
League Table




Referee’s Report

This is the second year for the P-Index League Tables.  Since 2022, nearly thirty new people have registered for a potential place in the 2023 Tables, and thirteen of them secured one.  The tie-break rules (see here) were needed for seven people.

As there has been a significant influx of new people into the 2023 Table for whom their P-Index at 31st December 2022 is not known, the 2024 Table will be the first to show each person’s P-Index increase on the previous year.

Partly through a very active year among the leaders in the 2022 Table, and a large influx of new people, the minimum P-Index to secure a position increased from 313 in 2022 to 398 for 2023. 

In the 2023 Table, 78% of the participants live on the continent of North America (62% in 2022), with 74% in the USA, and 22% in Europe (38% in 2022), with 12% in the UK.  12% of the participants self-identify as female and 88% as male.

In League Division 1 there has been no change in the rankings since last year, with Rob Woodall pulling further ahead of Petter Bjørstad to remain in first position. 

In League Division 2 more change in the rankings occurred, with newcomer Sam Grant creating further disruption in the placings. 

In League Division 3 the 2022 participants tended to decrease in the rankings, partly due to the influx of two newcomers.  The notable exception was David Hart, who moved from 28th to 25th position.

In League Division 4 the influx of seven newcomers created major change, giving this Division a very different look from the previous year.     

In League Division 5 three newcomers helped to change the rankings, causing further displacement from 2022.

Looking forward to 2024, it is likely next year’s Table will show far less disruption in the rankings caused by new entrants, but there are five people below Division 5 with a P-Index of at least 390 who may secure a place next year.  In addition, one or two ‘wild-cards’ may reach Division 5, given the significant increase in their P-Index between 2022 and 2023.

My thanks go to Brent Lynam for checking the numbers and content in the 2023 Table.  For 2024, and beyond, Brent will be taking over as the P-Index Referee.

Mark Trengove

P-Index Referee

February 2024