
Guidance Note

Ascending Elbrus/Эльбрус 5642m, P4741m, Caucasus, Russia.  As a World P-Top 50 peak, reaching this summit will most likely increase your P-Index, if not already climbed - photo Alastair Govan.(This picture file is licensed under the Creative Commons License)


Guidance Note

This guidance note gives more detail on how the P-Index League operates, who can join and how to report your P-Index.

1.1 The Table consist of five divisions, with ten places in each, making a total of fifty places in the  League.


1.2 The names of the participants are entered in the Tables each year in descending order of P-Index.


1.3 Each person receives a rank number, from 1 to 50.


1.4 In a tie-break situation, the person to be ranked higher will be determined, in descending order of priority by:

a.     Greater increase in P-Index from the previous year, if this is known.

b.     Greater number of new P300m peaks in the year

c.     Reverse alphabetical order.


1.5 From Year 3 (2024) the Table will show each year the increase/decrease in each participant’s P-Index, if it is known.


1.6. As a result of the changes in their rankings, participants may be promoted into a higher division or demoted to a lower, or even off the league table altogether for that year.

2.  Eligibility

2.1 In Year 1 the following people are registered for the League:

·       Participants registered for the 2022 BwB International Peak-baggers’ Tables who do not opt out, and

·       Members of the BwB Forum who do not participate in the International Peak-baggers’ Tables who opt in.


2.2 From Year 2 (2023) registration will also be open to other peak-baggers not participating in the BwB International Tables or BwB Forum, provided they have been registered by the BwB HoFClerk.  Registration for the League does not imply a place in it, as that will depend on a person’s P-Index each year.


2.3 From Year 2 there will be no registration requirement for a person to have bagged any peaks outside his/her home country, so ‘national peak-baggers’ are welcome to participate, as well as ‘international peak-baggers’.


2.4 If there has been no contact with a person registered for the League for five years, their details will be removed by the BwB HoFClerk from the register of potential participants, in accordance with the BwB GDPR Policy (see at   https://sites.google.com/view/baggerswithoutborders/data-protection-privacy).


2.5 Any person can apply to have her/his name removed from the register of potential participants.  Such a removal cannot be retrospective.

3.  Roll of Honour

3.1 Deceased peak-baggers do not feature in the League. 


3.2 If a person dies her/his names will be removed from the League Table and/or register in the year after death and added to the P-Index Roll of Honour, if appropriate.


3.3 Deceased peak-baggers registered for the League will be entered in the Roll of Honour if their P-Index reached at least 300 at the time of their death.


3.4 From Year 2 (2023) other deceased peak-baggers who reached a P-Index of at least 300 at the time of their death may be added to the Roll of Honour, if there is good evidence that they had an interest in peak-bagging by prominence in their lifetime.  This does not need to have been an exclusive interest.

4.  Procedural matters

4.1 The default type of P-Index used in the League and Roll of Honour is that calculated using clean prominence.  That is because this is the only option available on the Peakbagger website, from which most of the P-Indices will be taken.  All participants in the Tables using only Peakbagger are encouraged to keep their peak ascents on the website up-to-date, as this is from where their P-Index will be taken at the end of each year.


4.2 People who do not use the Peakbagger website can also participate in the League, provided they can calculate their P-Index accurately and inform the P-Index Referee of it at the end of each year.  A reminder will be sent by the BwB P-Index Referee.  If they do not supply their end-of-year P-Index, they will not feature in the League for that year.


4.3 Use of the P-Index Leaders page for a P-Index on the ListsofJohn website (see at https://www.listsofjohn.com/PeakStats/Content/xindex.php?t=p) is acceptable for participants peak-bagging exclusively within the USA.  


4.4 The P-Index Referee will record P-Indices at the end of each year from this page on Peakbagger for participants using that website:  https://www.peakbagger.com/ClimbIndx.aspx?let=8.  These people do not need to inform the Referee of their P-Index each year, as it will be taken automatically (but see paragraph 2.4 about maintaining some contact).



Mark Trengove

P-Index Referee 

        February 2023