Greek Series

This short series of two books by David Gemmell blends history and mythology with his unique style to produce a truly engaging and entertaining story that keeps you riveted.

The plot of the books follows Parmenion, who was a General in both Phillip of Macedon and Alexander the Great's army and produces a story that weaves in all the historical events that happened to both Phillip and Alexander.

I was never a fan of history, as taught in school, but I have always been fascinated by mythology, whether it is Greek, Norse, Arthurian etc;. At the time I knew a reasonable amount about Alexander and what he had achieved, but Phillip was a different matter, being almost an unknown as far as I was concerned, but who was a major character in the first book, which imparted an educational thread to the storyline and increased my interest.

I found both books to be highly interesting, both from the point of it being a fantastic story, but also from the aspect of picking out actual historical events and marvelling at the way the story wove those events seamlessly into its narrative.

These books, along with the Troy series, are some of the finest novels David Gemmell wrote, in my opinion.

Lion of Macedon: Greek Series: Book 01

Over and again, the aged seeress Tamis scried all the possible tomorrows. In every one, dark forces threatened Greece; terrible evil was poised to reenter the world. The future held only one hope: a half-caste Spartan boy, Parmenion. So Tamis made it her mission to see that Parmenion would become the deadliest warrior in the world -- no matter what the cost.

Raised to manhood in Sparta, bullied and forced to fight for his life every day, Parmenion had no notion of the unseen dimensions of magic and mystery that shaped his fate. He grew in strength and cunning. His military genius earned him the title Strategos in Sparta. His triumphs for the city of Thebes made him a hero. And finally, his fate led him to the service of Philip of Macedon.

As Tamis had foreseen, Parmenion's destiny was tied to the Dark God, to Philip, and to the yet-unborn Alexander. All too soon the future was upon them. Parmenion stood poised to defeat evil -- or to open the gate for the Dark God to reenter the world.



Date Acquired

29th July 1992

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Dark Prince: Greek Series: Book 02

The chaos spirit had chosen the child Alexander to be its human host. But Parmenion, the most powerful warrior of ancient Greece, had won a small victory over the darkness that sought to rule through Alexander. The boy's soul had not been destroyed by evil, but instead had merged with it -- and now Parmenion aided Alexander in the battle between light and dark that constantly raged within him.

But there was another world, where the creatures of Greece's legends still flourished. There, the chaos spirit already ruled, through a demon king. In this Greece, there was a prophecy that a child of great power, the legendary golden child, would come and restore the fading magic of the land to the creatures of myth. The demon king believed also that devouring the heart of this fabled child would give him immortality. He believed Alexander, with the power of the chaos spirit within him, to be that child. And so he called Alexander into his world . . .

Only Parmenion, guided by the seeress Derae, his lost love from another life, could hope to save Alexander from the demon king. But who could save the young prince from the chaos spirit that threatened to conquer his soul?



Date Acquired

3rd April 1993

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Lion of Macedon: Greek Series: Book 01

His name is Parmenion. Despised by Spartans and Macedonians alike, he must fight for his place in the world.

Yet he will survive. Dark forces have marked out his destiny as the most fearsome warlord Greece has ever known.

For he will become the Lion of Macedon - and will reshape the glory of Greece before he faces the wrath of hell . . .



Date Acquired

1st April 2022

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Number of Pages


Year Read


Dark Prince: Greek Series: Book 02

Parmenion, the Lion of Macedon - a lone hero in search of salvation and instead finding destiny.

Alexander, the Dark Prince - a child who will become Alexander, founder of the greatest empire the world has ever known. He will conquer all, save for the Chaos Spirit, the immortal evil that dwells in his soul.

Together they will be forced into other dimensions, across time, into enchanted worlds full of wonder and sorcery . . .



Date Acquired

1st April 2022

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read