International Peak-baggers' Tables 2022


HoFMeister’s Report


The P2000m Hall of Fame, now with fifty-one members (thirty-nine in 2021) is still led by Petter Bjørstad and Rob Woodall in the Gold, and Bob Packard and Richard Mcllellan in the Silver categories.  The Bronze category is led by a brand new entrant, Markus Fischer, who has squeezed in just ahead of Ken Jones, based on his higher Foreign Peak Ratio. 


There are eleven new entrants overall, with four going straight in at Bronze.  These include Deividas Valaitis, who has the highest year total (15), followed by David Hart (11) and Markus Fischer (9).


Most of the activity has focused on Europe, Central America, the Andes and Indonesia, which continue to be popular venues for high prominence peaks.  Africa also saw activity, including Eric Gilbertson who bagged the Cape Verde highpoint, as well as his higher prominence peaks in Cameroon and the Himalaya.  Mexico's challenging Picacho del Diablo was popular, with Steven Song and Doug Harris climbing it in March, Denise and Richard Mclellan in November, and Petter Bjørstad and Michael Graupe in December.  It was interesting to see an ascent of Gora Kazbek (Georgia), by new entrant Markus Fischer, in October.


It's good to see the category continuing to grow in its third year, with activity on some harder and lesser-known peaks, as well as the more popular targets.


Rob Woodall

P2000m HoFMeister

April 2023