David Farland

The Sum of all Men: Runelords: Book 01

by David Farland.

Young Prince Gabon, a Runelord prince who has received endowments of strength and perception according to the system of magic that works in this world, is travelling in disguise with his warrior-guard, Borenson, to the fiefdom of his father's friend King Sylvarresta to ask for the hand of his daughter, lome, in marriage. But as they stop on the way in a market town, they meet a beautiful woman, Myrrima, who catches the eye of Borenson. The prince, seeing this and having a sudden and unusual intuition of her honour and loyalty, encourages Borenson in immediate courtship.

As he sits in a tavern, Gaborn notices two foreign assassins, powerful and well-trained men who should not be there, who head out toward Sylvarresta.

And in a moment, his happy journey turns into a perilous race to warn the King of deadly danger, a danger that seems local but escalates with astonishing speed to such a magnitude and scope that all human life is threatened. Monstrous evil is loose among men and in the world.

So begins the fantasy epic of The Runelords.



Date Acquired

21st October 1998

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Brotherhood of the Wolf: Runelords: Book 02

by David Farland.

Raj Ahtan, ruler of Indhopal, has used enough forcibles to transform himself into the ultimate warrior: The Sum of All Men. Ahtan seeks to bring all of humanity under his rule-destroying anything and anyone that stood in his path, including many friends and allies of young Prince Gaborn Val Orden. But Gaborn has fulfilled a two-thousand-year-old prophecy, becoming the Earth King-a mythic figure who can unleash the forces of the Earth itself.

And now the struggle continues. Gaborn has managed to drive off Raj Ahtan, but Ahtan is far from defeated. Striking at far-flung cities and fortresses and killing dedicates, Ahtan seeks to draw out the Earth King from his seat of power, to crush him. But as they weaken each other's forces in battle, the armies of an ancient and implacable inhuman enemy issue forth from the very bowels of the Earth.



Date Acquired

25th December 1999

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Year Read


Wizardborn: Runelords: Book 03

by David Farland.

Reeling from the battle at Carris, the young king Gaborn Val Orden finds that he has lost the powers that let him protect his people. As he struggles to rid his land of reavers, he discovers that the creatures are more resourceful and terrifying than even he imagined. Desperate for any weapon that will aid him in this battle, all of his hopes come to rest upon the nine-year-old girl, Averan, the Wizardborn apprentice to the earth wizard Binnesman. Despite her fears, he must convince her to lead him in battle against the reaver lord of the underworld.

Meanwhile the ailing Wolf Lord, Raj Ahten, learns that a reaver horde is decimating his own homeland. There, he confronts his enemy, and finds that he must choose to strip himself of all humanity or face ultimate defeat . . .



Date Acquired

23rd June 2001

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The Lair of Bones: Runelords: Book 04

by David Farland.

In THE LAIR OF BONES, the stars fall from heaven and the very earth trembles in pain. With Gaborn's kingdom of Mystarria in ruins, four powerful kings march to claim its spoils, even as a vast army of reavers from the underworld sallies forth, intending to put an end to mankind. In one last-ditch effort to heal the earth, Averan leads the Earth King, Gaborn Val Orden, far below the surface to the Lair of Bones, to confront the leader of the reaver hordes. There Gaborn must confront an ancient evil - before the world is torn apart. In this fourth volume of THE RUNELORDS series, David Farland continues to rewrite the boundaries of epic fantasy. There are only impossible decisions for his protagonists, and the evil of the reavers may simply be a mask for the true horrors to come...



Date Acquired

31st July 2004

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Sons of the Oak: Runelords: Book 05

by David Farland.

The Earth King, Gaborn Val Orden, has roamed to the ends of the known world to preserve his people, but the life-draining powers he has embraced have finally taken their toll. His death leaves his young son Fallion at the mercy of his enemies.

But Fallion is no ordinary prince, with no ordinary enemies, but is a reincarnation of an immensely powerful immortal. Known as the torch-bearer, Fallion is fated to engage with an ancient evil across the many ages of his existence. Now, without his father's protection, powerful supernatural forces will seek to prevent him waking to his full powers - and the land of the Runelords will become their battlefield.

At stake is not just a single world and Gaborn's hard-won legacy of peace, but the very foundations of creation ...



Date Acquired

25th December 2010

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Worldbinder: Runelords: Book 06

by David Farland.

Fallion and Jaz, sons of the Earth King Garborn, have returned from their long exile. Yet they have arrived under cover of darkess, fugitives in their own kingdom. There seems little left to save, but Fallion's heritage has given him a powerful calling to heal not just this land, but all lands - if he can master the flameweaver's talent that threatens to consume him.

But he has an ancient enemy, skilled in the ways of evil, and she initiated the catastrophe that doomed the worlds of men. Many ages ago, a perfect world was split into fragments, and each fragment was but a distorted image of this golden age. If Fallion could but unite all these splinters, he could recreate the One True World of Legend, and heal the sickness in the realm.

But his adversary wants the One World for her own ends, and an army of darkness is on her side.



Date Acquired

25th December 2010

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Year Read