
Mount Assiniboine 3616m, P2082m, Alberta/British Columbia, Canada - photo Rob Woodall

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P2000-metre Peaks

This higher prominence P-category, first introduced to BwB for the year 2000, nicely completes the sequence between P1500m and the World Top 100 Peaks by Prominence (the lowest in the Top 100 is P2949m).

There are currently 487 known P2000-metre peaks.  The list can be viewed at https://www.peakbagger.com/list.aspx?lid=-936960 .

All the Seven Continental Summits are P2000m peaks.

These peaks are very sparse in distribution.  This is a list that includes a large number of mountains where the full panoply of mountaineering skills will need to be deployed. 

This Table has a Hall of Fame, but no Progress Register, and currently no Roll of Honour

To enter the P2000m BwB Hall of Fame, you need to have reached the summits of at least 20 peaks worldwide.

Bronze Awards are given at 30 peaks, Silver at 60 peaks and Gold at 100 peaks worldwide.

The current HoFMeister for the P2000m Table is Rob Woodall.

Rob discovered the P2000m category by accident in British Columbia when he noticed Wedge Mountain was his 100th. 


Rob lives in Peterborough, in eastern England, UK.  He's been ticking off various British lists since the 1980s and is one of the only two people so far to have completed the British P100m hills, a list numbering nearly 3000 summits, including several rock climbs.  His overseas focus has been P600m, but especially the P1500m category.  Latterly he has also focused on P1000m, which involves less travel.  He is keen to discover whether a P-Index of 1000 is achievable.  


Rob also bags islands, trig points and benchmarks, and has visited all the British trig pillars.  He enjoys nature, especially wild flowers, as they don't fly or run away!