Forge of God

The book I bought first, "Anvil of Stars", turned out to be the second book in this series, but when I purchased it there was nothing on the book cover, front or back as far as I can remember, that led me to believe it was anything other than a standalone novel by an author I had previously read books by.

As I progressed through the novel, I started to have suspicions that it may be a sequel to a prior novel, but it could just as easily have been laying the groundwork for a prequel novel, such was the style of the writing.

It was only when I bought and read "The Forge of God" a few years later that I realised that I had purchased and read these in the wrong order. However, I don’t think that affected my enjoyment of the story, if anything it might have enhanced it.

The premise of the storyline is that there are two factions of advanced aliens, the first seek out and destroy all budding technological societies so that they never become a threat, they do this by intercepting transmissions from these cultures and then following them back to their source and destroying the planet.

The other faction of aliens tries to stop the first faction, but when they fail they provide aid to any survivors.

Anvil of Stars: Forge of God: Book 02

by Greg Bear

The Ship of the Law travels the infinite enormity of space, carrying eighty-two young people: fighters, strategists, scientists—and children. After one alien culture destroyed their home, another offered the opportunity for revenge in the form of a starship built from fragments of the Earth’s corpse, a ship they now use to scour the universe in search of their enemy.

Working with sophisticated nonhuman technologies that need new thinking to comprehend them, they’re cut off forever from the people they left behind. Denied information, they live within a complex system that is both obedient and beyond their control. They’re frightened. And they’re waging war against entities whose technologies are unimaginably advanced and vast, and whose psychology is ultimately, unknowably alien.



Date Acquired

3rd April 1993

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read


The Forge of God: Forge of God: Book 01

by Greg Bear

June 26, 1996: One of Jupiter's moons disappears. 

September 28, 1996: A mysterious cinder cone is found in Death Valley. 

October 1, 1996: An enormous granite mountain is discovered in Australia. 

It wasn't there six months ago.

Something is happening to Planet Earth, and the truth is too terrifying to consider....



Date Acquired

25th December 1995

Retail Cost


Number of Pages


Year Read