International Peak-baggers' Tables 2020


HoFMeister's Report

Seventy-four people have been recorded in the final edition of P300m Table for 2020 (twenty-three in 2019), as well as seven deceased peak-baggers - four in the Hall of Fame and three in the Roll of Honour.

Having the privilege to view many participants’ records has given me the opportunity to see entire bagging careers on an individual basis.  A striking point was their first date of ascent:

The first person to qualify for the Hall is Barbara Lilley, who secured her retrospective place in 1977.  Five people entered the Hall in 2020 – David Hart, Eric Gilbertson, Sean Casserly, Michael Graupe and Chris Hood.

Sixteen Awards have been achieved - Gold by one, Silver by five, and Bronze by ten people.  Worthy of special mention is front-runner Bob Packard, who burst straight into the P300m Gold Award  with 2,459 ascents.  It looks like it will be at least a couple of years before anyone else will be joining him.

On a personal level, I have thoroughly enjoyed my new role as P300m HoFMeister, and feel a measure of pride to be one of the contributing members to this project.  Collating the Table during a period of restrictive COVID-19 lockdown in the UK, which prevented access to our wonderful hills and mountains, has provided me with hope and inspiration to return to them.

As a late starter to peak-bagging, I have not yet qualified as a Hall entrant in any of the P-categories.  I do not expect to qualify for the higher prominence Halls, but do have aspirations to qualify for one, and maybe more.  With a little focus and extra effort (plus more time away from home) I may even achieve a Bronze Award in at least one.

I hope others find the Tables inspirational in a similar manner to me, encouraging travel beyond your own borders - but increasingly these days with a green conscience.

Steve Smith

P300m HoFMeister

October 2021