International Peak-baggers' Tables 2023


HoFMeister’s Report

114 people have been recorded for 2023 in the P100m Table (101 in 2022), as well as four deceased peak-baggers.  There are now twenty-nine people in the Hall of Fame and eighty-six in the Progress Registers.  From 2023, the rules have been changed so that nobody can be demoted from a Hall of Fame, once they have gained entry, due to an insufficiency of foreign peaks. 

International peak-bagging seems to have almost bounced back since the pandemic.  Nearly everyone made some progress, and many a great deal – eleven people in the Hall and ten in the Progress Registers climbed over one hundred P100m peaks in 2023.  The most notable P100m bagging total in the Hall was achieved by Adam Walker with 244, and in the Progress Registers by David Chapman with 278.   

In total, 6,488 successful ascents of P100m peaks were made in 2023 (6,235 in 2022), averaging fifty-seven per person (fifty-four in 2022).

I am pleased to welcome one new member to the P100m Hall of Fame - BwB newcomer Ron Bartell.  Nobody made it into the Hall from the Progress Register, but 2024 looks to see some new members.  Reaching 10% foreign peaks to gain Hall entry is proving to be a challenge for many British members of the Progress Register.

Looking at the peaks that progressed people into the Hall of Fame, ones in the USA continue to predominate, with twelve, followed by the UK and Ireland with three.  Australia, Norway, Austria, Mexico and Canada feature, with one each.

Bob Packard remains supreme in the P100m Table, and the only holder so far of the Gold Award.  The four Silver Award holders tail a long way behind him.  The number of Bronze Award holders has increased by two to eleven – congratulations Andy Martin and John Stolk!


Mark Trengove

P100m HoFMeister

April 2024