The Ghosts Series

I bought the omnibus edition of the first three books of this series after having seen it listed several times on the Kindle website as a recommended book inspired by my browsing.

I had read the synopsis for it on several of these occasions but was still a bit hesitant about purchasing it, that is until it was put on special offer for the price of seventy-seven pence, which for a book of over one thousand pages is an absolute bargain and so I finally succumbed and added it to my TBR list.

I found the initial couple of chapters of the first book to be a little uninteresting, however, from that point on things quickly changed around and I found myself thoroughly engaged with the plot, which in book one is mostly centred around the training of Caina to become a Ghost. The novels see Caina undertaking missions that all end up involving Sorcery of one type or another, which Caina is especially sensitive to following her childhood experience.

The Ghosts Omnibus One

The Ghosts Collections: Book 01 - 04

When her life is torn apart by sorcery and murder, young Caina Amalas joins the Ghosts, the legendary spies and assassins of the Emperor of Nighmar. She learns the secrets of disguise and stealth, of assassination and infiltration, and grows from a frightened child to a Ghost nightfighter, a woman who can face the most terrible foes and prevail through boldness and cunning.

But even that might not be enough to save her.

For the evil that destroyed her family seeks to devour the entire world...


Kindle Edition

Date Acquired

13th January 2021

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read