man will not be beaten. Alone, armed only with his courage and wits, Tal makes a daring escape. Returning to Olasko, he will finally brings revenge on his hated enemy.



Date Acquired

25th December 2006

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Exile's Return: Conclave of Shadows: Book 03

Saved by a mage's intervention from certain death, Kaspar, the evil Duke of Olasko, is lord no more -- reduced to an exile's existence and forced to wander the harshest realms of the world he once enslaved.

Merciless deserts, forbidding mountains, and vast oceans now separate the once powerful despot from his former seat of power -- his dark dreams of vengeance overwhelmed by the daily struggle for survival. But there is a larger drama that will entangle the broken dictator. An evil devastating and deadly seeks entrance to the land -- the mystical tool of a dark empire hungry for conquest and destruction -- and Kaspar has inadvertently discovered the key. Suddenly, Midkemia's last hope is a disgraced and exiled duke whose history is written in blood, and who now must wield his sword as her champion . . . if he so chooses..



Date Acquired

25th December 2006

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Flight of the Nighthawks: The Darkwar Saga: Book 01

A new evil threatens Midkemia, its web stretching from the deepest criminal underworld all the way up to the highest seats of power in ancient Kesh. And the Conclave of Shadows, charged unexpectedly with the training of two apprentices, must also best powerful agents of the darkest magic . . . for the fate of two worlds lies in the balance.

In the middle of the night on Sorcerer's Isle, the powerful sorcerer Pug is awakened from a nightmare that portends destruction for all of Midkemia. Disturbed by the dream, Pug calls for a convening of the Conclave of Shadows. Though Pug does not yet know it, his son Magnus has discovered the cause of Pug's prophetic dream: a beacon has been unleashed, directing a vast army of alien invaders to Midkemia, an army so formidable that even the might of the Tsurani Empire might fall before its fury.

Meanwhile, in far Stardock town, two boys are coming of age. But on the dusty path that leads them from home they are thrust by fate into a life undreamed of, becoming enmeshed in intrigue, murder, and treason. Though untrained and unready, they are called upon by the mysterious Conclave to travel deep into the heart of the Empire of Great Kesh, to confront a plot so dark and twisted it will implicate even the highest-ranking nobles of the Empire, even members of the royal family itself. And behind this plot they discover the ancient Brotherhood of Death, the clan of assassins known as the Nighthawks.

And Pug will find himself once again facing his old nemesis, the evil wizard formerly known as Sidi, now Leso Varen, in a confrontation with everything at stake: his honor, his life, and the future of Midkemia.



Date Acquired

25th December 2006

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A Kingdom Besieged: The Chaoswar Saga: Book 01

Plagued by rumour and instability the Kingdom is losing spies in Kesh, disappearing - either murdered or turned to the enemy side.

Information has become scant and unreliable but dark forces are coming.

The Keshian Confederacy is assembling under an old enemy in a new guise and a powerful magician, Pug's youngest son, brings new apprentices into the family.

As the men of the West answer the King's call to muster, Martin conDoin - left as caretaker of Crydee Keep - is left with old men and young boys



Date Acquired

25th December 2011

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The Demonwar Saga

  • Rides a Dread Legion

  • At the Gates of Darkness

Books 01 & 02

Ten years after the cataclysmic events of Wrath of a Mad God, Midkemia now faces a new danger thoughts buried in myth and antiquity…

A lost race of elves, the Taredhel or ‘people of the stars’, have found a way across the universe to reach Midkemia.

Hard pressed by a ravaging demon horde, what was once a huge empire has been reduced to a handful of survivors. The cornerstone of Taredhel lore is the tale of their lost origins on the world they simply call “Home”. They are convinced that Midkemia is that place. They are coming to reclaim it, and they intend to let nothing stand in their way.

Pug and the Conclave, however, soon realise it’s not the elves, but the demon horde pursuing them that presents the greater danger…


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

8th June 2019

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The Complete Empire Trilogy

  • Daughter of the Empire

  • Mistress of the Empire

  • Servant of the Empire

Books 01 - 03

At age 17, Mara's ceremonial pledge of servantship to the goddess Lashima is interrupted by the news that her father and brother have been killed in battle on Trigia, the world through the rift.

Now, Ruling Lady of the Acoma, Mara finds that not only are her family's ancient enemies, the Minwanabi, responsible for the deaths of her loved ones but her military forces have been decimated by the betrayal and House Acoma is now vulnerable to complete destruction…


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

13th July 2020

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Year Read


Flight of the Night Hawks: The Darkwar Saga: Book 01

by Raymond E. Feist.

The Conclave of Shadows faces two challenges: finding and destroying the evil magician Leso Varen, and deactivating an army of sinister magical warriors hidden in a cave in Midkemia.

They discover the warriors, called Talnoy, are beacons for a vast army of alien invaders, one so formidable that even the combined might of Midkemia and the Tsurani Empire could fall before its fury.

Meanwhile, three other agents of the Conclave – Kaspar, Talwin, and Caleb – venture deep into the heart of the Empire of Great Kesh charged with neutralising a threat to the imperial government; a scheme so dark and twisted it implicates even the highest ranking nobles of the Empire and members of the royal family itself.



Date Acquired

8th May 2021

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Into a Dark Realm: The Darkwar Saga: Book 02

Chaos threatens to overwhelm two worlds as evil forces prepare to invade Midkemia, while the most treacherous magician in history – the madman Leso Varen – wreaks havoc on the world of Kelewan.

Varen has usurped the body of one of the most powerful men on Kelewan, and Pug must uncover his true identity amid an entire city of Black Robes before Midkemia’s only ally is completely disabled by Varen’s political poison.

As Pug begins his search, his son, Magnus, will lead a desperate expedition into the vast and malevolent empire that threatens his home-world, with the hope of finding the key to defeating an enemy capable of overwhelming the combined might of two worlds. But even if Magnus succeeds in uncovering the vital information, he must also survive the perilous journey home.



Date Acquired

8th May 2021

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Wrath of a Mad God: The Darkwar Saga: Book 03

The Darkwar has fallen upon the worlds of Kelewan and Midkemia; a time of heroes, trials and destruction.

Following their dangerous mission to the realm of the alien Dasati, Magnus and the other members of the Conclave must now find a way to use what they discovered to help save their own people from the wrath of a mad god.



Date Acquired

8th May 2021

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Jimmy the Hand: Legends of the Riftwar: Book 03

Jimmy the Hand, boy thief of Krondor, lived in the shadows of the city. The sewers were his byways and a flea-ridden, rat-infested cellar his home. Although gifted beyond his peers, he was still but a nimble street urchin, a pickpocket with potential. Until the day he met Prince Arutha.

Aiding the Prince in his rescue of Princess Anita from imprisonment by Duke Guy du Bas-Tyra, Jimmy runs afoul of Black Guy's secret police. Given the choice of disappearing on his own or in a weighted barrel at the bottom of Krondor's harbor, Jimmy flees the only home he's ever known, venturing south to the relatively safe haven of Land's End. Suspecting that the rural villagers have never encountered a lad with his talent and nose for finding wealth—other people's wealth—he's fairly optimistic about his broadening horizons. But Jimmy is completely unprepared for what greets him.

For Land's End is home to others who tread the crooked path, and more, to a much darker secret: a dangerous presence unknown even to the local thieves and smugglers. And Jimmy's youthful bravado and courage will plunge him deep into the maw of chaos and even—if he isn't careful—death.



Date Acquired

8th May 2021

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