The Saga of Shadows

This series is set approximately twenty years after the events of the Saga of Seven Suns series and revolves around the missing race of the Klikiss which were introduced in the first series. I became aware of this series of books only as I was purchasing the last book of the Seven Suns Saga, and having enjoyed those I just decided to just continue the story and purchase these novels. I read these one after the other and found them to be just as engaging and interesting to read as the Seven Suns series.

The Dark Between the Stars: The Saga of Shadows: Book 01

The Dark Between the Stars is space opera on a grand scale.

Twenty years after the elemental conflict that nearly tore apart the cosmos in The Saga of Seven Suns, a new threat emerges from the darkness, and the human race must set aside its own inner conflicts to rebuild their alliance with the Ildiran Empire for the survival of the galaxy.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

10th October 2017

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Blood of the Cosmos: The Saga of Shadows: Book 02

As the second book of the trilogy opens, the humans and Ildirans having narrowly escaped annihilation at the hands of the Shana Rei and their robot allies in Book One, are desperate to find a way to combat the black cloud of antimatter of the Shana Rei.

The mysterious, alien Gardeners, who had helped them previously turn out to be a disaster in disguise and because of them, the world tree forests are again in danger. This opens up a second front in this galactic war. Believing they have found a way to stop their dreaded enemies, a new weapon is tested, but it's a horrible failure, throwing the human race and its allies to the brink of extinction.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

9th November 2017

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Eternity’s Mind: The Saga of Shadows: Book 03

The desperate war with the Shana Rei seems lost. All across the transportal network, space is tearing apart, the links between the gateways are breaking down, the fabric of space unraveling, and entire sections of the Spiral Arm are becoming galactic dead zones.

The Shana Rei have infiltrated the transportal network, and desperate populations have to cut themselves off, shutting down their portals, often their only connection with the rest of the Spiral Arm.

In desperation, humans and Ildirans turn to the most unlikely allies, the unpredictable faeros.


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

1st December 2017

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


Whistling Past the Graveyard: The Saga of Shadows: Prequel

Nine years have passed since the end of the titanic Elemental War, and the human race is still picking up the pieces. The Terran Hanseatic League has become the Confederation, and King Peter and Queen Estarra work to heal wounds among the factions of humanity, as well as with the alien Ildiran Empire.

Trade Minister Rlinda Kett seeks to reestablish contact with lost human colonies that have vanished in the chaos, and she travels to a planet called Happiness, site of an isolated neo-Amish colony where the treacherous Prince Daniel was exiled. As a civil war brews among the Roamer clans over the old ways versus new business methods, some brave clans venture back to skymining again, harvesting the restless clouds of huge gas giant planets—where the threat of the devastating hydrogue aliens always looms…


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

1st December 2017

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read