Poly-baggers' Hall of Fame & Register 


Mount Monadnock 965m, P660m, New Hampshire, USA - photo Fran Rautiola 

(This picture file is licensed under the Creative Commons License)

For the introduction to the Poly-baggers' Progress Register and Hall of Fame, see here.

2020 is the second year of the Register, and the first for the Hall of Fame.  A total of forty-nine people (36 in 2019) and seven deceased are featured in the Register and Hall of Fame this year, with many recording poly-bagging of multiple hills. The Tables contain 136 entries - 46 in the Hall of Fame and 90 on the Register (a total of 114 in 2019).

There are two types of poly-bagger in both the Register and Hall of Fame. The first type concentrates on one or two peaks, putting up as great a number of multiple ascents as their circumstances allow. The second type concentrates on rounds of peaks, which may involve a number of different peaks bagged on the same day.  To differentiate between these two groups, entries relating to peaks that are likely to be included in a round of peaks have the symbol ~ inserted after the second name of the person.

The most ‘popular’ poly-bagging peaks in 2020 were:

·      Green Mountain 2482m, P160m (Colorado, USA) – 4 entries


·      Moel Fama 554.8m, P278m (Wales, UK) – 3 entries

The lack of peaks with more than two poly-bagging entries reflects the esoteric nature of poly-bagging.

In 2020, the lock-downs and restrictions imposed by national governments to suppress the COVID-19 Pandemic sometimes made peak-bagging a more challenging activity.  However, with many people forced to stay locally, poly-bagging became a useful way of keeping fit and maintaining the ‘bagging habit’.  This is reflected in the table below, with 18 people putting up over a hundred ascents of a particular peak.

Special mention needs to be made of Mount Monadnock 965m, P660m in New Hampshire, USA.  This peak is one of the most popular ascents in the western world, although far-surpassed by Fuji-san/富士山  3776m, P3776m in Japan and Tài Shān/泰山 1532.7m, P1491m in Shāndōng Province, China.  Not only is Mount Monadnock popular for single and multiple ascents, but it is the chosen peak for two of the three most committed known poly-baggers – Larry Davies and Fran Rautiola.  Between them, they have put up over thirteen thousand ascents of Mount Monadnock.  Larry has now moved away from the mountain and his ascents have ceased.  Fran, however, is still going strong.  You can read about Larry’s exploits on the mountain at www.larrydavisnh.com/ and Fran’s are described in this newspaper article: https://www.ledgertranscript.com/New-Ipswich-man-summits-Mount-Monadnock-over-5-000-times-33711218

In Britain, the poly-bagger with the most known recorded ascents was the late Keith Heaviside, who put up over six thousand ascents of his local hill Roseberry Topping 320m, P82m in North Yorkshire, UK before his death in 2016 – see this BBC article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-35735607