International Peak-baggers' Tables 2021


HoFMeister’s Report

Ninety-one people have been recorded for 2021 in the P100m Table (sixty-five in 2020), as well as three deceased peak-baggers who feature in the Roll of Honour.  Nobody was demoted this year from the Hall or Progress Register due to an insufficiency of foreign peaks.   

A new feature in the 2021 P100m Table is a separate Progress Register for junior peak-baggers.

The COVID restrictions continuing in 2021 favoured the P100m category in comparison with the others – no active bagger reported a +0 for the year.

Although all advanced their totals, the general trend, at least among the very active peak-baggers, was for lower totals in 2021.  The most notable P100m bagging total was achieved by Josef Nuernberger with over 300 new peaks.  Three others managed over 200 new peaks – Brian Kalet and Adam Walker in the Hall, and Andy Martin in the Progress Register.  Others in the Progress Register who climbed over 100 new peaks were Andy Boos, Steven Song, Sean Casserly, Michael Graupe, Connor McEntee, Deividas Valaitis, Oscar Argudo and “Jude NS”.  Constrained by the country's very tight COVID travel restrictions, Jude was particularly active in Australia, his home country, climbing new P100m peaks across the continent – the highest and most prominent being St Mary Peak 1171m, P1021m in South Australia.   

Josef Nuernberger shot out of the Progress Register to join the Hall of Fame in 2021, where he was joined by Fergal Hingerty, a new entrant to the Tables.  You can read about Fergal’s story at, and other websites.

There were no new Awards in 2021, so the totals remain at Gold for one person, Silver for four, and Bronze for six people.  Due to further peak-counting for earlier years not recorded in 2020, Barbara Lilley moves from Bronze to Silver.


Mark Trengove

P100m HoFMeister

June 2022