International Peak-baggers' Tables 2022


HoFMeister’s Report


Sixty-three people have been recorded in the P1500m Table for 2022, and eight deceased peak-baggers - three in the Hall of Fame and four in the Roll of Honour.

The most notable P1500m peak-bagging total was from Deividas Valaitis who managed to acquire fifty-two for the calendar year, more than doubling his personal total, and earning a bronze medal.  He made trips to Asia, Africa, and South America.  This astounding new record might make your knees ache, just thinking about it!  The previous record was set by Rob Woodall in 2014, at +39.

Markus Fischer, a new Hall entrant, also achieved a bronze medal, one of the two medals awarded this year.  In total, twenty-five Awards have been achieved to date - Gold by two, Silver by five, and Bronze by eighteen people.  Casey McCoy, another new entrant, earned a Bronze in the previous year.

David Hart set a new personal record of 34 new Ultras in 2022.  He made trips to east Africa, south-east Asia, and Europe.  This moves him up the P1500m ranks into the fifth spot.  You might want to keep your eye on him, as he seems to be building momentum in this category.

Overall, 2022 was a much better year for the Ultras than the previous year.  The global total of newly added ultras by Hall members increased from 126 in 2021 to 372.  This is an increase of 295%.  It does, however, include eight new qualifying Hall entrants.  These include Peter Gram, who was inadvertently overlooked last year.  I’d like to take this moment to say welcome and congratulations to all.  We’re happy to have you in our ranks.

Aside from the over-achievers, twelve peak-baggers managed ten or more.  Five people climbed fifteen or more - Petter Bjørstad and Rob Woodall tied with twenty-two, “Rockinstraw Rockinstraw” increased his total by twenty-one, and Michael Graupe and Adam Walker added seventeen.


Adam Walker

P1500m HoFMeister

April 2023