
Roll of Honour



This is the second year for the P-Index League Tables, and for the Roll of Honour, opened to commemorate deceased peak-baggers who achieved a high P-Index due to the number of prominent peaks they climbed while they were still alive. 

From Year 2 (2023) any deceased peak-bagger who is known to have reached a P-Index of at least 300 at the time of death may be added to the Roll of Honour, if there is evidence that they had an interest in peak-bagging by prominence in their lifetime.  This does not need to have been an exclusive interest.  Also, they do not need to have been classified as an ‘international peak-bagger’.

2023 Report

Nine deceased people are recorded in the Roll of Honour for 2023 – six from the USA and three from the UK.  That is an increase of three from 2022.

Dennis Poulin, who lived in Oregon at the time of his death, was a prolific peak-bagger who devoted his time exclusively to peaks in the USA, completing many of the major peak-lists for the country.  You can find a tribute to him on his Peakbagger home page here.

John Ide, who lived in Nevada at the time of his death, was also nearly exclusively a peak-bagger devoted to the mountains of the USA, climbing just two abroad.  In his lifetime he amassed over 500 Majors, not to mention completing many significant US peak-lists.  You can find a tribute to him on his Peakbagger home page here.

Gordon MacLeod, based in California, was one of the leading peak-baggers of his day and a significant member of the Sierra Club.  Again, he was almost exclusively occupied with climbing peaks at home in the USA, apart from short forays to Mexico and Canada in his early years.  You can find a tribute to him on his Peakbagger home page here, also with a link to his bio on the Sierra Club website.

Ken Whyte died in 2022 and an obituary was included in the BwB HoFClerk’s Report for 2022 - see here.

A tribute to Adam Helman features in the 2020 HoFClerk’s Report (see here), and to Ann and Rowland Bowker in the 2021 Report (see here).  

Tributes to the Edward Earl and Frederick Johnson are likely to feature in reports in future years.      

Mark Trengove

P-Index Referee

February 2024