
Like most people, I would assume, I was aware of the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons, but other than a few snippets seen on various TV programs depicting people playing the game I had no real idea what was involved. Thus when I saw the Dragonlance books I assumed they were somehow connected, either inspired by the game or vice versa.

The main reason I was drawn to purchase the 'Dragonlance Chronicles' was the fact that "Dragons" was used several times within the title as well as in the synopsis on the back cover. If the story involves Dragons and such is evident either from the title or the cover art, then I will pick up the book and read the back cover. I may not always buy it, but I will consider it.

Having read the Chronicles, the main characters that stood out to me were Raisalin and Tass, so when I later saw the books containing their adventures I just had to buy them too.

Dragonlance Chronicles

  • Dragons of Autumn Twilight

  • Dragons of Winter Night

  • Dragons of Spring Dawning

Once merely creatures of legend, the dragons have returned to Krynn. But with their arrival comes the departure of the old gods—and all healing magic. As war threatens to engulf the land, lifelong friends reunite for an adventure that will change their lives and shape their world forever.

The Heroes of the Lance battle dragons, ruthless invaders, and the minions of dark gods to keep their beloved homeland from falling under the pall of evil.

But within each of them, an even greater struggle is waged for their minds, hearts, and souls.



Date Acquired

23rd September 1989

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Time of the Twins: Dragonlance Legends: Book 01

One man, the powerful archmage Raistlin, intends that the darkness shall return.

Two people alone can stop him: Crysania, a beautiful cleric of good, and Caramon, Raistlin's twin brother, who must first understand himself before he can redeem his brother.

Together with Tasslehoff, the irrepressible Kender, the three of them embark on a perilous journey back through time to the days before the Cataclysm. In the doomed city of Istar, poised on the brink of disaster, dark magic and darker ambition battle with love and self-sacrifice in a quest to save not only the world but, more importantly, a soul.



Date Acquired

27th January 1990

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


War of the Twins: Dragonlance Legends: Book 02

Escaping the doomed city of Istar, Raistlin - now a wizard of great power - casts a spell that brings his twin brother, Caramon, and the beautiful cleric, Crysania, forward in time.

Here, he intends to enter the portal and challenge the Dark Queen.



Date Acquired

27th January 1990

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Test of the Twins: Dragonlance Legends: Book 03

Raistlin casts the magical spell that has cost him so much. For him, the Portal opens…

But at the same instant, his twin brother, Caramon operates the magical time-traveling device. The fields of magic shift and collide.

Caramon and the kender, Tasslehoff, are flung into an unexpected time and place where they make a horrifying discovery.

And Raistlin enters the Abyss, prepared to face his most deadly challenge---

Takhisis, Queen of Darkness.



Date Acquired

27th January 1990

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Kendermore: Dragonlance: Preludes: Book 02

Before the War of the Lance, carefree Kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot is enjoying the company of his friends at the Inn of the Last Home when a bounty hunter arrives and charges him with desertion for violating the Kender laws of prearranged marriage.

But Tasslehoff's intended has pulled a disappearing act of her own.

The race is on to see who gets dragged to the altar first in a tale of adventure replete with magic, monsters, and mayhem.



Date Acquired

23rd June 1990

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


The Magic of Krynn: Dragonlance: Tales: Book 01

The book is a compilation of 10 short stories from various authors taking place in the fictional world of Krynn:

  • Riverwind and the Crystal Staff

  • The Blood Sea Monster

  • A Stone's Throw Away

  • Dreams of Darkness, Dreams of Light

  • Love and Ale

  • Wayward Children

  • The Test of the Twins

  • Harvests

  • Finding the Faith

  • The Legacy



Date Acquired

23rd June 1990

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Dragons of Summer Flame: Dragonlance: The New Generation Book 02

The War of the Lance is long over. The seasons come and go. The pendulum of the world swings. Now it is summer. A hot parched summer such as no one on Krynn has ever known before. The uneasy balance begins to shift.

Distraught by a grievous loss, the young mage Palin Majere seeks to enter the Abyss in search of his lost uncle, the infamous archmage Raistlin and on a small island, the mysterious Irda capture an ancient artifact and use it to ensure their own safety.

Usha child of the Irda arrives in Palanthas claiming that she is Raistlin’s daughter. The summer will be deadly. Perhaps it will be the last summer Ansalon will ever know.



Date Acquired

23rd September 1996

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Dragons of a Fallen Sun: Dragonlance: The War of Souls: Book 01

The people of Krynn have known war in past ages. Some are still alive who remember the triumph of good at the conclusion of the War of the Lance. Still more remember the devastation of the Chaos War, which ended the Fourth Age of the world.

But now a new war is about to begin, more terrible than any have known. This war is one for the very heart and soul of the world itself.



Date Acquired

23rd June 2001

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read