
BwB Journal

Hohes Licht 2561m, P680 ascent, in the background Biberkopf 2599m, P335.  Northern Alps, Tyrol, Austria - photo Rob Woodall

The BwB Journal is a fixed feature on the website, containing a mix of articles around the general theme of peaks and peak-bagging.


Each year a growing selection of articles about mountains and hills around the world, and the people who climb them, will be added to the Journal, contributed by BwB Forum members, associates and others.

To access the edition of the Journal, follow these links:

This is your opportunity to contribute.  If you already have a piece written that you would like to offer, please do contact me.  It does not have to be in English, if you feel you are not confident in it as a second language.  Google Translate is marvellous these days!  


Alternatively, you might consider writing a new piece.  It could be short - just a few paragraphs, or much longer.  It's up to you.  It can relate to any year, present or past.


As for a topic, write about what engages your interest and enthusiasm, as long as it’s about hills and mountains and the people who climb them.  It might be about a particular ascent you made, or expedition of which you are proud.  Or it might be about a failure.  It could be about a particular hill or mountain that you love (or hate), a mountain range, or an interesting individual.  It's up to you.  Some pictures to illustrate the piece would also be welcome.


Then contact bwbhofclerk'at' (replace 'at' with @).